Meet the Celebrity Big Brother Houseguests here with the cast release news featuring this new series’s first HGs set to enter the house and compete for the title of first ever CBBUS winner. They’ll soon be entering the house with the season set to premiere Wednesday, February 7th.
Read on for this year’s cast of Houseguests and then get ready for them to get them game going ahead of the Celebrity Big Brother premiere on Wednesday, February 7th at 8/7c on CBS! Watch the Houseguests on All Access on the Live Feeds with the Free Trial.
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Gallery: Meet the Houseguests
Celebrity Big Brother Cast: Houseguest Bios
Shannon Elizabeth (44)
Known for: Actress
Twitter: @ShannonElizab
Hometown: Houston, TX
Lives In: Cape Town, South Africa
Read Shannonโs full bio page here >>
Ross Mathews (38)
Known for: Talk show host, Ross The Intern
Twitter: @helloross
Hometown: Mt. Vernon, WA
Lives In: Los Angeles, CA
Read Ross’s full bio page here >>
Keshia Knight Pulliam (38)
Known for: Actress (Rudy from The Cosby Show)
Twitter: @peachespulliam
Hometown: New Jersey
Lives In: Atlanta, GA
Read Keshia’s full bio page here >>
Brandi Glanville (45)
Known for: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Twitter: @BrandiGlanville
Hometown: Sacramento, CA
Lives In: Los Angeles, CA
Read Brandi’s full bio page here >>
Metta World Peace [Ron Artest] (38)
Known for: NBA (retired)
Twitter: @MettaWorldPeace
Hometown: Queens, NY
Lives In: Los Angeles, CA
Read Metta World Peace’s full bio page here >>
Ariadna Guiterrez (24)
Known for: Miss Universe 2015 runner-up (Steve Harvey gaffe)
Twitter: @gutierrezary
Hometown: Barranquilla, Colombia
Lives In: Miami, FL
Read Ariadna’s full bio page here >>
James Maslow (27)
Known for: Actor (Nickelodeon)
Twitter: @jamesmaslow
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Lives In: Venice, CA
Read James’s full bio page here >>
Marissa Jaret Winokur (44)
Known for: Broadway Actress
Twitter: @MarissaJWinokur
Hometown: Bedford, NY
Lives In: Toluca Lake, CA
Read Marissa’s full bio page here >>
Mark McGrath (49)
Known for: Singer (Sugar Ray band)
Twitter: @mark_mcgrath
Hometown: Newport Beach, CA
Lives In: Studio City, CA
Read Mark’s full bio page here >>
Omarosa Manigault (43)
Known for: The Apprentice
Twitter: @omarosa
Hometown: Youngstown, OH
Lives In: Jacksonville, FL
Read Omarsosa’s full bio page here >>
Chuck Liddell (48)
Known for: “UFC legend” (MMA)
Twitter: @ChuckLiddell
Hometown: Santa Barbara, CA
Lives In: Calabasas, CA
Read Chuck’s full bio page here >>
Now that we’ve met the cast of Big Brother’s Celebrity get ready for the season premiere! Check the CBB schedule here & set your DVR. Don’t forget to sign up with us for your Feeds & support BBN. Thank you!
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Ya, no thanks, I’ll just wait for BB20 :)
I kinda suspect there was never a chance to please you. I also suspect you’ll be watching this still… ;)
Douche the name being a Douche the game
Omarosa is vomitous, and that’s reason enough alone not to watch. But even without her, there’s just no one I care to learn more about on that list.
True, but that’s the point of her being there. She’s the villain.
Expect the unexpected.
She’s great for ratings!
Thanks for small favours , did you name yourself, or is that just what everyone calls you, ??? Either way, yuck !
Shannon Elizabeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That explains the pie in Julie’s hint…
Yep, and my co-writer Branden figured that out this morning. He’s the smart one of the team here.
I thought there were always 12 houseguests
Could be a twist.
We usually get 16+ HGs in recent years. This time it’s only 19 days so they had to make some cuts.
Less days = less cost to run the show = more of a reason to have even more house guests then ever before… 11 people..doesn’t seem like much fun.
what? It will last 19 days only?
Cost per person of renovating the house just went way up.
