‘Celebrity Big Brother 3’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night & Who Won Endurance HOH

Celebrity Big Brother on CBS

Celebrity Big Brother returned with another TWO-hour episode including the Veto comp, ceremony, and live eviction vote last night. By the end of the show, we had the game-plan changing Veto comp, the heated Veto meeting fallout, and were down another celeb Houseguest. Well, actually we’ll be down two HGs considering they still need to address Kattan leaving the game. Get ready to find out who was voted out last night on Big Brother!

Miesha took over on Monday night as the HOH, again, and was back on track to target Carson. When things left off on Wednesday night we saw Carson and Cynthia had just been sent to the Block with Carson in the spotlight. But the Veto can change everything!

And wait! Want to watch the upcoming Endurance HoH Comp? Yes, tonight’s HOH comp will be live online tonight after the east coast broadcast. You will need your Big Brother Live Feeds through CBS’s Paramount Plus. There’s a free one-week trial that you can use to get started and see what you think. After that, the cost is $4.99/mo, or about 16 cents a day. Really cheap entertainment if you want.

Keep up with the race of Big Brother episodes this season. Check the Celebrity Big Brother 3 schedule for all the days and times.

First up we’ve got the Veto competition with the players draw and then they’ll head to the backyard. Players picked are Shanna and Todrick plus Cynthia’s choice with Lamar.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 3 Veto Comp:

Players have to stack snowflakes in a block of time then ride a reindeer to reset their clock. We’ve seen this one before. The biggest challenge was apparently keeping an eye on the clock as four of the six players made that mistake. In the end it was just Cynthia (9 snowflakes) and Shanna (22 snowflakes) who buzzed in and the winner was…

  • Shanna wins Veto!

The Veto holder will have the chance to change up those nominations or leave them just as they are.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 3 Veto Ceremony:

  • Shanna saves Carson
  • Miesha renoms Kirkpatrick
  • Final noms: Chris & Cynthia

It’s time to vote! There’s no chance of a tie-breaker and just three votes can decide this round’s eviction. Let’s see if HGs stick to the plan since last night.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 3 Votes:

  • Todrick votes to evict: Chris
  • Todd votes to evict: Chris
  • Shanna votes to evict: Chris
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Lamar votes to evict: Chris
  • Carson votes to evict: Chris

By a vote of 5-0, Chris Kirkpatrick has been evicted from the Big Brother house.

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Results – Round 4 HOH Comp:

After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the Endurance HOH, the fallout over who was evicted, and the start of the next rounds of planning for this new target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!

Reminder: Next live eviction is coming up Monday night (9/8c) after Sunday’s episode (8/7c)!

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