Tonight on Big Brother 16 the spoiler results for this week’s Rewind eviction voting and Head of Household competition will be revealed as two HGs face possible elimination before the latest twist hits and sends the F5 back to the starting line. It’s a special night and 8PM ET time for this week’s live show.
HGs think someone could still get voted out tonight, but unless we get an insanely fast rush of DE-styled comps it’s more likely there just won’t be an eviction this week. That means we’ll get the F5 to stay for another round and it’ll start off with a new Head of Household competition.
Join us tonight here for a live recap and discussion of the latest Big Brother show plus you can find us on Facebook and Twitter for even more updates as the game plays out in real-time on the Feeds.
Julie opens the show mentioning the Rewind events for tonight and does not say anything about the eviction, so I think we won’t see anyone going home tonight.
The show is running through clips of the HGs sweating the button. We get a mix of DRs including one of Derrick saying he is hoping Victoria is the one going to Jury this week and that she goes there happy with him so he’ll stick close to her and be her friend.
Ahh, finally. Jury House footage. HGs celebrating Zach’s bday and they got him a new pink hat. There is much rejoicing. Now we’re building up to them seeing Christine walk in the door behind Nicole.
Donny is NOT holding back and giving Christine some serious Zings. Hayden asks Christine if she has a thing for dinosaurs now. Donny asks if she has a lawyer. Ouch! Jurors cheer when Christine says she was loudly boo’d when she step out the front door.
Now it’s time for the live voting with only 3 minutes left on the Rewind countdown timer. Julie asks the nominees to give their plea speeches. Let’s see how far this goes…
Julie says it’s time to vote. Derrick is first but can’t get in the DR door. The countdown hits zero, a siren goes off, and the lights start flashing. There will be no vote. Julie leaves them without saying what happens next.
Big Brother 16 Week 11 Votes:
Caleb votes to evict: …Derrick votes to evict: …
No voting tonight. Julie tells the HGs to hold tight and she’ll get back to them with more details.
Julie tells the HGs about the Rewind. They’ll go back to the start of the HoH comp and do the whole week over, but here’s the kicker: it’s all the SAME competitions again. Gee, I wonder how it’ll turn out. Oh and Cody has to wear his dino suit again.
Big Brother 16 Week 12 Head of Household Comp – “Seed Saw”:
- RESULTS! Who won HoH tonight spoilers!
We’ll keep watching for confirmation of the winner or maybe even the comp itself if they show it on the Live Feeds.
Julie also confirms the Veto comp will be the same “Freak Show” comp again, but I don’t know if it’ll be the same comp theme or even the same six “freaks.”
Upcoming episodes include Sunday @ 8PM ET/PT, a special eviction show on Tuesday @ 8PM ET/PT, ANOTHER eviction show live on Wednesday @ 8PM ET/PT, & yet another show on Friday at 8PM. Wow!
Jump on your Live Feeds NOW or get the Free Trial & watch to find out what happens next!
Don’t stray too far because we’ll have a LOT more Big Brother updates very soon. Depending on how the adjusted schedule runs, we should have the nomination results tomorrow so watch for those spoilers. This is the game that never rests and neither does our coverage!
Anybody home?
I’m here.
I am 5 mins to go
everyone takes a drink whenever Frankie pats himself on the back??
We’ll all be drunk in the first 10 mins
we might need to be?
Good point
Or when they say bu-on instead of button.
How about every time caleb says dag-gum
That’s one-Derrick!
I think it is up to about seven or eight now.
We would all be drunk within the first ten minutes or so!
As long as nobody is driving haha! Everyone would be drunk quick :P
This show is going to be as useless as the whole week unless they evict someone.
Let’s do this twist…so I can go to bed.
Crap, we have a storm coming, weatherman is on now.
anyone have a link to watch a live stream?
Google ufreetv.
Yay they are going to show jury house
I would rather watch what is going on at the jury house than the BB house.
Just waiting for the “Frankie face” when Julie says, “Hello, HG’s.” So irritating and fake.
For some strange reason i want Vic to win hoh
That would be so hilarious.
Alright !…Is this the fake episode?
No this is the fake web site.
The first half only.
Blessed you could join us, pastor. Did you cancel service tonight.
I took their tithes and offering first..then cancel
May The Lord be with you.
You’re not right.
Sorry I missed that! :-)
Ya’ll if I have to listen to Frankie for another week in HOH I will not be responsible.
You think Caleb will allow Frankie to use the HoH facilities and bed???
Derrick is so sneaky.
Ooh, Frankie is on to Derrick.
