Then there were six! As week 11 of Big Brother 17 comes to a close, the Austwins trio will finally come to an end. In doing so, the other houseguests have now leveled the playing field and given themselves a great chance at winning this game. Although this move is beneficial to everyone’s game (other than the Austwins of course), it has been even more advantageous for some.
Steve Moses was this week’s HOH and although you may think this was great for his game, the real winner was Vanessa Rousso. Although Steven doesn’t completely trust Vanessa, he has essentially done whatever she wanted up to this point, so it’s really her HOH. Additionally, by winning HOH, he is now taking most of the responsibility (and hate) from the Austwins for breaking up the threesome.
Vanessa could very well be in the final two with Steven and if this resentment towards Steven holds, Vanessa is already up three votes to zero. While Steven is taking the heat, Vanessa is sitting right in the middle, playing up the fact that she has to do “what Steven wants” to Austin and the twins. Hedging her bets, she is also making final two deals with John McGuire and Steve.
In addition to the benefit of not having to expose herself by winning HOH, Vanessa now has the opportunity to play in this weeks HOH. If she wins it, she can even further strengthen a few of her final two deals while taking out another target that may cut her before finale night. Yes, I’m aware that basically everyone in the house is on to her tactics but we have seen this before and they always seem to forget about her.
I know there is still a lot of game to play but the great players know how to finish so if Vanessa wants to be in that category, she needs to do the same. If she is able to survive the next few weeks and make it to the final three, Vanessa Rousso will be the winner of Big Brother 17.
As for my second warrior of the week, although he may not be very liked outside the house, I have to go with Austin Matelson. In my opinion, he and Vanessa have been the two best game players for most of the season. He has constantly picked up on the subtle seeds that Vanessa has attempted to spread and deciphered them for the twins (i.e Vanessa’s attempt to convince the girls she would have no votes in jury so they should both take her.)
Austin really gained points in my book when he chose to use the veto on himself over Liz. There was no doubt in my mind that he would go the “hero” route by saving his girlfriend but he proved me wrong and showed that he is there to win the game.
We have also seen an increase in Austin’s performance as far as competitions are concerned. Initially, I though that maybe he just wasn’t very good at them but he has proven that he does in fact have the ability to win, especially when he needs to.
It was the ONLY move to make~
It had to be done.
It wasn’t a Clay move. LOL!!! Of course Clay didn’t even win the damn PoV but he did throw himself on the sword unlike Austin. But agreed if Austin had used PoV on Liz that would have been the stupidest move in the game so far along with Clay’s.
I would have loved to see Vanessa try to manipulate Derrick..
To see her try and fail miserably would make my day.
That would be when the all stars happens, Derrick would mop the floor with Vanessa.
I would have loved to see Derrick try to manipulate Vanessa. Wouldn’t happen.
He’s too intelligent to waste his time trying. He would just manipulate the others into getting her out. He would have used her if he saw any benefit to it then she would have been gone as soon as she wasn’t useful to his game.
He wouldn’t need to manipulate her. Derrick would have read her instantly, knew she needed to go, and would have talked someone else into getting her out. Did you miss last season?
My point exactly…
Why would we assume that Derrick would be the better mind reader in this scenario? I think Vanessa might also be able to see through Derrick. If she were in the BB16 house, she might be the only one to tell that Derrick is actually a cop
Yes, but IMO Derrick would have been easily able to tell Van was a poker pro too.
Vanessa doesn’t mind read, she guesses. She’s come up with so many theories it’s unbelievable. Sure she gets a few right, because if you throw enough mud on the wall, some is bound to stick.
Derrick did all of his work with mainly two people and I don’t think Cody or Victoria would have ever thrown him under the bus for Vanessa. She would have tried to mess up his game and voted out a lot sooner. Probably before Jury.
She cries and makes deals with everyone.
Derrick would have outed Vanessa as the poor player she actually is. No one with that obvious and reckless a game would make it past Derrick. Even Howie could probably pick up on Vanessa’s game.
This just in. Final 2 is Julia and John.
And the winner is John!
Derrick, you are being too kind. Vanessa may indeed win, but that will not make her one of the great players.
In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king. That’s all this is. She’s in there with a bunch of terrible and timid players. She has made a ton of mistakes that would have gotten her booted in better casts. IMO she loses every season, except maybe BB9 or BB15
I agree. She is playing a reckless game. Even her suggestion to Julia to pick Austin was out in the open and an obvious sign she is against Austwins. Only complete morons would not see that immediately. Julia proved she is a complete moron. But neither Austin or Liz figured it out right away either. When Vanessa convinced Liz to turn against Austin she exploited the genetic stupidity of Julia’s sister too. Again, why would Julia trust Vanessa over a guy she has been groping for the past 70 days or so? And Austin, the fact that she questioned you and not Vanessa, does this mean anything to you?
That too was reckless and in fact it has exposed her and her game. The twins and JMac all know that Vanessa has final 2 deals with everyone in the house. The only one in the dark is Steve and I think he will find out soon enough.
In any other BB house I am certain Vanessa would have been exposed and evicted for her reckless game play, like Jeff and Audrey were this season. But in this house, Vanessa always escapes because the players are not playing to win. Austin knows if Vanessa makes it to F2 she wins. He discussed it with JMac, Yet Austin wants Steve out 1st before Vanessa. Its unbelievable!
I have not read anything credible that Austin wants Steve out before Vanessa. Liz says she wants Steve out, but I think Austin will temper Liz’s rage if she wins HOH.
Vanessa has made it this far in the game because, for the most part, she has aligned her interests with the interests of the dominant alliance (of which she is a member).
Until this point in the game, why would the Austwins want to target her? Why would JMac or Steve?
