Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 11 Live Show & HoH Recap

Tonight on Big Brother 16 the spoiler results for this week’s Rewind eviction voting and Head of Household competition will be revealed as two HGs face possible elimination before the latest twist hits and sends the F5 back to the starting line. It’s a special night and 8PM ET time for this week’s live show.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

HGs think someone could still get voted out tonight, but unless we get an insanely fast rush of DE-styled comps it’s more likely there just won’t be an eviction this week. That means we’ll get the F5 to stay for another round and it’ll start off with a new Head of Household competition.

Join us tonight here for a live recap and discussion of the latest Big Brother show plus you can find us on Facebook and Twitter for even more updates as the game plays out in real-time on the Feeds.

Julie opens the show mentioning the Rewind events for tonight and does not say anything about the eviction, so I think we won’t see anyone going home tonight.

The show is running through clips of the HGs sweating the button. We get a mix of DRs including one of Derrick saying he is hoping Victoria is the one going to Jury this week and that she goes there happy with him so he’ll stick close to her and be her friend.

Ahh, finally. Jury House footage. HGs celebrating Zach’s bday and they got him a new pink hat. There is much rejoicing. Now we’re building up to them seeing Christine walk in the door behind Nicole.

Donny is NOT holding back and giving Christine some serious Zings. Hayden asks Christine if she has a thing for dinosaurs now. Donny asks if she has a lawyer. Ouch! Jurors cheer when Christine says she was loudly boo’d when she step out the front door.

Now it’s time for the live voting with only 3 minutes left on the Rewind countdown timer. Julie asks the nominees to give their plea speeches. Let’s see how far this goes…

Julie says it’s time to vote. Derrick is first but can’t get in the DR door. The countdown hits zero, a siren goes off, and the lights start flashing. There will be no vote. Julie leaves them without saying what happens next.

Big Brother 16 Week 11 Votes:

  • Caleb votes to evict: …
  • Derrick votes to evict: …

No voting tonight. Julie tells the HGs to hold tight and she’ll get back to them with more details.

Julie tells the HGs about the Rewind. They’ll go back to the start of the HoH comp and do the whole week over, but here’s the kicker: it’s all the SAME competitions again. Gee, I wonder how it’ll turn out. Oh and Cody has to wear his dino suit again.

Big Brother 16 Week 12 Head of Household Comp – “Seed Saw”:

click images to see full-size view

We’ll keep watching for confirmation of the winner or maybe even the comp itself if they show it on the Live Feeds.

Julie also confirms the Veto comp will be the same “Freak Show” comp again, but I don’t know if it’ll be the same comp theme or even the same six “freaks.”

Upcoming episodes include Sunday @ 8PM ET/PT, a special eviction show on Tuesday @ 8PM ET/PT, ANOTHER eviction show live on Wednesday @ 8PM ET/PT, & yet another show on Friday at 8PM. Wow!

Jump on your Live Feeds NOW or get the Free Trial & watch to find out what happens next!

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Don’t stray too far because we’ll have a LOT more Big Brother updates very soon. Depending on how the adjusted schedule runs, we should have the nomination results tomorrow so watch for those spoilers. This is the game that never rests and neither does our coverage!



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  1. Just waiting for the “Frankie face” when Julie says, “Hello, HG’s.” So irritating and fake.

    • Ohhhhh!!! No No, Skankie Frankie is the Altimeter Jerk and A-hole! Frankie is a Two Faced Lying Jerk! As for Derrick, Derrick is just playing the Game, Period!

  2. Vic has an amazing grasp of the f’ing obvious we didn’t know that if she got evicted she can’t win the 500k glad she told us

  3. Donny my MAN ! (about Christine) “I don’t want her to win, because I don’t like the way she played this game”…PERFECT !!!

  4. what a freakin disappointing season…….cant tolerate one more day of skankie, gurgle derrick, boob lump caleb, good for nothing caleb, or princess india……GET BACK TO THE JURY HOUSE!!!!!!!