Ooh, Frankie doesn’t trust Derrick and the feeling is mutual with Derrick.
wonder if Derrick still thinks that it is too early to get Frankie out
I’m sure it is still too early.
Never early enough! :-)
I think they both know they are each others main competition.
Derrick is such a jerk.
Ohhhhh!!! No No, Skankie Frankie is the Altimeter Jerk and A-hole! Frankie is a Two Faced Lying Jerk! As for Derrick, Derrick is just playing the Game, Period!
Not a very good acting job, Vic.
Well, maybe it was!
Hey, I thought is was pretty good.
I know, I kept waiting for them to show Frankie in DR saying he didn’t believe her..guess I was wrong!!
I know me too.
I believe Frankie.
Ya right, Lol! I don’t believe Frankie At All!!
LOL! There is so much hot air in there, I don’t know how he keeps from overheating and blowing up. Great name by the way.
Vic has an amazing grasp of the f’ing obvious we didn’t know that if she got evicted she can’t win the 500k glad she told us
Cody is nerve-wrecking.
Is that real leather you think ?
Uh yeah! Ask us women we can tell by looking.
Ain’t she afraid of PETA ? LOL
Not fur. Don’t now what hide it is?
PETA is against every thing animal, no eat it, no use it. Nothing.
love the reaction Christine gets in the previews of the jury house
Isn’t Mila married to Ashton whatever?
Don’t know if they are married yet, but she is definitely pregnant
I think she got married recently, but I doubt it’s to Kutcher.
They’re engaged and she’s pregnant.
With Kutcher ? That’s funny, I don’t see them together.
Yep their always together.
She ( Mila) isn’t married, she and her boyfriend, Ashton Kutchers, are having a Baby together! Mila is almost ready to give birth!
P.s. Milla and Ashton Kutcher are boyfriend and girlfriend……and they are about to have a baby together!
Baby daddy, not married.
Caleb doesn’t care according to him if she met him how could she go back to Ashton
No, but She ( Mila ) is extremely Pregnant with Ashton Kutchers baby! Caleb is delusional if he thinks Big time Stars actually care or watch Big Brother, and he is extra delusional if he thinks that they would wanna come on Big Brother show! Caleb must not be that much of a big Fan of Mila, cause if he was he would have known she is ready to give birth! P.s. I don’t think Mila and Ashton are married yet, I believe they are boyfriend and girlfriend and having a baby together!
No..No..No..Dan is my fav!.Derrick is no Dan Gheesling.
you are so very right.
Let’s watch Christine get snubbed!!
Crap, storm knocked out TV. Let me know what’s happening.
Will do.
Getting ready to watch jury.
Thanks, TV on again.
Oh, Caleb!
To dream the impossible dreams………..
Whew, TV back on.
haha Good JOB Crowtoria
What did she say? Stupid storms.
Good one, Donny! “Do you have an attorney?”
What happened?
Christine was in the jury house, they were watching DVD.talking about how Derrick is running the house saying that was the main reason they were all there..Christine was talking about how she got booed so badly..Hayden said it was because of Cody..Donny then asked her “Do you have an attorney?”
Hee, hee, hee
Christine showed up and Donny asked if she had an attorney.
Love my Donny.
No doubt, me to.
Comment of the season… Go for it Donny she deserves all you and the others can throw at her plus some…
Best part of the entire season.
Donny my MAN ! (about Christine) “I don’t want her to win, because I don’t like the way she played this game”…PERFECT !!!
Right on Donny cheering about Christine getting booed
Crap, off again. Just plugged in my antenna.
You think you got bad reception. Christine is out 2 for 2.
that was good..Karen. lol
I LOVE Donny !!! He is so funny.
And genuine.
Donny could be a good Juror. I like his assessment. I think he will judge them by game play
Maybe Victoria and Derrick’s plan will work after all.
So excited!
how long can he sit there with his mouth open?
tooo long
Don’t go there.
It goes all the way to that other gaping hole
ouch! lol!
Oh jeez, TMI
Oh, Frankie, be afraid, be very afraid.
Jeez people! It’s not pronounced Buh-un!
I KNOW. Sorry for the caps.
No apology needed! It drives me out of my freaking mind!
can i up vote this a million times??? that drives me crazy!!!
I loved the stupid look on Frankie’s face when Julie said it could affect your life in this game
If he wins this HOH, I am throwing something at my TV!!
Me too.
Like I said earlier I will not be responsible for my actions.
…and it will probably happen since it is the same comp. They could have changed it.
Everybody find something soft to throw in case the unthinkable happens
I need to upgrade anyway.