People commenting on these forums may have wanted Vanessa gone, but that means less than nothing to the people who are actually playing the game!
Who should have stayed instead of Vanessa? The Goblins? Please, they had no clue what was going on the entire time they were in the house!
The general, Becky? She was so unaware of how to play the game, she missed her target and got herself evicted the following week.
Jason? He couldn’t keep his mouth shut!
Going all the way back to Shelli? Basically she got evicted because she felt people weren’t enthusiastic enough when Clay won a veto! Everything went down hill from there. It bottomed out for her during her eviction week when she basically got evicted because she was petty enough to steal Clay’s shirt from James.
So again I ask, who should have stayed instead of Vanessa?
You mean the two people who thought sigmund freud was a magician are morons?
I wish the real “Siegfried and Roy” would kidnap Vanessa today, put her in their show tonight and make her disappear!
derrick was also in a house full of idiots
He was, but his game play was much much better. I am sure he made some mistakes, but I can’t remember any big issues. His game was very clean. I don’t think that he is the best player, he’s up there, but I have him 3rd. However, I do think he has played the most perfect game of anyone. I would love to see how he would have done against good competition because I feel like he still would have won, but it’s probably to late to try again since everyone would know him now. Vanessa against good competition would have no shot at winning with her very reckless game play.
Derrick’s game was a joy to watch. Flawless.
I don’t agree. There were people last year that I liked. I loved Frankie. That POV he won by himself was legendary. I think that I just got him.
She’s a genuine sociopath who happens to be surrounded by people who can’t doing anything about it. The way she broke up Liz and Austin to avoid going up on the block, then got them back together after, was a master class in manipulation. When she was crying in the bathroom, I was in awe and disgusted.
Derrick why is your picture on here in black and white? you werent voted out so ??
Becky and James were the only HOH winners that did not hand their keys to Vanessa and that is why they are both out of the house. I would like John to win this game, but whoever gets rid of Vanessa should win.
J Mac will take Vanessa down. That’s all he has been waiting for.
My thoughts exactly.
I believe that this is why he was hugging on her. Kiss good bye. €:^)
If Vanessa does not win HOH tonight and she does not get put on the block then whoever is HOH should get counselling.
LOLOL! The casting people has, brilliantly, casted a bunch of effin nutbars this year; it has been a wonderful mess. I think that having Audrey would create a stir; who knew that she’d just be a terrible player and get evicted because she deserved it? Social progress! I really thought that Clay would run out screaming that first episode when she announced that she was trans; his face was what reality show dreams are made of. What I don’t get is how he has never met a trans person? He’s had to play ball in big cities and was scouted in L.A. Trans people are not unicorns! This isn’t the 1950’s. I’m born and raised in NYC and a lifelong Nyer so maybe I’m just used to seeing people from all walks of life but he knows that trans people exist. His face was hilarious.
From everything I been reading people say it’s fixed for Vanessa to win to help support her new tv show , I know it’s said every season and has always proofed to be not true, I guess if she wins people will believe it to be true this season, I believe the other players were just total idiots and were easily manipulated by Vanessa.
New tv show? This chick has a pilot scheduled ? A reality pilot? Really? I don’t think it’s fixed. I have watched work these people over. It has been pimpish, in the purest sense of the word; like a pimp would and I don’t think pimps are cool. I’m not using that in the colloquial sense. These people fall for what she does, go along with it, compare notes, figure it out, hate it bshe still gets what she wants. Whoever is able to take her out would get my vote. I think Austin may be her biggest threat and, oddly, Steve. As a viewer, Steve taking her out would be a fairy tale and like the final act of Macbeth. But who knows, with thhis bunch. They have defied logic so many times that I am exhausted.
This is the week if Vanessa or JMac doesn’t win HOH I think she’ll be gone. I don’t think JMac will put her up unless one of his noms wins POV then she’ll go up over Steve. If Austin or Liz win I think Steve and Vanessa go up.
Agree. I’m really hoping that these people don’t keep Liz, though. I just can’t take watching anymore of her and Austin together. The two of them are just hard to watch. And, I want to see Austin use his brain and see who he is as a player without the Liz distraction. I feel the same for Julia as well. They both seem to be deeper wells than what they appear to be.
This is on point, as always. I’ve noticed and have maintained most of what you are saying (though, I can’t say that I agree that Austin’s game has been great this season; he imbedded himself behind Liz and human shielded his way through alot of the game. It was clear that he was holdinf back in comps but, him explaining the game to Liz doesn’t justify him not digging in, the way Vanessa has). I have tried to figure the votes for myself and got a bit lost. Liz & Julia and James & Meg seem to be only two votes but the others are murkier. I just hope that these people vote with the game play in mind and not ’emotionally’ as Vanessa would say (I love that she has been grooming them by constantly saying that all season; she fail safed her game with that justification in case people are bitter). She’s a scary beast.
Rick Monroe you are so right about James.
I think Derrick may be off on his vote count for Austin, in one case
he’s giving both Liz & Julia votes, only 1 is assured of Jury duty at this point,
in another he’s got Meg voting Austin b/c she said she wouldn’t vote Van
or Steve, no way we know one of them is in F2. Plus he reasons James would vote the same as Meg, that may not happen.
Maybe Derrick didn’t have much time to think this one out, it’s not like he’s competing for 1/2M.
Austin 80 days w/o being nomed is impressive but don’t he barely avoided the re-nom & being BD’d in Week 5.
By the way Derrick blogs have been pretty spot on and he’s correct that Austin & Vanessa had the smart moves this week, you almost wouldn’t have known it was Steve’s HoH, crap in a way it wasn’t.
Derrick is a much better player than Vanessa. He went through the whole season without ever being on the block!
and he didn’t need to cry lol