Brandi Glanville? Ugh! Omarosa? Ugh! The rest are OK. Brandi is an alcoholic, xanax popping flirt! Anyone who has watched Real Housewives already know that.
An alcoholic, xanax popping flirt? Sounds like perfect CBB material.
…At least great feeds!
She was on the UK version and apparently was the most boring person everr
Sounds like she would start out as a wonderful date, and end up as an awful one ๐พ๐พ๐ธ๐ธ
Seems like the perfect cast for the UK season: the athletes, the singers, the actors, and the reality stars.
Donโt like Omarosa. But Iโll still be watching. Just hope sheโs the first to go.
Cute pic next to your name.
I think the others will be too afraid/intimidated by Omarosa. Oh she is one aggressive villain.
I think this is kind of the perfect test to see if the show is manipulated by CBS or Grodner. Based on the overwhelming dislike people everywhere seem to have for her it feels like she should be the first one voted off with no questions asked. I know using the, “But that means no one will vote for her in the end so she’s good to keep around!” plan is normally a good plan. But these people have to live in the house with her for a few weeks so I say if you want America to like you, kick her out the first day and dump her into the trash. You’re supposed to be a celebrity (no matter how low down the ladder CBS is wiling to describe a “celebrity.”) Give her the boot and please the audience. It’s not a partisan issue. She’s very unlikable to most people. But if there are things done to keep her out of eviction or danger I think that’ll say a lot about CBS’ wanting to keep her in for viewers and I think that’ll end up harming the real BB in the long run.
She may be the only conservative in the house, and that won’t bode well for her (as charged as politics is right now). She’ll either go early or wind up in a corner hiding in a hoodie.
That is Marissa Jaret Winokur not Arissa Winokur..
Yep. I fixed the error a few mins ago, but I guess the cache hasn’t cleared.
Thanks…But, it’s Marissa Jaret Winokur
Okay, so let’s see, just pure raw speculation here at the level of reaction rather than response since I have only just seen this:
–18 days long only (any longer and they might start to detox lol)
–Only 10 house guests (10 place settings but 11 announced)
–Not a single person I would consider to even be an actual celebrity (well, it’s not like any careers will get ruined when they don’t have ones to start with, I suppose)
(I’m not trying to be cruel or anything, I swear! C’mon, you know me to be somewhat civil, yes?)
Seriously, Matthew, what are your thoughts on this? It just seems like they could have done SO much better. Maybe they couldn’t get anyone of any real worth to actually agree to exposing themselves to the world like that? Odd how in the UK version, they seem to have a much easier time with finding people– or maybe they don’t, which is why they have to import many of them from here??
But I must ask, is this really the best that they can do??
You really expected them to get A/B list celebs? Don’t be naive. Give me one person you think they should have gotten instead of this cast? It is what it is.
Just glad they didn’t get “youtube stars” ………ala frankie……….. or pewdepie……..oh god .
Probably comes down to money. Oftentimes, those who are in-bred reality stars get cast in the civilian edition instead.
A lot of these people had stints on DWTS, and if they were willing to do that, they’d probably be willing to strut their stuff on national TV again. If they’ve said NO to DWTS over and over again, odds are they wouldn’t do CBB, either.
It’s actually a little better than I thought, but not by much. Guess I will be rooting for Shannon Elizabeth. Was hoping for Lance Bass.
Good point, I’m surprised we didn’t see Lance make the cut. Missed opportunity there.
I’m sure his people probably took a look at the names on the list and passed quickly not wanting to cheapen his brand.
Iโm happy with the cast. I mean I knew it wasnโt going to be Jennifer Aniston or anything…but there is someone for everyone in this cast. Should b interesting.
I’ve never heard of most of the people. But Celebrity BB USA should be interesting.
Am I the ONLY ONE who is going to see this BB experiment a PRO-Trump vs ANTI-Trump Big Brother?
Who will be the 1st to bash Trump and how many minutes into the BB House will it be?
nope you aren’t… will start the timer the moment I start watching… and you know it will happen with Omarosa there…
Should be a DRINKING GAME:
Ya gotta take a shot every time someone says “Trump”.
God, no. Celebrities aren’t that good at keeping their mouths shut. Everyone will be passed out within five minutes!
roflmao so very true!
