Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 3 Monday Daytime Highlights
It was veto ceremony day in the Big Brother 16 house. And the veto was used. So that means a replacement nominee was named and someone came off the block. We’ve got all the reactions […]
It was veto ceremony day in the Big Brother 16 house. And the veto was used. So that means a replacement nominee was named and someone came off the block. We’ve got all the reactions […]
It was a very quiet Sunday in the Big Brother 16 house, but that doesn’t mean the house guests didn’t have fun. There were plenty of game discussions and silly antics for you to catch […]
It was a stressful Saturday inside and outside the Big Brother house as Houseguests prepared for the Power of Veto competition while their plans hung in the balance. Did the Big Brother 16 HGs get […]
Fridays are always busy days on Big Brother and this week was no different. The new Heads of Household had to make quick work of nominations and then prepare for Battle of the Block, but […]
It’s been an exciting day in the Big Brother 16 house as Nicole and Derrick had to make some controversial nominations in order to stick to the plan to backdoor Devin this week. That means […]
It’s a new week in the Big Brother 16 house, so that means a new HOH and two new nominees! Wait, scratch that. Two HOHs and FOUR nominees. So that means a lot of “who […]
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