It’s finale night in the Celebrity Big Brother house, and since we’re down to the final 3, that means we will have one final eviction tonight. (Cue dramatic music): WHO WILL IT BE?
So much suspense, you guys! Just kidding, it’s going to be Cynthia. I mean there’s no way she’s going to win the final competition. Either Miesha or Todrick will win it and they will evict Cynthia. And here’s why.
Both Miesha and Todrick know that they don’t have many fans in the jury, and just last night discussed how they think it is a toss-up on how they’ll vote between the two of them. I think they both agree that keeping Cynthia could be a mistake as she could actually get the majority of jury votes against either of them. And I might agree. Read more about my thoughts on that here.
A lot of people have wondered if there’s a chance that Todrick could cut Miesha for dramatic reasons, or maybe thinking he can beat Cynthia easier, but I don’t think he thinks that. He is really worried that Shanna and Chris Kirkpatrick have been out campaigning against him. But little does he know, almost every jury member made their own conclusions about Todrick about 5 minutes after getting their phones back following their evictions.
So regardless of who might get the most votes tonight, I think I could win bank if this was a Vegas bet: Cynthia will be evicted and the final 2 will be Miesha and Todrick. But don’t get me wrong, I would love an 11th-hour Cynthia win and watch her cut Miesha, making the final 2 Todrick and herself. I haven’t really thought too hard about if that’s what Cynthia would do, but I do hope she would know her chances of winning would be better sitting next to Todrick. But then again, none of Cynthia’s decisions this season have been particularly smart, so you never know with her.
I think it’s Miesha’s game to win tonight and Todrick and Cynthia’s to lose.
Who do you think will be the last person evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house?