Just throw the whole thing at your neighbor.
Closest one is way up the hill . Can’t throw that far. Bad shoulder.
Really?..must be nice there.
We’re not in your face neighbors, yet. Most of the lots are from 5-8 acres. That’s not a lot of land to own here.
He’s the one that lose the most. Either way.
Julie said it could affect their game play/…well….Not much !
Frankie pushes my bu.on
same comp!!!!
Derricks pissed.
skankie will win just because all the other hg’s are moronic jug heads…….
Oh, this pisses me off in a BIG freaking way. No WAY should they have the same comp.
I agree. Looks like the dancer Skankie will win this one.
Not sure that’s a given.
I hope not. I’m going to be screaming FALL!!
Crap Frankie knows this !
Same comp?
This is a gimme to Frankie.
so disgusting
The seed comp was the POV.
no it was hoh
It was HOH…Freakshow faces was POV.
OK stand corrected
Well, so much for Victoria winning.
Hands down, the best couple of minutes of the whole season
Well that sucks. The same competitions means that Frankie will probably win again.
what a freakin disappointing season…….cant tolerate one more day of skankie, gurgle derrick, boob lump caleb, good for nothing caleb, or princess india……GET BACK TO THE JURY HOUSE!!!!!!!
So hoping they would do a different comp this time around, but maybe Caleb or Cody can learn from their last mistakes, I would hope for Victoria, but it is Victoria…
I have been wondering all week if it would be same comp
To be frank, that’s a real rewind.
It is but I don’t like it.
Frankie just need to slip once.
Maybe sprain an ankle
how about the possibility of a neck brace if he fell or he breaks his jaw and his mouth has to be wired shut????
Mouth wired shut….I’d go for that.
He would find the way to talk thru the wire.
Permanent?..I’ll go for that.
Which is exactly why I was thinking it
I think you asked that earlier if I’m correct.
Oh, don’t be Frank, be Shirley.
Too real!
I must confess, i never even thought of it being the same comp.
Frankie’s mouth OMG !..I hope a big fly goes to his mouth. What is he? Ringling Brothers?
How about a crow? Da gum it
Maybe my fist…
Love, love, love Dan!
Poor Cody. NOT!
caleb and cody were close last time… they could still pull it off. i really hope one of them win.
Does this mean Jeff and Jorden aren’t engaged?
will they get the dog again?
Could be.
For the dog’s sake, I hope not.
For the dog’s sake, I hope not, poor thing!
Now that’s funny.
this is what I am hoping for….Frankie is so cocky he can’t stay on the board
Ya’ll I’m collecting bail money as I will need it out there in CA.
so… no eviction tonight then, right?
Right, another predictable week.
Unfortunately we have breaking news for the weather and now we are unable to watch Big Brother. Last we saw was the alarm going off when Derrick went for the door. Any updates would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
they are replaying the seed HOH
That’s why I plugged in my antenna.
The may play out the other comps tonight then will we have a live show Sunday
Not sure it sounded to me like Julie was saying noms follow right away
Julie is going to explain it next.
I saw where they are having 4 shows next week. Sun, Tue, Wed and Fri.
Dang-gum, Friday is hair washing night.
wait… same veto? that can’t be fair unless they remix the faces…
Looks like there won’t be enough time for the show to go OT at this point.
Hope it’s on the feeds.
So where’s the water?
Just wait.
Told you.
I know…I can always trust you. :-)
Does this mean their mission failed?
they just have to “see the rat” again…
Tune in Sunday! :D
yeah i guess Christine will be back so… (that was a bit mean i guess)
Probably get back from commercial and Frankie will be HOH
the jurors come back for a visit?
That’s what I heard.
What?..Did I hear Julie say, A jury could go back to the house?..what?
They are all coming back for a visit.*t !!
A Cody-Christine reunion! Really though, are they afraid a Jury member will blow up someone’s game (like Derrick)? Has to be controlled situation, I’d think.
Here’s hoping.
I’m wondering how this will work
How could that be entertaining?
bad vibes !
all seems a bit silly. and uninteresting. did BB give any consideration to what happens if Frankie wins again? and how boring it was..
Last time, Caleb was neck to neck with Frankie before all his balls fell off the shovel. Hopefully Caleb learns his lesson there.
Cody did too. All 3 look pretty good.
Jump on the feeds!
Not on yet.
frankie doesn’t want this one
There’s that.
doubt it. he knows they will take him out… (god i hope they take him OUT!!!!)
Now let’s all jump on to Big Brother Australia. New episode is now up on Youtube! :D
Live or taped ?
