Breaking News: Big Brother 14 HG Willie Hantz Is Gone

Big Brother 14 Willie Hantz expelled

This is not a joke. Willie Hantz is gone from Big Brother 14.

Earlier today Willie Hantz exploded in the house, Flashback to 3:35PM BBT to watch the meltdown begin. After the second Coaches Competition completed and the Live Feeds returned we learned Janelle had won the power and would not be trading. This was Willie’s big hope for salvation, for whatever reason. Pouring salt on the wound, Janelle made Britney’s entire team Have-Nots. Willie was furious.

Immediately after the Live Feeds returned at 3:35PM BBT (Cam1) JoJo tells Willie that she’s sorry, but isn’t going down by association for him. Willie tells her that he needs to get the attention off them and is about to make himself go down instead.

Don’t know how to use the Flashback feature? Read our Live Feeds Flashback guide.

Willie Hantz marched up to the Big Brother 14 HoH room (3:45PM BBT Cam1/2) and declared he was “going to get evicted this week before I get out that door.” Joe interpreted this as a threat of violence. Everything fell apart from there. Boogie started jokingly calling for the in-house on-call shrink. Willie then went back downstairs and told JoJo he was “going to get in a fight and knock somebody out.”

Shortly after that the Live Feeds broke away to Trivia. Four hours later the Feeds returned and the house was down one Willie. You can still use Flashback to rewatch these events on the Feeds as if it were Live so get the Free Trial right now.

We’re still collecting details on the exact events leading up to the Willie Hantz Big Brother 14 eviction expulsion, but we’ll continue to update as we go.

Willie’s former teammates Shane, JoJo, and mentor Britney were collected in the Have-Not room. They all were angry with Willie and all confirmed through comments that Willie is gone “forever.” Turn on your Live Feeds or get the 3-Day Free Trial right now and start watching to see how the house is reacting to this shocker!

Okay, discussion on the Feeds indicated Willie headbutted Joe. That’d be all it takes to get thrown out of the house permanently. We’re also hearing from JoJo that Willie is banned from the Big Brother 14 finale. I guess I won’t be talking to him again.

More info thanks to Ian. Flashback to 9:10PM BBT on the Feeds. Willie kicked a door, dropped lots of cursing, threw pork rinds at Janelle, called her a “bitch,” and headbutted & chest bumped Joe in the bathroom. Joe was told to stay in the bathroom. Willie was called to the DR. Janelle said “bye, bye Willie.” Allison Grodner came on the speakers and HGs were told the game would go on without Willie.

Note: There’s a big difference between being evicted and being expelled, or thrown out. Once expelled there is no chance for return at any point in the season. Willie won’t be invited back for the finale or any future seasons. It’s even suspected that Willie’s return trip was entirely on his own dime. CBS rightfully dumps expelled HGs out on the street.

Here are a few of the final images of Willie Hantz in Big Brother 14.

Click images to see full-size



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    • Ma and Pa Hantz should have raised pigs.Ā  Atleast you could eat them.

      Why does this family get so much airtime?

      • Cause they go after wht they wnt and dnt hide behind nobody that’s a dam man Nt a bunch of bitches

      • thats really crude. maybe they get airtime, because someone likes them, or else they would not be asked to be on tv.Ā 

      • Ā I really hope CBS is done with the Hantz name..if they don’t get a clue after this, then Julie’s hubby needs to find a new job and so does Ms. Grodner.

      • time to be done with the hantz family. his flip show wasnt bad(russ) but overall they all just need to move on from reality TV, russell had a nice run there when no one knew his game, but his time is beyond up, and the rest of his family only make him more of a mockery, as they are all a waste of time

    • I don’t find this disappointing at all! I mean, a little less drama so that sucks, but the drama will pick up again. Like, they HAVE to bring someone back or put a coach in or SOMETHING. There is going to be a big twist like that now because they are short a player. What do you guys think they’re going to do?

