Following the Big Brother Rewind non-eviction show the Final Five Houseguests returned to the backyard to play the exact same “Seed Sawing” competition again that we saw last week. Could Frankie repeat his lucky streak and get four comp wins in a row?
It’s disappointing to see the exact same competitions used again because where’s the excitement in watching the same thing over? Especially when it’s a skill based comp that they’ll already know how to do and either do well or still stink at trying. But anything can change, and maybe it did. Read the results:
Big Brother 16 – Week 12 Head of Household:
CALEB is the new HoH for the week!
Nominations discussions will be held tomorrow and should be official that evening so check in for those results. Will the guys be able to keep Frankie away from the Veto win??
Keep watching your Live Feeds to find out who could be going up on the block. Are you excited with the Heads of Household this week? Share your thoughts!
PLEASE nominate Frankie! Although I have a feeling Victoria will still be the next one out…
Now that Frankie is starting to see through Derrick I’m not sure I want him to go yet now. I don’t think anyone else can get out Derrick but Frankie.
Why would anyone want Derrick out? He has been the mastermind of this BB season. He deserves to win it all……
Derrick SUCKS!! If he’s your “mastermind” than he’s a mastermind of boring, hes been untouchable by default and not by genius, if you think hes “playing” than you probably spend a lot of time sitting on your couch.
Derrick is easily the best player this year by far. He has been able to manipulate the whole house all season and is now positioned for a F4 spot and has not even been on the block. Unprecedented excellence !!! I have not found it boring in the least this season. The only thing that was really missing this season is a steamy showmance.
He’s been untouchable because he manipulated himself right into that position. Do I like his game? Nope, but I do admit that he is the craftiest smartest player I’ve seen on this show yet, I don’t think Dan has anything on him, and would like to see those two go head to head in an allstargame sometime..
He didn’t have a whole lot of HGs to play with him that could outsmart him…so you’re probably right in that regard!
I agree with you keysmann. Derrick has been the one steering this entire game. Everyone who’s been evicted is because Derrick planted the seed and made people think it was their idea! That’s just plain brilliance!! Derrick does deserve to win, and I really hope it’s either Derrick and Cody, or Derrick and Victoria at the final 2. Only because she has been totally loyal to Derrick and she really has helped him get this far, because she was able to provide him game changing info. Besides, it would be a more interesting end to the season. Unexpected for sure!!
Ugh!! All floaters. You would rather see Cody and Victoria win the cash for not doing NOTHING the whole game versus Frankie who has played his ass off? Hmm seems pretty personal to me.
Why? Just to see that smug look wiped off Derrick’s face.
Derrick has to go!! He isn’t a mastermind, he is a manipulator. How many comps have he won again? I’m thinking as many as Victoria. He is a floater as well. Dan was manipulative and he WON many comps. Idk why people compare them. I hope Frankie wins because he deserves it the most. Not only is he a beast in ALL types of comps but he is socially good.
I would like to see Derrick up on the block too and I wouldn’t mind seeing him go out the door. But he is playing the best game. Frankie may be playing the game too but he isn’t doing anything except going along with the others.
To play Big Brother you have to make yourself just a little unlikable to the audience by being a bit of a back stabber and manipulator. That’s what Derrick has done. My only problem is how the rest of the house isn;t playing the game and how they are allowing themselves to be so easily manipulated. Victoria doing Derrick’s bidding to get Frankie and Caleb to think she would not vote for Derrick in jury is just ridiculous. She should be kicked out of the house just for that. Who plays for someone else like that?
Someone who knows that can’t win. Lol
Frankie, may come across as socially good but he is anything but. He is a vulgar vile petty sorry excuse of a human being. If you would like to see someone who jokes about raping another person win, amongst other things then more power to you. Me, I would like to someone win who has played the game with some morals and integrity, as in Derrick. To me Frankie is as vile and disgusting as Amanda was last year.
So are you discounting Dr. Will as well? Who didn’t win any comps in season 2? A good player doesn’t need to win comps to get their way. Different from a floater like Victoria who lucks into the situation. YOu can not tell me that Derrick has not been strategic.