Taped. The episode aired last Wednesday night (Wednesday morning in the US). :)
Frankie MAY THROW THIS ONE….lets watch….
Yes, but then he knows he could become the target.
hes already the target..
I don’t think so, he knows he’s in trouble.
So…. There are two evictions next week? Tuesday and Wednesday?
Can I get one more?
Are we rooting for Cody? I don’t trust Caleb. I think he would keep Frankie
I don’t care as long as it’s not Frankie. Maybe they all messes up and Vic win. LOL
Ha ha! Now THAT would be the real twist!
Not sure Cody would do it either.
It might seem boring that this is the same competition, but it’s also more fair. Or, from Frankie’s viewpoint, had they changed the competition, it might seem to him that BB didn’t want him winning, so they came up with another competition style that favored someone else. Frankie won fair and square the first time, let one of the other guys battle it out and win this one this time.
God, why, why, why is this thing not on the feeds. PLEEEEEZZZZZEEEEEE
i just don’t get how they can redo the veto… they all know who the faces are… that just becomes who can run the fastest…
You have to remember.
I’m sure they will change them up, right?
Maybe not.
Well, that would be uber stupid, yet oddly fitting.
I agree.
They’ll probably rearrange the faces to make it harder.
Or they can do it under 3 minutes and see who’s the fastest mover.
maybe that has something to do with the jury visit???
that’s what I’m thinking
they can use different combination of faces
This week essentially will be the same as last week in that if Frankie wins either competition he is safe and Victoria goes otherwise he is gone.
I think Derrick would get Caleb out if he can (and Frankie can’t go.)
At least the jurors recognize that Derrick is playing a great game. He hasn’t been too subtle for them! As for the HOH comp, I wish they had chosen a new one. But LOL at those who thought Frankie would fall apart upon learning that his HOH was erased. He showed that he’s stronger than that, and he just might go ahead and win everything all over again. If so, more power to him.
If Frankie wins again, BB has got to stop this crap or they are going to loose viewers. All this touchy feely stuff has got to stop, ppl don’t like it and this is why Skankie is so unpopular and Derrick is the complete opposite and is well liked. Just quit trying to force feed ppl this stuff. As you can tell by the fans it just ain’t working.
Derrick is well liked? And the HGs could tell Frankie to stop. That’s on them.
If Victoria would go without those 15lb hair extensions she might be able to move a little faster..
at least she hasn’t complained about her bleeding scalp eeeewww
This comp is not about going fast.
Does anyone else get tired of Frankie and his constant talking when the show is live? What a kiss up!!
At least 1 of them does it every season. It’s not hard to ignore it.
Or him in the eviction room?
Cheery and obnoxious Frankie: OMG Julie you look so amaaaaaaazing tonight!
Somber and serious Frankie: I vote to evict… Christine.
Cheery and obnoxious Frankie: Okay thanks Julie!!
I’m imitating it behind my computer screen and even the imitations annoy me. Argh.
the squeals and screams are the worst for me.
Man, as a die hard lover of BB, I’ve been trying to see the good in this season… and Derrick is the only small saving grace for me. Gotta say, sometimes Caleb is funny – I did enjoy the karate scene on last night’s ep – but I am bored out of my mind. At least do a different set of competitions!! But hey, maybe Derrick will win this veto with his photogenic memory… one can dream right?
I am so sick of people calling him a molester, they are all adults and allow it so he is not a molester. Talk to someone who’s been molested so you know the difference
Kathy, I just re-read this entire thread and not one comment said he was a ‘molester’.
Not on this thread, anyway. Don’t know about any of the others.
I must have missed something. Who are you talking about ?
Disqus is being goofy again—‘mamabear’ was originally credited as ‘Kathy’…I’m assuming she was referring to Frankie.
OMg they are saying that IZZY was ABUSED while she was in the house!!!!
A Facebook poster named Shane said that near the top of the comments section.
Oh…I don’t bother reading the Facebook comments since I don’t do social media. Thanks for the info.
WHAT?..Who?..Izzy the dog?
Izzy was molested?
Yeah?..Izzy was taken to the hospital.
I’m on it!
She ate the rat, that’s all. She’s fine
OMG!!!!! Did Frankie try to get fresh with IZZY??? OMG how perverted…”’
Anyone still here? Got kicked off. Matt I hate the comps are the same.
I’m here. Watching for the feeds to come back.
I hope Cody wins.
I just hope Frankie doesn’t win.
Same here.
neither hoh or pov
live feeds please
yes please
From Julie’s pic that she tweeted after the show, it looks like Victoria had to restart – she’s NOT winning this thing!