  1. Just like his brother…when things don’t go his way he throws a fit. Some game-playing on his part.

    • I don’t think it was all about things not going his way. First frank and Joe said he was making gay slurs and making fun of Wil and then he is getting called a bully but tryn to tell them to play from themselves and trien to get people to vote with him is not bulling he didn’t say if u don’t vote with me I’m going to do this.Then to top it all off after knowing ur going on the block and going home Janelle had to rub it inĀ  and put the team a have not along with Ian witch in it self is f’d up. I’m not saying that he was rite for putting his hands on anyone but I can see how he was pushed to that point and we also don’t know what happened up to that point. Joe is a big trouble maker.

      • He was making fun of Wil, NOT COOL! or did you not see that? He is just like his brother. I’m HAPPY he is gone. I hope Joe presses charges against him!

      • Code55 he did NOT make fun of him. He mocked what he said . He didint think or mean anything by it . Would you have thought different if Boogie wouldve mocked willie for say something and do you condone Wil calling willie and his team redneck trash. Not once did you hear Willie say anything out of the way about Wil. Ā Joe actually started all the drama. Joe is a BIG Pu/. I do not condone Willies actions. But I think the people in the house made him look like a monster and he wasn’t. Ā The coaches are trying Ā to play the players games. Wait til the coaches get tossed into the game and everything Willie warned them about comes true and you see ‘ Janelle the fakest person in the game” just giggle and move on using the next person. She is making herself as a mother look really bad . A real mother would actually show a little remorse or feelings.Ā 

      • Willie was not making fun of Wil, he just memiced him when he repeated what he had said. But Willie, was trying to bully them at one point and he did lie, as far as playing his own game he was not he was playing Brittany’s game and she is a low person herself not just Janelle. She was making fun of Willie for being a drop out from high school and she is always 2 faced to everyone in the house. Probably makes fun of her own reflection,. Janelle may be fake on this show but that does not mean she is a bad mother. I am sorry he is a GROWN ASS MAN, I for one think they are better off with him gone. Did no one ever watch the past seasons.Ā 

      • He wasn’t pushed….he was a tyrant and bully and wanted everyone to vote his way. Frank called him out, he had deals every which way. He was a meltdown waiting to happen at any time. Better sooner than later. Sorry, but I don’t want to see a terrorist, close to hitting someone the whole summer. He could of played the game, ate some humble pie. And be a man and not give up. Losing your cool and losing it is not any man that I want to know. I taught my son that those very antics does not make a man. Keeping your cool and handling any situation makes one a man. He spent time in prison I heard, for bating someone up, a old boyfriend of a woman, or something like that…..he is not a man, but a loose cannon. He needs anger management and therapy and get a hold of this, or he will be in prison again for something else. There is no defending his behavior or feeling sorry. He made his own bed w/his actions.

      • nah, i think he was pushed to that point. Frank made up a bunch of sh.t and embellished on everything Willie said to him after he trusted Frank and tried to keep him in the game. And whats worse, people drank all the kool aid that frank was giving them. Willie didnt bully anyone in that meeting or even call anyone a sheep. he didnt use gay slurs against Wil, he did the same thing that boogie and others do all the time, he did an impression of him. Frank using that impression to turn ppl against willie is a perfect example, frank didnt care about wil like that, he just wanted ppl to turn on Willie. he did play the game too hard too fast, but it was such a long time to be HOH and the game changes so fast that ppl started to look at him as a bully cuz they needed someone to rally against, and that would start alliances. Brittany told the group to split of the votes to keep frank in the game, not willie, and that way Boogie wouldnt know that they were in an alliance, he wasnt trying to get Frank to go after janelles team. Willie missed several opportunities to make the point that Frank was just freaking out at the last second trying to save his own ass, or doing and saying anything to stay in the game. But the house bought it.. it was lame. I still dont condone willie’s actions tho.. he coulda came back from all that. Or someone coulda took him to the end just to win the game themselves.

      • Ā to code55em, yeah then willie can counter sue for Joe calling him an alcholalic, bb came on to shut big mouth Joe up.