Yes yes I have checked with everyone and you are the cheese on this, you stand alone, but really, do you want a strictly Republican, correction, Trump loyalist collection of HouseGuest’s, good luck, talk about a boring show !!!
My guess is it takes LESS then 1 hour before one house guest says “Trump”.
You are probably right, we will see, maybe at first … think the houseguests become somewhat self involved in their separate Big Brother world to be preoccupied with politics. That being said with this being a condensed show it may not give them enough time to become completely self centered . I watch Big Brother to observe a small manageable environment to help learn about social interactions, and escape from the big scary world of politics and big guns and fearless leaders … For a short while at least ๐ธ
“Celebrities” HATE Trump, so he will be a factor in who gets evicted first.
Nope. But Omarosa might be the token conservative in the house. It will be interesting when she starts in who in that group will agree with her or defend what she says.
I cannot stand Omorosa and Brandi.
I will watch, but I hope they both get evicted first.
Love Mark, Ross and Keisha. Who are the rest?
We agree. Ross Mathews is really funny. Brandi and Omarosa? Yuck! Brandi is a smartass. So is Omarosa. Hope they go out first and second!!
Really?? Brandi is super funny and she can be a bitcheee but in a good way. And she is a straight shooter.
I’m with you with on Brandi. She’s a real low-class cow. She also just left Celebrity BB UK (Summer 2017).
She’s raking in the reality TV checks. Those botox/fillers shots are pricey.
I can’t stand them either. I said up top, this could be a deal breaker.
I’m with you sister! I’ll be watching the Olympics cos….
I might say I won’t watch … But you know I will ๐ธ At first just for a taste, and then I get hooked, it is OK with me, as long as I get to choose the hook ;)
Well enjoy Allison, see you in the summer :)
Will I see you, come September ??? Or lose you ? To a summer love ๐ธ๐ธ
We will always have Paris , oh la la !!!!!
Oh tr8, I’m so upset about this news. I been looking forward to a BB reprieve this winter and they give us those 2 bozos?
My suspicions confirmed….NON Celebrity Big Brother. Will make me look forward to the summer even more.
I`m watching the Grammys and I just learned Brandi Glanville will be on BB… OMG I just can`t believe, I truly love her. I`m in heaven right now… and I like Omarosa and Miss Colombia as well.. I can`t wait
Pretty lame cast. I do know that Omarosa will bring drama, confusion and negativity. That should make for great feeds.
I was hoping for Tiffany Pollard (With lots of booze). Oh well, the count down to Summer 2018 begins!
They may keep her around because of that. I’m hoping not.
All good cept for Omopuksa!!!!
I expect all the comments here to be no thanks/ pass etc as if anyone actually expected A/B list celebs to do this.
Omarosa is a celebrity apprentice? I thought she was known for just being on the Apprentice.
I think she was first in the normal people apprentice and then rose to fame and went to the Celebrity Apprentice. Few years ago she went to the Wendy Williams Show and they got into a fight.
she isn’t a celeb that is for sure. She sucked on the apprentice…….. sucks in real life.. and sucks on “reality” tv…….
Regular Apprentice. You’re right. Thanks for catching that. I think she was later on Celebrity Apprentice, but that’s obviously not her starting point. It’s fixed now.
She did participate on both.
Omarosa is a disgusting vile human being. Just courious if she ever held a job in her life?
Seems all she does is go on reality shows and causes “drama”……..and Trump felt sorry for her and threw her a bone for a “job” at the white house which didn’t seem like she did anything at all while she was there.
Seems like an ok cast. Have zero interest in Omarosa. Hope she leaves first, her 15 minutes has lasted way to long.
Only 11 cast members seems kind of small as well…. Most of these people are good people.. o don’t see much “drama” happening unless scripted.
She is a very smart lady. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism, a master’s degree in communications, and a doctorate in biblical studies. She is also an Ordained Baptist Minister.
Beside reality TV, she was a special assistant to Al Gore in the Clinton WH. And she work at the Commerce department. And of course I’m sure you know she work for the Trump administration also.
So spare us your biased assesment.
Right on Cap, any contact with TinaLee or Sharona ????
TinaLee should be around pretty soon. Sharona is still recovering from her 2 surgeries, and write email sporadically, hopefully she will be around soon.
