Big Brother 13 Premiere Tonight On CBS

Big Brother 13 premiere on CBS

You’ve been waiting for it and now it’s finally here: the Big Brother 13 premiere. Tonight on CBS at 9PM ET/PT the doors to the Big Brother house will open and host Julie Chen will usher us in to a whole new season of excitement.

So far we’ve met the eight new houseguests, you can review their info and pics, and while we don’t know for sure who will make up the Dynamic Duo twist pairs from the past we’ve got some good ideas of who will and who won’t show up tonight.

Big Brother Live Feed Premieres Tonight – Click To Sign-Up Now!

There are a lot of Big Brother 13 events going on today to get everyone pumped up for tonight’s big event. You’ll get a pretty entertaining segment on today’s The Talk at 2PM ET/PT when Julie and her co-hosts head inside the house for their own abbreviated game. Julie will also host Dr. Will and Mike “Boogie” on the show so that should wrap up Will’s definite decline to return this season.

Later in the day you can watch SuperPass’ Happy Hour show with Chelsia and Missy at 6PM ET (3PM PT) so get your free trial. Right after that at 7PM ET GFQ Network will be hosting a free call-in show on to discuss what they hope to see this season.

Then of course the big premiere lands at 9PM ET/PT and once the west coast premiere ends at 10PM PT (1AM ET) the live feeds and BBAD should launch giving us our first live look inside the game. Keep in mind that tonight’s show will feature pre-recorded clips since the HGs entered back on Saturday. So there should be a lot to discover when the Big Brother Feed turns on so sign-up now (3-day free trial) and see it all live.

Be sure to join us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and get our free email updates. We’ll be working to bring you the latest Big Brother spoilers all season long!



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  1. Love the site, thanks for all the updates, and the season hasn’t even started yet :) I didn’t know about some of the other sites and stuff, thanks for the times.

  2. I have been reading this site since I found it last year but never commented. I just wanted to say I can’t wait to keep up on all the latest things happening in the house and this is the best place to get that information. Thanks so much for all the hard work you put in on this site. Best wishes.

    • Well thanks, Debbie. That’s very kind of you. Glad you’ll be joining us again this summer and hope you feel free to discuss as well if you’re in the mood (though we welcome lurking just as much!).

      • haha really like no joke…she is going to drive me crazy…when she can back for 24 hrs last seasom and i was like they r never going to get rid of her…haha i guess i was right lol:) they should have got Brit and Lane just saying:)

  3. Just finished watching the early show with clips from around the world of BB in so many countries. Can’t wait to see Julie and the TALK gang on BB today.. Also can’t wait for the season to start.. Hope it is a good one. Bring on the twists…

  4. This year’s logo is yet again red (for the third time) from what I watched at the Early Show.

  5. I’m glad updates are starting to flow through this site again! I come by every season.
    I’m so excited for tonight. I’m just crossing my fingers that Rachel won’t be one of the people returning.

    • Thanks for coming back for another season!

      I’m thinking Rachel is going to be part of the action tonight, but maybe they’ve really faked us out.

  6. So in the video above about 3 twists are they referring to the 3 groups of house guest coming back or are there 2 more twist we don’t know about? Hmmmm

    • Yeah, that’s what I think it is since they say “three shocking surprises.” It’ll probably be one of those “but wait, there’s more!” things were they bring out a past couple and then another and another. I had previously heard “3 twists” tonight but that’s different from “3 surprises” tonight.

      I think you hit the nail on the head.

  7. My husband is so excited because now I can finally shut up about BB starting, lol! I’ve been like a 5 year old waiting for Christmas day, sigh… I’m like this every year. ;oP

    Thanks for all you do Matt, you make waiting for BB fun! We all appreciate how much time and effort you put into this every year, and I get to tell my Hubs that at least I’m not as much as a fanatic as you, hehehe. j/k!

    Happy BB Day to all, can’t wait for the carnage to begin!

    Kim :)

  8. Oh dear…i missed the Talk show when Julie and her co-hosts went inside the house….guess im gonna have to look for it on tomorrow….

    i slept all morning to get ready to stay up all night till the HG’s go to sleep…its gonna be a Wild Night in the BB house for sure…. :-)

  9. Lol at Julie getting evicted. She seems learned a thing or two about the game. She looks like she would play a good one too.

  10. Big thanks to Matt and others for their work on this site. Summer and Big Brother …

  11. Ok so I might be crazy but here me out.

    Rachel will be in this season of BB.

    Why you ask?

    Well unless you lost your hearing from the very first time Rachel opened her mouth last year (which is very likely) then you know she is all about Vegas.

    So I ask, what is the date of the premier?

    7/7/11 makes a lot of cash in Vegas Baby!!!

  12. 2 twists. Something to even things up. I hope Dick and Jeff aren’t gone like rumors say.

  13. I’m a closet reader since last season. I would like to thank you Matt and to everyone’s posts! This site is sometimes as entertaining as the show. So excited for tonight! And thanks again!

  14. haha im a closet reader too, but all these confessions make me wanna confess too!

  15. i’m working tonight till 10:30 then i work tomrrow at 7,, i probably wont get to watch the premiere till 3 tomorrow :(

  16. ^ Midnight.

    I’ll be watching AD for the first time this year because I finally have the channel, can’t wait to watch the premier in 40 mins then AD 2 hours later! :D

    • Not tonight. BBAD starts at 1AM as mentioned above. This is because the show is at 9PM ET/PT, so 12AM ET would overlap 9PM PT premiere.

      1AM tonight, both coasts. 12AM from then on the rest of the season.

  17. SOOOOOOO excited! I love Big Brother! It is going to be a great new season! I like the twist of the past duo’s! It will be so hard to pick a favorite now, Gotta love Rachel and Brenden and Jeff and Jordan, and of course Evil Dick and Danielle. I can so see Rachel on Dick’s nerves. Cannot wait to see what will happen next!

  18. Ha Ha – classic Rachel = “no one comes between me and my banana” I’m dying laughing from that one.

  19. uuuggghhh…..The mobile live feeds for the Andriod system are not availble yet — so I will be without my BB13 live feed and until the app is complete as I can not stream video on my work computer!! CBS please hurry up and complete the android app do that I can get my BB13 fix! Thank you!

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