Big Brother 21 Live Feeds: Christie and Tommy Attempt to Flip Nicole’s Vote

With Thursday nightโ€™s eviction looming, the Big Brother 21 houseguests are starting to think about what this live eviction is going to look like and what moves are best for their games. Oh, who am I kidding? They arenโ€™t thinking about their own games because if they were, Christie wouldnโ€™t still be in the house. However, they are thinking about their votes.

As we know, Tommy won the POV this week and took Christie off the block. Jackson, then renomโ€™d Cliff in Christieโ€™s place leaving Jessica and Cliff on the block as final noms for week 10. Jessica is Jacksonโ€™s target this week because he claims that she is a mental threat, however, we all know thatโ€™s a lie. He just wants her out because he thinks she would target him if she won HOH.

Throughout the day yesterday, Christie and Tommy each worked on trying to get Nicole to flip her vote from saving Cliff to saving Jessica. Christie told Nicole that she would target Jackson and Holly if she won HOH and that if they donโ€™t take a shot at Jackson and Holly soon, none of them stand a chance of getting into F2. Christie tells her that she knows that Jackson is just buying time with her and that she is just pretending to be good with him and Holly. She swore on her sister (her poor sister) that she is going to target Holly and Jackson as soon as she has the opportunity to.

Late last night Tommy touched base with Nicole and she tells Tommy that she doesnโ€™t know where Cliffโ€™s head is at. She tells Tommy that she is stressed about this because she doesnโ€™t know how close Cliff is to Jackson and Holly. Tommy tells her that Cliff is probably sticking by them because they are stronger together. Tommy tells her that he knows he can trust her, Christie, and Jess, but he doesnโ€™t know if he can trust Cliff, Jackson, or Holly in this game. Nicole mentions that she doesnโ€™t know what Cliff is doing and she feels like she should know these things if she is โ€œpairedโ€ with him.

Right before their conversation ends, Tommy tells Nicole that none of them stand a chance if they are sitting next to Cliff or Jackson in F2. Nicole seemed to be really pondering everything that was brought to her throughout the day yesterday. With today being campaign day in the Big Brother house, we might see more moves being made to try and sway Nicoleโ€™s vote.

Do you think that Nicole voting out Cliff is better for her game? Or should Nicole stick to getting Jessica out?

We’ll have the spoilers as soon as things are revealed on the Feeds. Download our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates for lots more Big Brother coverage.

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