You clearly don’t watch much Big Brother… Derrick won 3 comps, Victoria didn’t win any comps unless you count moron Caleb handing her the POV. And Dan himself never won many comps either, he just won the ones he needed to and threw most of the others to make himself a small target. He even mentions it multiple times throughout the seasons he’s played. Please go watch some more Big Brother then talk
He doesn’t have to win comps! That’s the best part about how he has manipulated these people. He has always been 10 steps ahead of every move and even with the rewind button stated on night that he thought it would be a reset taking away Frankie’s nominations.
Winning comps isn’t everything. Keeping yourself off the block while everyone else makes your moves reality without getting blood on your hands.
I totally agree
There is no such thing as “deserving” to win Big Brother.
Oh yes there is.
A little too late I’m thinking! But there is that “expect the unexpected” element still waiting to transpire with the HGs than the twists! :-)
I know this is heresy but I almost hope Frankie wins VETO and takes Vic off the block!
Frankie has been spending every waking hour at the memory wall studying the faces. I hope BB changes the game completely so that he doesn’t have anything to go with and fails.
Caleb’s guaranteed a spot in the Final 4. But the most important comp at this point in the game is the POV, so we’re just gonna have to sit tight until Tuesday.
So right,if Fakie wins,he’s right back in the game…please do not let Fakie win P.O,V.,lord seen enough of him to last me a lifetime!!
Caleb winning HOH is the best thing for the 3 in the majority alliance. Caleb should put up Frankie and Victoria and the main 3 need to kick ass in the Veto comp.
I read somewhere that Caleb is thinking of putting up Derrick and Vic.
I also read Victoria makes it to the final 2? But didn’t state with who. True? IDK
Final two hasn’t happened yet. There are still 5 house guests in the house this show is pretty much in real time at least weekly it catches up to itself. So that no one knows that unless they can see the future.
lmao, this isn’t survivor or the bachelor
Cody and Derrick are trying to convince Caleb to put up Frankie and Victoria and tell Frankie that he’s safe and Victoria heads out the door, which will help them all make it to Final 3. We shall see. Caleb is wanting to put Cody and Vic up and safeguard Cody instead…and try to backdoor Frankie if Frankie doesn’t win Veto.
Whens the nominations?
Tuesday, followed by the Veto and eviction! Definitely a shorter week than in previous weeks!
Caleb and his stupid thinking. He isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box and he still doesn’t see the danger in keeping Frankie around. That is OK though, at least he will have Amber after the show ends LOL.
Frankie can not be backdoored this week. Everyone plays in veto. Don’t they know this? I still think it would be best (for Caleb) to not initially put him up. If he wins veto he’s sure to be gunning to get Caleb out instead of winning if he’s not up and taking Caleb to F3. Bc let’s be honest. Frankie has the best shot at winning competitions. Worst case scenario Frankie uses veto on Victoria and Derrick and Cody are on the block come eviction night. Still a good position for Caleb.
NOTE: I’m only thinking of what’s good for Caleb’s game bc he is HOH
He can’t be backdoored in the sense he’s totally taken by surprise, but that’s a function of it being near the end of the game. But if he’s not an original nominee and someone else wins the veto and takes down one of the nominees, Frankie would be almost certain to be walking out the door.
Let’s hope he grows a pair and puts Frankie and anyone but Frankie wins Veto! I am praying!!
He has too. After Vic, he won’t put Derrick or Cody. Frankie is definitely on the block.
I think it will be Victoria and Cody. Only Frankie as a renom
Caleb’s been extremely wishy washy when it comes to whether he’ll put up Frankie and I think it’s because he actually believes Frankie will help him record music! LOL!
We have been waiting a long time for one of the guys to grow a pair. Hopefully our answer to our prayers will happen. We can only pray and hope.
yeah, but we are talking about Caleb here. he changes his mind as often as Vic changes clothes
I agree with Lenore, Caleb hasn’t had a set this entire game. If Frankie gets to him, it’s possible Caleb will put Derrick up instead. Derrick and Cody need to convince him that they are the final 3 and that Frankie’s wins will give him the advantage in the final 2! Come on Caleb, you can do this. It would be the first really big move the house has had all season!
