Celebrity Big Brother 3 Cast: When Will Houseguests Be Announced?

Celebrity Big Brother houseguests

Update: Doesn’t look like we’re getting the cast on Jan. 23rd after all. The waiting continues! We will keep you updated.

With just a few weeks until the new Big Brother season, we’re still anxiously awaiting the release of the Celebrity Big Brother 3 cast with all the details on who will be Houseguests. So when will we get the new cast list? Here’s what we’ve seen in the past CBB seasons.

In both seasons one and two the CBBUS cast was announced earlier than the typical week advance that we see in the summer installments. For 2018 the celebrity Houseguests were revealed ten days before the premiere and 2019’s season debuted its cast eight days ahead of the premiere. So while the advanced notice varied the cast was consistently revealed the Sunday the week before the first episode.

CBS has a big Sunday presence during the NFL season and I’d wager they’ll be making a similar approach for Celebrity Big Brother 3’s cast announcement. With CBB3 starting on February 2nd, the Sunday the week before that would be January 23rd. So even though CBS has yet to confirm when they’ll be dropping the big news, I’d keep an eye out that Sunday night.

While we wait for CBS’s cast news, share a few celebrity names you’d like to see show up in the house this winter season. Keeping in mind there won’t be a Tom Hanks or Beyonceฬ tier celebrity, but we’ve had some surprisingly good HGs before, and if they keep us entertained then I’ll be happy.

As soon as we hear anything official we’ll share the news so be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and download our Big Brother App for all your Celebrity Big Brother and summer Big Brother 24 news this year!



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