Best Big Brother 10 Rumor EVER: April Is Late
Unlike last season there have been practically zero scandals in Big Brother 10. Matter of fact, I had to create a new tag “scandals” for this post. Totally worth it. The big news today in […]
Unlike last season there have been practically zero scandals in Big Brother 10. Matter of fact, I had to create a new tag “scandals” for this post. Totally worth it. The big news today in […]
Woohoo for Renny, the new HoH! She has really climbed the ranks of the Big Brother 10 HGs from my initial impression that she would do nothing but annoy me. It was nice to be […]
Week 5 of Big Brother 10 is over, so it’s time for a live eviction and a new HoH. I’ll be updating this post here with the eviction and HoH competition results. Live Eviction voting: […]
Another week, another Big Brother 10 eviction and this time around we’ve got Keesha and Libra perched on the edge of elimination. Much like last week’s enjoyable departure of Jessie we’re looking at a close […]
The eviction this week on Big Brother 10 will elect its first member of the sequester house and begin the slow boil of a crowned winner for BB10. Michelle has nominated Keesha and Libra and […]
This week’s Big Brother 10 Power of Veto ceremony is over. Once again, Jerry did not use the Power of Veto. This leaves the HoH nominations as originally announced: Libra and Keesha. Word is that […]
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