At this point, I wouldn’t call getting Frankie out a big move. It’s inevitable that they turn on each other now.
it won’t matter they’ll vote victoria out
Not if they have a shot at Frankie. Anyone, except Frankie, won the HOH. So, if anyone, except Frankie, wins POV, BYE-BYE Frankie!
Derrick is definitely not stupid and if he has this chance to vote out Frankie over Victoria, he’d finally take it and as would Cody.
Caleb will 100% need to win the veto during Final 4 week or he’s toast. You know Derrick is already thinking about Frankie going this week, Caleb going next, then being a lock to make Final 2 as both Cody and Victoria would take him.
I wish he wasn’t so dumb and realized this. Unfortunately, I think his HoH reign will involve evicting Victoria…
Yes, because he don’t have the cojones to put up Derrick! :-)
Would be funny if Derrick, Cody, & Vic were final 3. Cody wins HOH and takes Victoria. Hahahaha
Although, I don’t want this to happen.
And then Victoria wins it all! Would show all those idiot men that it doesn’t always work to bring a “patsy” along to the end!
So they will replay the whole week, with the same comps, hope they will at least make the freak show different matches. Don’t think Caleb has the ba11$ to get Frankie out though, really need someone other than Frankie to win POV to get him out.
Let’s hope with that scenario that Caleb has the ba11$ to put him on the block to get that to work!
Last night they were talking about the HOH comp being slightly different and harder. They said that there were 2 extra seeds – one heavier than all others and one lighter than all others. They also said that the rain was over them more, longer and harder.
Hopefully, that means that the POV will be harder, e.g., different morphs, more pics, etc.
Thank goodness!!,please put up FAKIE for god sakes,rid the house of this backstabbing liar!!…part one only,come on guys do not let this guy back in at the P.O.V.,knock him and his pink right out of the BB house!!
WOOOOOHOOOOO Alright !!! YEA by by Frankie
Well best case scenario Caleb nominates Victoria and Cody. Then Derrick wins POV and takes one Victoria off, thereby leaving Frankie as the only possible nomination .
No way Caleb put Cody on the block. Vic and Frankie are going on the block.
Totally agree!
I agree and Caleb can say Cody was just up so I’m not putting him up. Then he can tell Frankie Victorias going home.
Nope!! If Caleb wants to win he has to put up Derrick.
And there’s no way Derrick would save Victoria over Cody. That would turn everybody against him. He’s not that stupid.
But you have to admit he did well in boosting Vic’s spirits by going along with her fake hate of him! :-)
Plus Derrick didn’t have to hang out and baby sit Victoria as much either.
Taking Victoria off the block would ensure Frankie goes to jury because Victoria will definitely vote Frankie out and no one is going to vote Cody out so he’s a safe pawn. Then Victoria can go to jury the next week.
not only that but Vic is a jury vote
No need to even be coy about it – put Frankie up with Victoria. If anyone but Frankie wins, our pink frosty is headin’ into the jury house!
Caleb is worried about the veto. Doesn’t want toput Frankie up at first to not tip him off.
there’s only 3 choices though…
He suggesting to put Vic and Derrick (he’s saying that to Derrick) and than put Frankie up if he doesn’t win veto.
From Derrick’s standpoint that would make no sense at all…At this point in the game there’s no need to backdoor anyone because as I said there’s only 3 choices of whom to put up (knowing that one person will win Veto and leave you with the veto winner + somebody else deciding who goes to jury). Go at Frankie and if you really need to save face, put him on the block with Victoria and claim she’s the target. Simple.
That’s what Cody is pushing.
IMHO it would be great to see Derrick up next to Vic. Maybe it would be an incentive for him to get that pov
Ok, I’ve changed my mind ~ I agree Captain, Frankie should be backdoored.
No way. If Frankie is the target, put him up with Victoria. If he is on the block and wins Veto, he can pull himself off and not Victoria. Then the guys can send her to Jury. If he is not on the block and wins Veto, he can pull Victoria off the block and it sends either Cody or Derrick home…
Frankie won’t pull Victoria off. He’s not stupid. He knows that it would put the nail in his coffin for F2. He’d have to win his way to F2, instead of a slim chance of persuasion.
