Now that we know who has won the first two parts of the final HOH on Big Brother 21, it is time to listen in as the campaign for F2 begins. Last night on the Big Brother live feeds, Nicole and Holly talked about the F2 options and this started a bit of campaigning. Read on to get all the details of their conversation!
At 11:55 PM BBT (cams 1 & 2), Jackson heads inside and that gives Nicole a chance to talk to Holly about F2 situations. She starts off telling Holly that if she ends up in one of the F2 chairs that she needs to advocate for herself. Nicole adds that she thinks a lot of the Jury members are sleeping on Holly. Holly tells her that’s what worries her about sitting next to Jackson in the end. Nicole tells Holly that Holly adhering to a deal got Nicole to F3, she then went on to beat Nicole fair and square in part two of the final HOH. Nicole thinks that if Holly cut Jackson at F3 the Jury would see Holly as an individual player.
Nicole mentions how Jackson has won 11 competitions this season and Nicole kept a showmance and brought them to F3. She mentions that them keeping Holly over Tommy was a game move by Jackson. Tommy and Cliff being evicted are under Jackson’s belt because of moves he made and comps he won. Nicole tells Holly that she feels that Nicole would take second against either of them. Holly tells Nicole that they have very similar track records though and Nicole has been underestimated also. Nicole is playing up that she knows she lost her spot in F2, but Holly tells her that it is weighing on her heavily.
Nicole talks about how for her, this game is her life. It’s not even the money, it’s just the achievement. Jackson rejoins the conversation and the talks change. A little later, they are able to talk a little more about their F2 options and Nicole mentions that there are a lot of Jury members in the Jury house that admitted that if Jackson was in the end, they would vote for him. Holly then talks about how weird it is that Jackson keeps talking about winning, his F2 speech and his Jury answers. She says that Jackson is already assuming that it’s his and he is forgetting that there are two other people in the house fighting for the same thing.
Do you think that Holly has really been debating this or will she still stay by her promise not to burn Jackson in the end?
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