      • I agree, they shouldn’t have completely lied about Willie having made gay slurs about Wil because he clearly HAD NOT DONE THAT.Ā  I don’t think Willie ever made ANY kind of reference to Wil being gay, I think he (and the others) thought it was kind of ridiculous when Wil had made the comment about wanting a 24-hour break from game-play – why are you in the BB house if you want a break from game-play?Ā  YOU DON’T EVER GET A BREAK from game-play, unless it’s to your detriment.Ā  I’m not saying Willie didn’t have a hissy fit or whatever, but it might not have happened if that complete lie about him had not gotten circulated throughout the whole house.Ā  It’s too bad this happened, as like him or not, Willie DID create a lot of drama.Ā  Hopefully CBS will smarten up and NEVER have a Hantz on any of its reality shows again, I think many of us are getting so tired of that.Ā  The whole family, from what we have seen with Russell himself and his nephew and brother seems to have anger management issues, to say the least.

      • I know that WIllie wasnt making fun of Wil but what made it worse is that Wil is gay. If anyone says someone is making fun of a gay man everone jumps to the conclusion that the comments were homophobic

      • I agree…the rest of the cast are the ones that landed Willie out. Bunch of whining weenies!!! I dont even want to watch them….YUK!!! I would have knocked the crap out of that LOUD idiot!!

      • u r absolutely right..and…willie did not mean to head butt him..he pushed him with his stomach..joes big fat head was in the way..actually i am not even sure he hit his head…i totally blame joe for this and janelle..they are the bullies! boogie is a bully too!! why do they keep bringing old players in with their big Ā egos and all..joe needs to go…they started rumors about willie and they all continued to belittle him …and talk about him and lie about him..i wish they would all stop talking about him..makes me hate this season ..dont really like any of them at all..

  2. This doesn’t make sense though…when Chima was expelled they acted as if a whole week had gone by and they did a new HOH and new noms.

  3. Unbelievably selfish of Willie did he forget he’s on a team? Poor Brit da twit, now that team is really screwed, so noms are now JoJo & Shane, how easy is that, and we know JoJo is not winning POV so that leave Shane lol..yowzah! He must have tore it up (literally) in order for CBS to evict him, I wonder what happened?!
    That sucks for ratings, b/c he was really the truly controversial player there now that he’s gone does that mean maybe Jodi can return? Hmm…I think this HOH run for Frank is going to be very twisted! Poor ting.

    • I think they should give her a chance for Willie did not deserve to be there if he is such a quitter and they should bring her back into the game to take and give her a shot. She played hard to get in just to be sent home to soon.

  4. And his teammates are mad at him???? Ā Brit started it all. Ā And all the others have been on everything he does, even making thing up! Ā Can you imagine how that felt? Ā I don’t even think he knew what was being said about him, attributed to him…all he knew was that he was becoming more and more hated. Ā Hate to see him go!

    • I am so glad some one else said that cause I am thinking the same thing.To call him some of the things they did and then call him the bully is a little mixed up to me.

      • I agree I think a lot of this whole mess belongs to Joe and even Frank.Ā  Frank was being protected by Willie and had the votes.Ā  Why was this necessary?Ā  I really think Willie wanted to play his game with Frank.Ā  The coaches being there are part of the problem as well.Ā  No one has been allowed to play their own game and form alliances like in a normal season.Ā  They are forced to be with who they are.Ā  I really think Willie felt like getting himself evicted was hopefully going to protect JoJo and Shane.Ā  It may not have been the right move, but I don’t see Willie as the monster and I think this game is going to be very boring without him.Ā  Last year bringing the Vets back and now this year the coaches in my opinion was wrong.Ā  Bring all new players in and let them play their own game.Ā  If they put coaches into the game that is not fair either.Ā  They had their seasons.

    • Do you remember season 12??? Rachel was talked about so badly. I mean vile personal comments, about private parts, etc, she was a target the whole game. Of course she cried and whined….you try being on BB and being talked about and a target, I would probably cry too, just to release the high stress I would be experiencing. But she didn’t call others disgusting names, she didn’t destroy things and try to get herself evicted….and how many times was she on the block, once being backdoored? No, she continued to play the game hard. She was a player of the game….Willie was a baby who when it wasn’t going his way, like Chima, threw a tantrum and gave up and got thrown out.