Worst case? He puts up Victoria and Frankie. Derrick wins POV and not use the Veto, leaving the nominations the same! Frankie goes home!
Here’s how it will work. Caleb will save nominating Frankie for when someone other than Frankie wins the POV and then renom him, thinking he’s backdoored Frankie (it’s Caleb…LOL)…however, Frankie will win POV and remain in the house.
Ha that’s funny – same comp but different results…. Here’s a problem though – Frankie killed everyone at the other comp first time round – it wasn’t even close! So let’s hope that somehow, someway, the other HG’s pull up their socks and get smarter before the Veto comp. :)
Derrick only lost to Frankie by 23 seconds. He just needs to push a little harder this time.
unfortunately so will frosty…. I’m hoping (as we all are) that Derrick will somehow win!
That and Derrick claims to have a photographic memory. Let’s see if he does. He’s sure studying the most.
He only beat Derrick by 23 seconds.
So glad Mr. Broadway didn’t win HOH and I am loving all the scenarios you guys are posting as my brain is tired tonight. I do have to give a shout-out to Victoria though… come on guys, she had real tears when she pulled off that “Derrick betrayed me” conversation with Frankie. I didn’t think she could really do it … best laugh I’ve had in a long time .. she did good. Wonder how this charade is going to be affected by an extra week of play?? I thought it could have backfired big time if Frankie had won HOH tonight and then decided that if he had Victoria’s vote he might as well evict Derrick and take Victoria to F2. Whew.
I already posted a couple times that I may not appreciate the person of Victoria, but I give her tons of credit for being a solid actress when needed.
Thanks for replying Matt .. and I am sorry I didn’t read all the comments yet .. will do that now and read your originals. Agree with you, kudos to Princess Victoria for the acting job.
Shocked me! Had no clue she had it in her. Impressive!
No one on the comments has addressed how Derrick’s wife must feel after seeing all the stuff going on with Vic and Derrick.
address what? Derrick always stays above covers and has hands in pockets when she lays on him. It isn’t like christine and cody
I believe whole-heartedly that this is a sister/brother type relationship. I think Derrick picked Victoria early on to be his F2 if need be having judged her to be not a threat. Victoria picked Derrick first I think because he looked to be sincere with her, but then I think she decided to be the F2 of a terrific player. Then I think it just happened that they became fond of each other in an entirely innocent way. Derrick is always respectful of his wife. Victoria could have made intimate overtures had she wanted to, but I think she is really just a “good girl” and I don’t think she would use the age-old excuse of “I’m not the one married”. In any event, I really think that Derrick’s wife and he will be friends with Victoria after the show. I have not watched all of the series, but it seems admirable to me that someone would think enough of another player to help them succeed when they believe they have no chance.
Oh please Caleb…you have to put up Cody and Frankie! Please!!! And hopefully Frankie doesn’t win Veto!
I’d rather Vic & Frankie but at this stage it’s a moot point because the pecking order is set: 1. Frankie 2. Victoria (one of them is going)
Just want either Vic or Frankie on the block…I’d be fine with Vic being there though too!
Every thing this week depend on the veto. Frankie win veto, Vic goes. Frankie doesn’t win veto, he goes.
So glad Frankie didn’t win, time to get his sissy ass out of there!
I have this weird feeling that Frankie didn’t really want to win HoH again…he’s hunkering for the Veto Comp that means more to him!
And he is already talking about being able to play in next hoh
That would mean more to him with the Final 4 than now for sure!
Frankie definitely has to be backdoored by Caleb… PLEASE~
Only if he can’t win the veto! But if it’s the exact same comp, he could win it again.
Frankie continues to suck his way to the 500k
So now Frankie wins POV and we still end up with Cody on the block against Victoria
So how is the PoV gonna work? Are they going to have the same comp or what?
I hope not…that one would be too easy for Frankie to win now…if so, I think Derrick could pull that off this time before Frankie does. Frankie might get overconfident.