Give Sharona my best, really like Sharona and Tina Lees comments and attitude, they are dears ๐ธ
ah… so that’s why she quit the white house…
** Ariadna Marรญa Gutiรฉrrez Arรฉvalo (born 25 December 1993) is a Colombian actress, model, and beauty pageant titleholder who placed 1st runner-up in Miss Universe 2015. She is best known for being mistakenly announced as the winner of Miss Universe 2015 by host Steve Harvey. **
Does anyone remember when Dave Letterman made fun of the Colombian beauty queen, when he said “Her special talent was swallowing 30 heroin balloons”?
Well, her father was not happy and forced Letterman to apologize on TV.
He invited the beauty queen on his TV show & the whole time he didn’t crack one joke while she was on the couch.
I kinda don’t know anyone except for the Miss Columbia girl who was humiliated by that Steve Harvey incident… so I’ll just treat this as a very short version of regular BB
I got the DVR set to record, not really much of a decent group to really be too concerned about but if I had to pick a favorite at this point, I guess I would have to go with Keshia Knight Pulliam.
Dumbarosa and Skanksville are most likely deal breakers for me. I’m really sad to see they’ve been cast. I would rather see Frankie return and I can’t stand his guts, hell, I’d rather Cody and Jessica come back over those 2. Kind of upset by this turn of events. :(
Heard of Ron Arrest, Keisha Knight Pullman and Ross Matthews, thirteen shows in fourteen days sooooo, get ready for turbo mode Big Brother, heh heh let the games begin, maybe we will get some fun surprises, myself, I would try to make nice with Chuck, for safeties sake
Alfie, by man!! Not sure I’m going to participate with those 2 bishes in the line up. I can’t decide who’s worse, probably Dumbarosa at this point. I don’t want to be reminded of the crappy administration we have to endure day in and day out on BB, my sanctuary. :( On another note, I’m happy to see you!
Thanks, but not Alf or CS j’appele Arthur , will adjust for West Coast time Miss Scarlett ๐ธ๐ธ๐ธ๐ธ
Sorry AG, please forgive.
It is cool, I try to be more like a rubber band than a mousetrap , my disqus page is private, but the link is my YouTube page, I am virtually unnoticed but I have gotten quite proficient at guitar, noone believes I wrote the bass line for Exes and Ohs ( someone hacked it from me ๐พ ), but it is too similar to be yet another unlikely coincidence, you can sing and dance with me any time you like, you just cannot let yourself be sad about the world all the time ๐ธ๐ธ๐ธ
Allright, now we know. LOL
A lot of those rumors were waaayyyy off. I’ll never get why some fans want to believe overly in depth reports like that.
Eh, I’m not that familiar with most of the cast. I’m most familiar with James Maslow, due to his connection to Big Time Rush (as a music teacher, I make it my business to know what my students are listening to).
I most remember the guy with the TV adaptation of “If There Be Thorns” on Lifetime. He was really a creeper there.
I make it my business, haha
This is awful… I read a โspoilerโ a week ago saying there would be Johnny Bananas, Matt Iseman, and Tiffany Pollard, wtf happened?
Those were fake, bogus reports. That list was never real (and why we didn’t even discuss it).
I thought it was interesting that most had been on ABC or NBC shows and I don’t think there is one from a CBS show.
This is way worse than I expected. You had 6 months to come up with a great cast for this show, and you give us nobodies? These are beyond nobodies. Frankie Grande is a bigger star than these nobodies.
Miss Colombia 2015? You couldn’t even get a Miss America?
She’s the runner-up Miss Colombia 2015, and that is exactly why she was picked over Miss America. She’s memorable for what made her the runner-up.
She`s Miss Universe Runner Up.
Yes, yes. Typo. Fixed now.
Frankie Grande is NOT a bigger star other than in his own mind.
They’re probably the only ones who were willing to take part. It’s the first time it’s happening in the US so celebs have no idea how it’ll affect their standing in the entertainment community.
Yay Ross! I like him. Sorry to see Rudy is a part of the cast. I am sure Ed Hartwell (ex-husband, child’s father) will be watching to see if he could get some ammunition against her (they don’t have a good relationship).
Oh, Omarosa, she will never go away quietly. Others, meh!
