Diary Room: Judd Daugherty Recaps Big Brother 16 Week 11 Non-Eviction ‘Rewind’

Just got done watching Big Brother 16 and I was stoked about the gold button! I must have misunderstood though. I was under the impression that they would rewind and have quick comps like they have during double eviction episodes. I think it is devastatingly late in the game to have a twist like this but we all know that Big Brother is expect the unexpected.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

At the beginning of the episode we have Derrick and Victoria talking game and I thought that it was nice of Victoria to try to help Derrick out by saying he told her he will vote her out, and her performance to Frankie was awesome! The only thing that could have made it better would be if a crow flew in the HOH room and carried Frankie to the jury house. One can only dream! Derrick talked to Frankie and Frankie filled him in on his conversation with Victoria.

Derrick played it off good and then let Victoria know that she was successful. I really wish that Victoria wouldn’t count herself out so soon and implant in her brain that it is not over until it is over.

My favorite part about the episode was getting to see the jury because my four favorites Donny, Hayden, Nicole, and Zach are in there. I really enjoyed the cold welcome Christine received. I don’t mean to sound cruel but anyone who has seen the feeds or After Darks know how truly mean the girl is.

What made the episode for me was when they all sat down to watch her tape and Hayden asked Christine “Do you have a thing for dinosaurs now?” Christine replied “no” then Mr. Donny said “Do you have an attorney?” Haha that was priceless and made me really want to see more jury! There’s never much going on in the house in final five so I really wish they had a camera crew follow the jurors around in the jury house but I do realize that would be a whole new show and almost impossible to do.

I loved when the vote was about to begin and the alarm went off and the lights got dark. It looked really cool but I bet the houseguests were very nervous. Julie revealed the Big Brother rewind twist and I could tell that both Victoria and Cody were relieved and so was MOST of the viewers. Or if you are anything like me you probably didn’t care who was evicted this week anyways.

We all want some big move to be played but it’s final 5 so any move besides taking out Victoria is a big move. We got to see the beginning of the HOH competition and I immediately knew that Caleb was our only hope this week due to him being Frankie’s closest contender in this same HOH competition last week.


I heard that the self proclaimed Beastmode Cowboy won HOH and I can live with that! I hear that as of now Frankie is the target. If Frankie stays the target it looks like Derrick has a clear path to final two. We will have to see how this week pans out and I have my fingers crossed that it will be more entertaining than last week.


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  1. So, I’m sure yall noticed that Tuesday is a “special eviction episode” not a “live eviction episode” So when will the eviction actually take place? Will the feeds return afterwards?

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