Put Cody and Derrick up and then backdoor Frankie. Come on … somebody has to win the POV other than Frankie …
And there lies the crux. He won Veto during the “not counted” comp, so that could happen again and he not use it. So that leaves Caleb having to put him on the block…just in case he won’t win Veto! Backdooring just won’t work as well now.
Frankie LOVES it in the Backdoor…
Backdooring isn’t even possible at this point in the game.
They only have one last shot at this! But with the players we’re dealing with, I don’t see that happening as they’d like is all.
So does that mean Jeff and Jordan didn’t really get engaged? And the reason why it seemed staged? :-)
Nah they just have to do it over, and this time she says ”no” which leads to somebody’s face being hit with the giant cake and the country singer crooning about getting your life back, your job back, your dog back…etc. ;)
Or she says, “I can’t say yes, but I won’t say no either!” hahaha
Too funny Matt S
Frankie is waiting and drooling for the BACKDOOR by the BEAST…
I guess they’re gonna do the exact challenge they did on Veto comp. They have a lot of extra freak show pictures?…Frankie smoked them on this comp..I hope they change it.
Me too!
On BBAD they were talking about how the HOH comp was slightly different and harder. I hope that means that the POV will be slightly different and harder, too!
Boom boom la la la……..
If it out of Caleb & Frankie let it be Caleb…I would rather Derrick who played an on point game.
Funny to hear them speculate on the comp sequence. They still don’t know we have an extra week.
Julie told them tonight the Finale is to be held in 2 weeks, so I’m sure they know now since revealing the rewind!
I don’t think they caught it. They don’t know. They speculate if it will be next Wednesday or the Sunday after next.
Guess they’ll consult Derrick on that matter??
I’m so happy Caleb won HOH! I’d like to see him nominate Cody and Frankie ~ I wouldn’t miss either one. Final 3 Derrick, Victoria, Caleb.
Well, that was lame. Glad Fakey didn’t win, but wtf… exact same comps?
Yeh, I was sad to hear this…but maybe the Veto comp will be mixed up since Frankie breezed through that with only 23 seconds between him and Derrick.
I sure hope so! One of the reasons the shows are fun to watch is because of the different competitions they play. The rewind was an alright twist, but I think it’s a disservice to the viewers to have to watch the same comps over again.
I agree!
Yea but rewind would imply that they go backwards and do it over. Same comps actually make sense as that is a true rewind. I know it makes it kind of boring to watch but that fits with the twist
True enough, but they certainly can’t do the same freak show pics. They all know them already.
I know..maybe they’ll change this up a bit..we shall soon find out!
Hopefully it will be almost the same pics … similar, but 1 thing changed on a couple of them. Plus a couple of additional pics. That would make it harder.
Victoria will probably decide to do her nails this time since she’s already convinced herself she can’t win at anything. LOL
Which is why it is a lame twist. LOL
Yup, as I posted in one of the other threads, I had a feeling it would be Caleb. Nothing to go on. Just had a feeling. Jeez, maybe I’m psychic! :-) So predictions for whose going up? I think Victoria for sure and someone else suggested he would put up Frankie. I was seeing Victoria as a sort of easy target, but after tonight’s episode, I’m thinking maybe it is smart to get rid of her. Wasn’t it Frankie who reasoned that she is the obvious choice for F2, so get her out now? We’ll see.
I have been somewhat reticent to join in on the Frankie bashing, but his exaggerated facial expressions when Julie was announcing the rewind twist just pushed me over the edge. The guy overacts everything! Honestly! Victoria gave a better performance crying over Derrick’s “betrayal” — subtle, nuanced, believable. Frankie just comes off as theatrically desperate. Okay. That should do it for me for Frankie bashing for a while.
He is a diva just like his spoiled sister.
Hey, don’t disappoint me. Keep it up. I’m not proud that these posts bring out a side of me I didn’t know existed, but it is what it is. lol
Caleb didn’t have the balls to make a decision in the past. He will put Cody & Victoria back on the block because of the rewind …. nothing changes. :)
He definitely doesn’t want to put Cody up. He wants to put Derrick. But Derrick and Cody are telling Caleb, he could create a nightmare scenario, by winning veto and pulling Vic of the block. Than Cody and Derrick end up on the block, and one is going to jury. They seem to be getting thru to him. If they do, we’ll have Vic and Frankie on the block.