Not a good career move for Keisha since all of the BB cast end up disappearing from the spotlight. Maybe not I will always be in your face Frankie, but his time to disappear for good is soon too come.
Iโm not sure if I can stomach Omarosa. I know they needed a villian, and sheโll definitely bring the drama, but I have disliked/despised/hated her since the day she opened her mouth years ago on The Apprentice. Boy, her 15 minutes of fame should have ended long ago. The jury is still out on if Iโll watch. I may just come here for updates and avoid the Omarosa Show.
I love despise. Exactly how I feel about this arrogant woman. I wish her well far away from any TV screen.
Good grief! The cast is awful. Iโve only heard of 3 of them. Way way worse than I expected. Really these are the only ones you could get CBS. I was really forward to this and now I wonโt even waste my time.
Two things about Omarosa:
1) I texted my friends the minute she was fired from the White House and said sheโll be cast on Celebrity Big Brother. #calledit
2) Since this is a quick round, I hope they donโt use Twitter for interactivity that results in the game. Thereโs no way we can tell if hashtags or posts are from legit sources or bots and can mess up the game.
Such a sad cast, will be counting the days til BB summer 2018 :(
Mary Hartman Mary Hartman, is in the slammer in the slammer, for real for real
You might have done better keeping this secret. Now I know its no real celebs I dont have to watch. Catch me BB20
Really excited for Metta World Peace. Chuck Liddell is also cool But the rest is just not ineteresting to me. Couldn’t they at least have gotten someone from the Jersey Shore? lol
get rid of omerosa first thing..
advertising revenues will rise as will viewer ratings!
now Howie Mandell and Andy Dick would be hilarious as guests
I was hoping for someone like Tom Arnold or Gary Busey that would really flip the house on it’s top. I’ll still watch it. I just hope Ron Artest and Chuck Liddle will get along for 3 weeks
Oh boy, I can hardly wait !!!!!
Omarosa? Seriously? haha..She supposedly quit the WH, escorted herself off the premises, and threw herself into the bushes. She also deactivated her ID and change the lock her self in her own office….this is gonna be good. I have a target. lol
To be frank, I have no idea what to really expect. Should be fun to watch. Entertain me.
Hey my friend!..Get your NOPE’ ready. I’ll have my goats. hehe
I’m ready.
I think it was Sean Spicer who actually did hide in the bushes, he dissed Tamara Keith at least once so I don’t like him ๐พ
I’m in..Mr Boyer…signing up.
Ok, ok… I see some potential here. Yeah a few are duds, but we didn’t really expect A listers, right? Shannon Elizabeth and Rudy are a win. Ron Artest (Metta World Peace) is beyond crazy and just made to be in the house. Mark McGrath… I just wanna fly. That’s all I’ve got to say… kind of feels like a heavy representation for those of us who came of age near the end of the 90’s/early 2000’s.
Some of these people might be worth watching simply because of what they might say. Keshia might have plenty to say about Bill Cosby, Omarosa – about Donald Trump (both during Apprentice and in the WH), and others are DWTS hand-me-downs, which could also be interesting. At least worth taping if something good is going on in the Olympic venues.
OK I have seen four of the new HouseGuest’s before, missed Mark McGrath from the Sugar Ray Band, soft grooves, sort of between a California surf and a Reggae sound, very listenable to my ears, ” Serve your love on fly ” has that nice guitar riff I know you have heard, later haters ๐ธ๐ธ๐ธ๐ธ๐ธ
As I’m from Europe, I don’t know a single one of them. They are absolutely no ones here. So it’s not gonna be really that interesting. But I’ll watch it to pass time waiting for BB CAN :)
?????? Because Canada is so much closer to Europe ! Yes that must be it .
Well, obviously Canadian BB is not a celebrity version, so nobody knows those HGs. US celebrity version is gonna be all about them being famous, which they are not outside US. That is quite a difference. But I get it, you would have to use brain to figure that out.
They are not exactly A list celebrities for certain, even in the US , we do not get Canadian BB, apparently it is readily available in Europe, I used my brain to figure that out, I think !, maybe not, some people get by without one and just go by instinct, it is easier, you have less regrets ๐ธ
Shannon Elizabeth and Metta World Peace.