The Big Brother 16 Feeds were having some extra downtime that left us wondering what was going on. Turns out Jeff & Jordan are engaged and came to the Big Brother backyard to film a segment.
Jeff excitedly broke the news on Twitter saying “Why are the live feeds off…. Maybe cause of this…. SHE SAID YES! Thank you sooo much @CBSBigBrother.” Check out the full size photo of their engagement celebration complete with champagne, family, friends, and BB16 Houseguests.

Congratulations to Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd on their engagement. It’s been a long time coming for sure, but it finally happened.
CBS just released a photo of Jordan’s ring as well. Looks great. What do you think? Click the thumbnails to view the full size photo:
When Julie Chen announced that JeJo would be back on Sunday’s show we knew this was going to be about their engagement. Jordan had given Jeff a September deadline and the clock was ticking down so looks like Jeff wasn’t going to let her get away.
HGs discussing it now and suggest Jordan was surprised, but I don’t think that’s possible. If we knew they were going to announcement their engagement, then surely she knew too, right? Either way, that’s fun news for them.
Check out these pics from when JeJo went on their trip to Australia last year:
That’s cute! Good for them. Much better than reading about Christine or Frankie.
I wouldn’t agree with that. Christine and Frankie have been hugely entertaining in their awfulness.
I liked how she got booed more than Aaryn….there was one dude in the crowd who especially hated her…
probably her husband………
HeHe! I think you were being sarcastic, but that was funny!
Posted before but:
Quick question: with the house guests hitting the “reset” button in the house, wiping out everything that happens this week in the house, does that mean Jeff and Jordan won’t be engaged?
lol that’s funny
OMG, Jordan would KILL BB if they did that, ha ha!
Congrats Jeff and Jordan
’bout time, you too. Been waiting for this since BB11. Congratulations to Jeff and Jordan!!! Best of luck!!!
Wow. Thought they were married a long time ago. What was the holdup, guys? Wishing you well.
Umm…pretty sure Caleb and Amber are THE showmance of the summer…please stop stealing their limelight…
Actually, what Caleb and Amber had was a “nomance.” Lol!
Congrats, Jeff & Jordan!!
Finally! When it was announced they were coming I said I hope they are gonna get married. Congrats to them. The best BB couple ever.
Congratulations Jeff and Jordan. I know it’s a popular, too-often-heard opinion, but Jeff is one of my all-time favourite players. Probably my ‘favourite to never win’ (unfortunately) since Dan, Will, Drew are some other favourites, and of course they all won.
WTG, Jeff & Jordan! Happy wedding and happy life together!!!
You two have always looked great together. Make it last!
Many Blessings and Much Happiness
Why are they letting people in the house? What happened to seclusion?!?! Now Jeff, Jordan, and their family will tell the HG’s what’s happening in the real world…
Not necessarily? They’re in the house to celebrate, not to talk to the House Guests about the real world. I think it’ll be alright. Lmao.
What else are they going to talk about? They’re going to mess up and end up mentioning something about the outside world. Just watch.
I’m happy for them. Their season bb11 was exciting it was when the twists worked so well and the fans were so happy with the outcome.
Congrats to Jeff and Jordan, I’m still wondering though since it was Caleb’s plan he bragged about breaking them up at the finale if he chose to keep his mouth shut this time since he actually seen them in person and hoped they wouldn’t say anything, man these HG’s really don’t know what’s waiting for them outside the house especially after Christine last night.
What a gorgeous couple! Can’t wait for the babies to arrive!
Before Nicole. First she gets out the night before Zingbot. Now she gets out befort jj comes in. You know her being a superfam, she would have loved to meet them. I bet you 4 out of the 5 remaining HG have no idea who jj is. Congrats to you be as happy as you are today. Do we see a CBS wedding?
I would definitely watch if the wedding was on CBS.
I hope not. As much as I’d love to watch them get married, I hope for their sake that CBS and paparazzi leave them alone and let them enjoy family and friends that day.
Squeezing J&J onto the show seems pretty hokey. J & J must be absolute publicity hounds to go along with this.