I’m getting set to watch BBAD now…thanks for the live feeds updates Captain..before BBAD airs!
Right now they are studying the HGs face for the veto comp.
They did say something was different about the HoH comp in that an element had changed – more water than before. Plus last time Frankie was loading orange balls, this time purple (I noticed that) and everyone played in a different spot than before (I noticed), so they later predicted that the Veto comp might have some of its elements changed but still be the morph game. Let’s hope…because that was definitely the easier comps for both Frankie and Derrick to win than the others.
Yes, thank you. Makes it easier to watch.
The highlight of last week was the Engagement! LOL
And the cute dog don’t forget! LOL
Would have much rather had Cody, but this works. Best move for Derrick is to get him to put up Cody and Victoria. This way in case Frankie does win veto again, he doesn’t suspect that Caleb is closer to Derrick than he is to Frankie. And if Frankie does lose, they can finally send him home.
Though, if he gets Caleb to put up Frankie now, Derrick could convince Frankie that it’s Caleb and Cody together in case he stays. Derrick would have to throw away his perfect streak of not being nominated though, but the 500k is more important.
Either way, let’s just hope Frankie doesn’t win veto and goes home.
I do agree. I was very disappointed that we had to watch the same comp over..I was hoping for a new comp this week..I would still love to have some real endurance comps..I would love to know why this has been the season of no endurance??? Except for week one..the comps have not been that hard..maybe we will get some answers when the season is over.
They need to back door Frankie
Maybe Derrick will beat Frankie’s time in the photo collage this time around
Wow, Victoria! If you’d shown a little more of this side of your personality (the ability to be very sneaky, with real tears, no less) you’d have impressed us much earlier in the game. And Frankie bought it, hook, line and sinker. What took you so long, girl? And it’s all to benefit Derrick – what a waste.
I wouldn’t call it a waste, he has been helping her. Didn’t Derrick convince the entire house she was the ideal person to take to the end?
Only because he thinks she’ll be easy to beat if she was F2 with him, not for any reason that will benefit Victoria. UNLESS, the jury dislikes whoever is F2 with her more than they dislike the way she played the game, and vote her the winner. That would be an amazing twist.
Hear how demanding Vic was when she wanted her suitcase. My god she is a primadonna
she was probably afraid she would have to play the comp in her dress and they would not let her change
OMG Caleb please get it right, I can’t take no more of Frankie!
When you think about it….Victoria played a smart game….she hooked up with the best player of the season….and is still in the game….say what you want, the point is to outlast the other houseguests, and she has done a great job so far!
but why is the poor thing so bad at all of the comps?
She’s not smart or athletic and has a low tolerance. She does have drive and determination.
Man I hope Caleb puts up Frankie. He told Cody earlier that Derrick needs to “take one for the team” in reference to going on the block. But Derrick and Cody have talked to him since, and he said they’re all on the same page, and Frankie will go up, they will tell him he’s safe, and hopefully he doesn’t win the Veto. They’re obviously going to have to change something about the face morphing comp, I wonder if it will be just new pictures, or completely different in general. Hope to see Frankie FINALLY gone this time!!
Have enjoyed this year but painful for me to watch this plastic person called Frankie week after week,never in my life has a person made my skin crawl but he does…Good riddance to the real rat!!!!
Again people reward one type of manipulation whilst looking down on another. Frankie has played a very good game, Derrick has played a very good game. Let’s not forget this is a game of manipulation and deceit, and respect those who’ve made it this far. When the goal is to be 1 of the last 2 standing, there simply are no rules.
I don’t respect either Frankie or Derrick as people. I find them both despicable. However, I do concede to their game play being good.
