Final Chance: Big Brother 13 Live Feed Preseason Discount Expires Today

Update: The preseason sale has expired, but you can still get a decent 3-month discount or go with the monthly plan.

This is it. Your final chance. One last day to save some cash by signing-up now to get the very same Big Brother Live Feed that costs only $9.99/month for 3-months today or wait until tomorrow and pay $14.99/month. Read: What Are Big Brother Live Feeds?

Mobile feeds have arrived for Big Brother 13. You’ll be able to watch uncensored, live access to the game where ever you are on your Android and iPhone/iPad/iPod devices. Sign-up now and select the mobile live feed access add-on. Full details and FAQ.

Click Here and Sign-Up Now for the Early Bird Discount Rate

Use our easy to follow guide (pdf) to make sure you get the cheapest rate available.

After today the monthly rate goes up 50% for the very same BB feeds. Do not wait!

Disclosure: Yes, we receive a commission for all feed sign-ups referred through our site links. If you enjoy our site and the free updates and news we provide then please consider using our links. We greatly appreciate and thank you for your support.



Commenting Rules: Keep the conversation civil and on topic. If your comment does not add to the conversation, it will be removed. Debate intelligently. Insulting the author, Big Brother Network, or other commentators will result in comment removal and possible ban. Any comments with links or flagged words will go into moderation before approval. Anything we deem as spam will not be approved. Comments left in ALL-CAPS will be deleted regardless of content.


    • The quality is pretty good. I’m not sure of the bitrate they use. You’re able to toggle down the bitrate though if you want to save bandwidth or if you’re on a slow connection. That also means if you’re on a slow connection and try to run a high rate then you could get low quality results.

      You’ll also have the 3-day free trial to test out and see what you think of the quality. I’ve never had an issue with it though.

      • OMG Matt..u had 1,097 comments on this Thread…thats unbelievable…what have i been missing here? u truely have great followers… :-)

  1. Love the new toolbar !!!!! Love we have you 24/7!!
    Having a BB party tonite!!! sure there will plenty of ham ! lol

  2. Thanks Matt for keeping us informed. And it is nice to finally have a face with the name. I foresee myself not getting a lot of work done this year with feeds to my phone lol..

    • You’re very welcome. And thank you for being a reader!

      I’m expecting studies similar to work productivity loss due to March Madness office pools for the new BB feeds going mobile.

  3. Hi All, Just dropping in to let you know I’ll be watching again this season and will be following the BigBrotherNetwork again as I found it basically enjoyable last season. It is my hope that that we all can be more civil this season than last. I will be watching the first week before deciding about the live feeds as I would have to watch them at someone else’s house so it would be “catch as catch can”. I only DialUp at home :-( (Don’t ask, it’s a long story).
    Thanks as always to Matt(BBN) for giving us this forum.


    • Hey Tim, welcome back! Glad you’ll be joining us.

      I’m guessing if it’s just dial-up at home then cell coverage might not be very good either. But if it is, then you could always go the smart phone route w/ feeds on iPhones & Androids this season.

  4. Do you know the name of the app so i can find it in the andriod market iv looked up big brother and nothing about the live feeds.

  5. Question
    I just signed up for live feeds. I did everything it told me to do, I even downloaded the thing it told me to. But now when i try and watch videos from last year it won’t let me. It downloads to 1/4 of the way then says done. Do i need to download something else?
    Thanks for your help

    • Hmm, you don’t need to download anything at this stage to watch the feeds. What did it have you download?

      The Flashback videos are available through the SuperPass website. What website are you viewing them on that it’s stopping 1/4 of the way? I’ll take a look.

    • That’s Jason Thomas. He was cut during the final week of finals but was still interviewed by the media. Apparently CBS didn’t get the word to everyone that he was cut so he shows up in preseason coverage here and there. Weird stuff.

  6. Signed up an hour or so ago! Very pumped. Loved the live feeds last season. There was ALWAYS something to watch on tv! Imagine that! My only gripe is the blackouts during some competitions, etc… I understand the intent but it’s disengeuous to call it a “24 feed” when several hours a day are out of reach. Otherwise, I LOVE it. Hoping for some fun house guests and fun drama! Also, look forward to interacting here with all of you! Take care!

    • Great. Thanks, Paul.

      Yep, Real has dropped the “24/7” from its marketing since they can’t control it. It really comes down to CBS who calls the shots and sends the feeds to “bubbles”.

      I’m ready for the season to get rolling too!

  7. I’ve been following Big Brother and your site for years – love it! – but just signed up for the live feeds for the first time tonight. In the fine print it said that I was going to be billed quarterly until I cancelled. I just want to verify – if I don’t call to cancel my membership, will I be billed $29.99 again after the season is over in October?

    • Hi Barbara, thanks for signing up through our links. We really appreciate the support.

      Yes, that’s correct that the subscription will renew itself (think of it like a magazine or Netflix). But now you can manage your account online rather than having to call in and wait on hold, etc. So you do have to update your account status, but it’s much easier now.

    • No worries. I know it still shows up in some old advertisements and I’m cleaning it out of places as I come across it here on this site.

      I think Real was in a tough spot because technically they were offering up 24/7 access, but it just depended on if CBS would allow it. But I think this is a better way to go so I’m glad they’re dropping it.

      • @Matt ur pics of the mobile app is the same as Real has it except they have taken quad cam out of the u think this means there is no quad cam available now?

      • Hmm, I haven’t seen these updated pics you mention, but I know Quad cam will still be there for mobile per the demo Real gave us yesterday.

  8. Hey Matt – when I’ve already purchased the Real SeasonPass before the show started at the discounted rate – thanks! Now when I try to add Big Brother Mobile on my iPad 2 (last night and this morning), I get” Technical Difficulties – We are experiencing technical difficulties and are unable to complete your order.” So obviously I’m starting to panic! ;-) Any ideas? Are other users having the same problem? Please help!!

    • Having exact same issue as Jeff. Purchased superpass and getting same error on ipad2 when trying to add mobile.

      • Hey Mike. I emailed Real and they asked me to try a different browser. So I downloaded Opera from the App Store and tried again (for the 8th time)……it actually worked! Hope this helps. Don’t know if they fixed something, or if it was Safari. Good luck, enjoy the season.

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