Did we really need a picture to know that? LOL
LMAO! No. No, we did not.
and there goes my faith in humanity
feeds are on
Evil Dick is on the new season of Couples Therapy.
From the looks of it, Caleb won – confirmed?
Let’s go!!!!!!!!!
Twitter said that.
Hence why I’m checking here for a confirmation. I can’t get on my feeds tonight – not home.
CALEBS GOT the key
That’s right, he has the key on his neck.
Glad it’s not Frankie..but, Caleb will stick to final 4 and want Victoria out. His loyalty in this game will be his downfall.
It doesn’t matter what Caleb wants. He can’t vote.
Calebs not voting
If Frankie is on the block and does not win veto I believe hes gone
Hopefully. Caleb wimped out last time..we shall see.
Confirmed for sure.
It’ll be interesting to see who Caleb nominates. Does he go with Derrick because he hasn’t been nominated yet? Or does he go with Cody? Frankie didn’t nominate him so it’d be a d*ck move to put him up… Should be interesting.
Frankie goes on the block for sure.
I hope so!
I think so, too.
And if Frankie is still on the block come Tuesday, Frankie goes home, followed more than likely by Caleb as he’d have to win a veto to save himself.
Would have been more interesting if Cody had won.
Frankie might convince him to put Cody up. Caleb can be convinced of anything by anybody.
Exactly. Frankie will play that loyalty card and we all know Caleb takes his loyalty very seriously! I would have preferred Cody.
OMG Caleb!!!!!!!
Why are they staring at the pictuce screen ?
Because the POV is the same.
OMG, that’s right, they are studying the faces. Make so much sense.
I guess noms are still Friday?
Probably not. next eviction is Tuesday.
Julie was putting so much info out there, I couldn’t keep up!! So, two evictions next week?
Yes, one Tuesday and one Wednesday.
Thanks, Captain!
So wonder what Fri show is?
Maybe it will have something to do with the jury coming back for a visit. Some sort of reminiscence dinner.
Ugh! Football, Nascar,fishing anyone
That will be a good one to DVR and watch it monday.
Wonder if he will let Frankie SHARE THE FRICKIN’ HOH room. Sorry, that drives me a little nuts.
Caleb didn’t his last time.
What is Victoria doing? Sitting in front of the door next to her bag? Everyone is so quiet.
Frankie is not a happy camper
Let’s hope he camps his butt somewhere besides the HOH room.
Caleb?..Well, this could be interesting…at least Frankie didn’t win. So that’s good
I so want to see Frankie squirm, beg and try to make deals.
Cody won HOH RIGHT……
Caleb and Derrick talking about putting Frankie up Caleb against it grrrrrr
What ? I didn’t hear that.
in the fire room
I just caught up with that. I get it too, why he thinks like that.
Frankie plays for veto either way, right?
Yes, they are 5, so everybody play.
uh oh we got trouble
Caleb is thinking
we are screwed
No, ok, I get it. He’s thinking veto.
Without stupidity, there wouldn’t be intelligence.
If I was him I would put up the same. Derrick almost beat him in POV. If Derrick wins he could take Cody off and he would have to put Frankie up. Bye bye Frankie.
Caleb singing duet with Ariana is looking good again. lol
so maybe cuz the TA mission was in the past week they get the other mission? Cuz that is the one that was actually voted for?
one could only hope
Yay! Way to go Caleb!
are Derrick and Vic going to pretend to make up or are they going to go for a week pretending to not talk to each other?
So what’s this about the jury returning to the house next week on Eviction night??
I am curious about that too.
I think it would be hilarious if Victoria wins it all. They all carried her-I want her to carry all the $ out the door. This season has been horrible. I just think for as bad as it has been, her taking the $ home would make up for the guys lack of any power moves.
I just loved the jury portion with Donny not holding back and seeing how they know Derrick is a good manipulator. As much as I loved Dan when he was on the show that part was a waste of time for me. I did love the loud noise and lights flashing when the timer wound down. But watching them do comps we have seen and no one leaving tonight was a disappointment. Snooze. Very curious about what next Fridays show is all about.
Is it this Friday, the 12th, or the 19th?
I loved seeing Zach last night. So glad they got him a new hat!
this thread is so BORING that i’m moving on…..
Frankie should be charged with sexual harassment. If he were in the work place he would be. Isn’t this a work place for the house guest. Production should have a talk with him. I have nothing against gay people. I have very good friends that are gay, but some of his actions need to be kept private. And his threats are absolutely inappropiate.