It’s not the manipulation that people (well at least me) have against Frankie. It’s his character in general. He jokes about taking both the virginities from another houseguest, calls another the “c” word, he overacts in everything and the way he behaves like a 14 year old girl is beyond tiresome and that’s just the stuff in the house. Other things that are out and about that I have seen and heard have painted him in even more of a dark light than just what has been seen on the live feeds. Frankie is just an overinflated ego wrapped in a very ugly package.
ugh.. I was really rooting for her. These guys are coming off icky. So not fair having a bunch of meat heads against a soft roundy not coordinated girl
Not fair??? lol That’s the game of BB, they’ve had many many different comps, in which she has struggled in all of. You’re basically asking for them to do a hair curling contest to make it fair for her. On the flip side, according to the feeds, Frankie is the target, so as long as he doesn’t win the Veto he should be going home, and she should be staying.
Caleb is a follower. He’s military.. great military because he will do whatever derrick tells him to do.
What a bore after watching all week and knowing none of it counted to have them do the same comps. bleh
Look for different elements being changed up! May look the same, but different in a subtle way.
Maybe. That comp was the same in every way other than where they stood. So for me its just as boring. New comps would be interesting.
They added more water and different size seeds this time than a few big ones (easier to stay on shovel than small ones) and a temporary drizzle! Hopefully the morph photos for Veto will be switched a bit too!
They had different sizes last time too as well as drizzle.
HGs said that there was 2 differences. First, there were 2 additional balls – 1 being the heaviest and 1 being the lightest from all other balls. Second, the rain was over them more, harder and much longer than before.
My point is even if there are subtle differences, it the same comps. I dont like it. Never will like it. It is a complete bore. BB had ideas for twists this summer that in reality were so poorly executed they fell totally flat.
Caleb needs to make a big move and try to get Derrick out!! I’m over his manipulation.
Victoria can stare at those pictures all night, but I don’t think she beat these guys, even if she took the pictures herself.
I would like to see her do better than a laughable 17 mins.
Looking forward to Live eviction on Tuesday and then again next Wednesday? Was I reading that right from Julie as well as a special Friday show?
To everyone who is kissing Derrick’s ass and calling him a “mastermind” who deserves to win, you really are stupid. He’s NO mastermind, okay? All he’s done is get himself into a big alliance, and then just talked to everybody. Pretty much exactly what Frankie has done. The only problem? Frankie was called out before Derrick, by Hayden and Nicole. That’s why Frankie landed in hot water and had to work himself out of it. Frankie has played a FAR superior game to Derrick. Frankie is out there working his butt off to win competitions, he makes sure to talk to everybody as well, and he keeps his options open. Plus, he was nominated once and nearly went home if not thanks to a hard-fought win. Derrick hasn’t had to do ANYTHING except just talk to people. How is that a mastermind and how is that deserving of winning? Sorry, but right now, this would be my order on who DESERVES to win the game, from most to least:
1. Frankie
2. Caleb
3. Cody
4. Derrick
5. Victoria
Frankie and Caleb have done most of the work, so therefore they deserve to win. Sure, Frankie has said some questionable things, and Caleb is pretty much very delusional and stupid, but they still have done a lot to make it this far and keep the targets off their backs. Even Cody has now been on the block (twice) and gotten himself off. What the hell has Derrick done? I love Dan, but he and everyone else is WRONG. Derrick is no mastermind. Did anyone watch last season’s Survivor? Another cop (Tony) won the game, and although I loved Woo (2nd place) far more, Tony admittedly deserved to win because he at least got off his ass and pretty much torched everyone in the game. Derrick just sits back in his big alliance and talks to people. That’s it. So, Frankie deserves this win. Easily deserves it.
Frankie deserves nothing but to be sent home,have no respect for his game or him as person.
Well that’s your opinion. As for me I’m anything but dumb.
only 2 things will make me happy this week. Frankie gets nominated with victoria and nominations stay the same and frankie goes or to shake things up derrick get nominated with victoria and she pulls herself off the block cody goes up and goes home shake things up a bit for these boys. victoria may have never won a comp before but truly anything could happen
victoria win something like pov , lol
I just have a feeling this may have been staged since if this did not take place, frankie would not have survived the next round , now caleb cannot play in the final four hoh comp. Now frankie can win the next hoh and be set for final 3 they just happened to have this rewind on a very important week, And derrick could not play, frankie should have won this one hands down since he was so good at it the first time around,
IF they do nom. frankie he will win pov , but he also aced the pov comp last time and it is the same pov. So you see they have it set so frankie goes to final 3
This rewind was set at a perfect time, for frankie to win, I had a feeling frankie would not win this one, since it was not in prod. game plan to have him not play in the final four hoh comp.
hopefully I am wrong and they can some how get rid of frankie, remember his true allie is in power now. but caleb is not that smart and will do what ever anyone tells him to do, but you have to be the last one to talk to him to get him to do it,
If frankie stays on the block he will be gone since caleb cannot split the vote,
It’s not reality TV; it’s scripted TV.
