Big Brother 22 Live Feeds: Nicole A Tells Kevin Everything!
Nicole A was approached by one of the Big Brother 22 HGs and she was handed some information that some HGs would have held close to their chest. However, her being as close to Kevin […]
Nicole A was approached by one of the Big Brother 22 HGs and she was handed some information that some HGs would have held close to their chest. However, her being as close to Kevin […]
Jackson made a big move at the Final 5 for Big Brother 21 by constructing a clever lie against Tommy to frame him as a backstabber against Nicole and Cliff. He managed to save his […]
Now that we know who has won the first two parts of the final HOH on Big Brother 21, it is time to listen in as the campaign for F2 begins. Last night on the […]
With Thursday night’s eviction looming, the Big Brother 21 houseguests are starting to think about what this live eviction is going to look like and what moves are best for their games. Oh, who am […]
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