  5. So hoping they would do a different comp this time around, but maybe Caleb or Cody can learn from their last mistakes, I would hope for Victoria, but it is Victoria…

  6. caleb and cody were close last time… they could still pull it off. i really hope one of them win.


  8. Unfortunately we have breaking news for the weather and now we are unable to watch Big Brother. Last we saw was the alarm going off when Derrick went for the door. Any updates would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  9. all seems a bit silly. and uninteresting. did BB give any consideration to what happens if Frankie wins again? and how boring it was..

  10. It might seem boring that this is the same competition, but it’s also more fair. Or, from Frankie’s viewpoint, had they changed the competition, it might seem to him that BB didn’t want him winning, so they came up with another competition style that favored someone else. Frankie won fair and square the first time, let one of the other guys battle it out and win this one this time.

  11. i just don’t get how they can redo the veto… they all know who the faces are… that just becomes who can run the fastest…

  12. This week essentially will be the same as last week in that if Frankie wins either competition he is safe and Victoria goes otherwise he is gone.

  13. At least the jurors recognize that Derrick is playing a great game. He hasn’t been too subtle for them! As for the HOH comp, I wish they had chosen a new one. But LOL at those who thought Frankie would fall apart upon learning that his HOH was erased. He showed that he’s stronger than that, and he just might go ahead and win everything all over again. If so, more power to him.

  14. If Frankie wins again, BB has got to stop this crap or they are going to loose viewers. All this touchy feely stuff has got to stop, ppl don’t like it and this is why Skankie is so unpopular and Derrick is the complete opposite and is well liked. Just quit trying to force feed ppl this stuff. As you can tell by the fans it just ain’t working.

  15. If Victoria would go without those 15lb hair extensions she might be able to move a little faster..

    • Or him in the eviction room?

      Cheery and obnoxious Frankie: OMG Julie you look so amaaaaaaazing tonight!
      Somber and serious Frankie: I vote to evict… Christine.
      Cheery and obnoxious Frankie: Okay thanks Julie!!

      I’m imitating it behind my computer screen and even the imitations annoy me. Argh.

  16. Man, as a die hard lover of BB, I’ve been trying to see the good in this season… and Derrick is the only small saving grace for me. Gotta say, sometimes Caleb is funny – I did enjoy the karate scene on last night’s ep – but I am bored out of my mind. At least do a different set of competitions!! But hey, maybe Derrick will win this veto with his photogenic memory… one can dream right?

  17. I am so sick of people calling him a molester, they are all adults and allow it so he is not a molester. Talk to someone who’s been molested so you know the difference

  18. From Julie’s pic that she tweeted after the show, it looks like Victoria had to restart – she’s NOT winning this thing!

  19. It’ll be interesting to see who Caleb nominates. Does he go with Derrick because he hasn’t been nominated yet? Or does he go with Cody? Frankie didn’t nominate him so it’d be a d*ck move to put him up… Should be interesting.

  20. If I was him I would put up the same. Derrick almost beat him in POV. If Derrick wins he could take Cody off and he would have to put Frankie up. Bye bye Frankie.

  21. so maybe cuz the TA mission was in the past week they get the other mission? Cuz that is the one that was actually voted for?

  22. are Derrick and Vic going to pretend to make up or are they going to go for a week pretending to not talk to each other?

  23. I think it would be hilarious if Victoria wins it all. They all carried her-I want her to carry all the $ out the door. This season has been horrible. I just think for as bad as it has been, her taking the $ home would make up for the guys lack of any power moves.

  24. I just loved the jury portion with Donny not holding back and seeing how they know Derrick is a good manipulator. As much as I loved Dan when he was on the show that part was a waste of time for me. I did love the loud noise and lights flashing when the timer wound down. But watching them do comps we have seen and no one leaving tonight was a disappointment. Snooze. Very curious about what next Fridays show is all about.

  25. Frankie should be charged with sexual harassment. If he were in the work place he would be. Isn’t this a work place for the house guest. Production should have a talk with him. I have nothing against gay people. I have very good friends that are gay, but some of his actions need to be kept private. And his threats are absolutely inappropiate.

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  2. Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 11 Live Show & HoH Recap | Hot Topic 24

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