I am so disappointed in the way some of these HGs are playing the game. Victoria is a waste of space in the house. When she didn’t know there would be a rewind she was more willing to help Derrick get votes than save herself from eviction. She didn’t even try to save herself! Why not try to throw a wrench into the game by telling Frankie and Caleb that Derrick has a final 2 deal with Cody? At least try to put the target on Cody. Just do something other than play for Derrick.
I appreciate the loyalty some of these players are showing but this is Big Brother. Its not about loyalty, its about survival.
She did do something. She asked Daddy Derrick if it was OK for her to campaign. He said no.
just end this season of BIG BORING an give the $ to Derrick, some people are just plain D U M B !
Nominate Frankie…and if he does not win veto…Cody/Derrick can send him out the door to lots of boos, then shunning in jury house. He’s earned it.
derrick doesnt not need to win i would like to see vic win after the way all the guys have lied to her they have made her look like a fool
no one lied to victoria, she was well aware of the alliances in the house, too bad she couldn’t join one is the problem. She definitely does NOT deserve to win as she has played an absolutely lame, under the radar, floatation game.
If Victoria wins it will be fine and hilarious since the jury members would be left in shock. Nobody did anything to her, she did not play well at all. She was a beauty queen and did not want to break a nail. She was waiting for one of the guys to play for her and give her the win. She is the type that needs a man to take care of her while she goes shopping. Everyone lied in the house, didn’t you watched the acting performance Victoria did for Derrick.
You cannot Backdoor somebody who plays for veto. Some “superfans” these HGs are.
I’m not big Derrick fan, cause I don’t like his style, but I must say, if thus far Dan Giesling has been considered one of the top players in the game, then so is Derrick, he has single hardedly manipulated this entire cast for the entire season and every situation/nomination/ eviction. Thus far he played a slimey but very smart game, and if he keeps his head on straight he should take home the cash…
Caleb: nominations: Derrick/Victoria; should Frankie lose the POV comp; take Derrick off the block and put Frankie up beside Vic…Frankie goes home, then Vic. Final three Derrick, Cody and Caleb; then it comes down to: who can win the comps…If Caleb doesn’t win comps..he is gone. Derrick and Cody will hang together. ( If Caleb wins comps..he should take Cody…not Derrick)
I have had several gay friends throughout my life and no one has acted like Frankie. Frankie is just a creep. He even commented that women can choose whether to be gay or not, but men can’t. How insane is that? No one chooses to be gay – they are born gay. And the fact that he pushes himself on the other males especially Zach who is young and impressionable is ridiculous. What if Cody (for instance) manhandled all of the women in the house, what would people think of that? Also, let’s not forget the disgusting remarks Frank said about raping Victoria which included body gestures. This was shown on the 24/7 hour feed. Of course, big brother doesn’t show that = I still think this is all set up by BB production and CBS for Frankie to win. JMHO folks.
I think Frankie is a great competitor, regardless of his vile mouth. Big brother is for winning comps and he does. Derrick is a cop so he can make people do what he tells them. That is strategic but he needs to win comps. Victoria needs to go home.
I guess those not watching the episodes and only reading the feeds obviously didn’t see Dans interview with Julie or they would know that even Dan said hes playing an excellent game and he’s rooting for him from home all the way!!
Dan is a fan of Derrick manipulative ways. I think Derrick reminds him of how he was in the house. Derrick does not lie in the same shameful way that Dan did though.
Yes true!! Even the jury has mentioned Derrick game play as great!!
so frankie goes home this week, caleb next to leave then victoria , that leaves derrick vs cody , derrick wins 9 to 0 in vote