It’s more that CBS needs a rating boost for this season and they know that JeJo are fan favorites. I bet they had to be talked into it.
I agree, bringing ratings up.
Sounds like you’re a little jealous of Jeff and Jordan.
no jealousy here, congrats to J $ J. Just felt that this visit is so far out in left field that it doesn’t really mesh with the show. Sure they were past hg’s but their engagement on tv is just stupid and has nothing to add to this years BB.
I am sure Jeff proposed in a much more romantic setting least I hope he did!! Considering how this season has gone, I guess they figured they needed someone to come in and give the ratings a boost!
Poor Jeff and Jordan having to tolerate Frankie’s presence
Congratulations to Jeff and Jordan!! Big Brother 11 was my first season I ever watched and I’ve been hooked ever since, so Jeff and Jordan hold a very special place in my heart. I went back and watched every single season before and after that but it will always be my favorite.
Where did you get past seasons I have a few suggestions already but this season is my first full season of big brother got about half maybe a little more from last season at the end. But have been a dedicated survivor fan since season 2 only missing one season with Russell Hantz 2nd appearance on show vs boston rob due to lack of cable
iTunes used to have seasons 7, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15, and 16, but for some reason now they only have 14, 15, and 16. As for the rest I found them on youtube but they may have been taken down now. They were really poor quality and hard to find, but it was worth it. That’s how I saw them but other people may have better, more current suggestions. I think you said one time that you’re from Canada so I’m sure there are many things that may work for me that won’t work for you and vice versa.
P.S. After I finished Big Brother 11 I started Survivor on a whim and now I’ve seen all of Survivor as well, and I’m just as much a fan of Survivor as I am of Big Brother so Big Brother 11 really did open the door for me.
I have every season on DVD. Just google/search Big Brother reality on DVD. I think the website is Big Brother World. They make the DVDs and they are all very good quality except season one. A couple more of the early seasons are not top of the line but pretty good quality.
Hey Doug! I know Big Brother ended months ago and everyone has moved on, but you asked me how you could see past seasons of Big Brother and it just so happens that TODAY, October 16th 2014, CBS has unveiled a brand new streaming service via their website kind of like Netflix but just for CBS shows and it includes all past seasons of Big Brother! And it’s just $5.99 a month! Just go to the CBS website. It’s called CBS All Access
I think I remember you saying you were up in Canada so I’m not sure if it’s offered up there, but if it’s not, there are ways you can trick your browser into thinking you’re somewhere else if you google it.
Thanks joe
I was looking at jeff and jordons group pic a guy in it resembles one of the house guest does anybody else see it
That is the House Guests in the picture!
Congrats to them both!
I thought when Julie said they would be on Sundays show they would be there to host a comp. I had no idea Jeff was going to propose. Congrats to Jeff and Jordan. They’re both my favorite players of all the seasons. Love those two! โค๏ธ
I think they will be hosting the POV since all HG are competing. Just guessing at that though.
I bet Jeff is not happy (or won’t be) about Frankie cracking on him afterwards. I’m happy for them and hope they have a great long marriage together.
What did Frankie say?
I’m a bit late to this discussion. Hope someone is still reading comments here. Did it have to do with Frankie not being the center of attention?
About time … Geesh !!! :)
I love Jeff and Jordan. However, the whole ultimatum thing with having it done by September or else, according to Jordan. But, I still love them..congrats to them both!
I’m sure Jeff was waiting for CBS to make them an offer. Surely there’s a Jeff and Jordan wedding show just around the corner.
OMG, does this mean they are going to get married in the Big Brother house too? Don’t get me wrong. I like these two and they are among my favourites of past house guests, but I just sort of just don’t care about the engagement. Although I’m sure it broke up some of the monotony for those still imprisoned. I suppose this means we will have to see the proposal on the show this week too, which means taking time away from what’s happening in the game. I find this sort of thing a bit obnoxious, to be honest.
I wonder if any of the family and friends whispered anything in the ears of any of the house guests. Surely that little dog blew up someone’s game.
I hope it doesn’t take them as long to get married. Congratulations You are a great couple.