Update: So it seems there will not be a cast release on Sunday, Jan. 23rd. The waiting continues! We will keep you updated.
We are counting down the days until the start of Celebrity Big Brother 3 on February 2nd and the CBB3 cast rumors have been swirling, but don’t let yourself get caught up in the frenzy just yet.
Every Big Brother preseason features a healthy (unhealthy?) dose of ridiculous cast rumors and suggestions with little substance or support while some fans eat it up and rumors spread like wildfire. Typically that spread is contained to Big Brother’s own little fandom but this year/season it really took off in the mainstream.
Over the past few days, we’ve watched outlets big enough to know better commenting and speculating on silly cast lists that I’m sure someone enjoyed crafting and hopefully we all most of us know is just part of the BB preseason fun and games. Don’t fall for it when we’re this close to the real news.
I’m sticking to my prediction from the other week that we will get the official CBS cast announcement for Celebrity Big Brother 3 this Sunday, January 23rd. The previous two seasons revealed the cast to their Sunday night high audience and I think that’s when we’ll get it again this year.
So stick tight and join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our Big Brother App so you catch all the real cast news when it hits. We’ll be watching and ready for everything we get preseason leading up to the exciting premiere of the three-week run of Celebrity Big Brother 3!
But while we wait, a little wishing never hurts so name two celebrities that you would like to find in the CBB house this upcoming season? I’m looking forward to the season and will enjoy it no matter who we get in the house! Thanks for joining us again for yet another season of Big Brother.