    • Finally someone has said it- Yeah Gayle—-BRIT pushed his buttons till he exploded. Ā Now headbutting, he deserved to be out, but up to that point his buttons were pushed by the greatest player- Brit- whatever- she was the last call from BB who finally says yes. Ā As Brit is not the greatest player she was actually played by her team in her season……

      • I actually do blame Brit to for Willie’s downfall. Not that i’m supporting Willie on his actions but she started this whole mess but telling Willie about her concerns. She should’ve kept her suspicions to herself instead telling Willie and messing up his game. I definitely believe that he and Frank would’ve had a great alliance hadn’t it been for Brit’s mouth.

        And when everyone isolated Willie, all Brit did was tell him to stay away from the team and that is not how a “coach” should treat her team member. Ā I must say i felt very sad for Willie even though he had no right to act up but Brit is partially to blame.

    • brittney is a genius for painting wille into a corner. played him like a fish.
      brilliant BB play brit.Ā  only sorry we don’t get to see willie trying to get into wil’s pants for the rest of the season, you know he wants it!!

  5. This show is so screwed this year…there are only 9 houseguest left and week 2 just started! The vets will definitely be in the game soon

    • dont compare brandon too! thats insane, brandon is more willie, than russell,. NEITHER are really up to russell’s level in terms of playing the game

      russ didnt TURN on his own, he was loyal, he as he said, didnt take charge early on, hes in construction, he followed, he didnt lead as he could have in building a structure etc

      brandon went as far as to say he wanted to play an honorable survivor, basically dumping on russ who since has basically renounced any knowledge of being related to the idiot.

  6. He isĀ definitely a Hantz. Ā Russell threw a hissy fit when he was sent to Redemption Island and lost last time. Ā If these guys were as good as they claimed, they would play a better social game (which is a part of the game)Ā 

    • ok its not AT ALL, the same

      russ was mad for a darn good reason. his entire freaking team THREW A CHALLENGE, to get him eliminated. id be pissed too, and it led to the downfall of their tribe

      • Russell threw hissy fits in all 3 seasons if he didn’t get his way. Ā It’s a game. Ā Russell would have bragged if he had thought of throwing a challenge to get someone out. Ā 

        Willie is really no different

      • really? russ was NOT a problem his first season. you thought he was since he was the “villan” but what did he do? call a couple girls dumb blanks? I mean really? that is NOT the same

        did he get a bit whiney in s3, yes, as ANYONE would after dominating a game twice, only to recieve no votes(he did deserve it the first time around) and he had ZERO breaks between the 2, which I can see leading to being pissed when the first is airing, and you know you lost the 2nd

        but hey, you like to compare apples to a freight train. aka, not even the same library let alone the same book

      • tell me, if he was SO BAD, why dont you get rid of him in S1, or S2 for russ? why? riddle me that.

        people were willing to do anything to dump willie, the first two survivors, that was not the case with russ

        so many like you just dont appreciate when a great player like russ comes along and completely changes how people play the game

    • Does anyone else think that the whole Hantz family is screwed up in some way??? Like a mental deficiency? I love them all because I love me a little drama in reality TV. But Russell, Brandon, Willie, and even Brandon’s Dad (can’t remember his name). I bet Russell told him he needed to win the game to buy into the company and that’s what he meant by saying “I need to win so I can get out of the oil business. What are we to do without Willie??? Bring back Rachel!!! :)

  7. this season jus went down in flames…this fucking sucks…i was so team willie man he got railroaded..but he should not have at in that matter. this show jus go alil more boaring without willie ..shit to be honest he was the entertaiment in the show. RIBBP willie.

    • The crazy thing is if we would have just stayed and got evicted they most likely would have brought him back cause they new everyone wanted to see what he was going to do or say next.

    • Yeah, seems like this season is a definite fail on CBS’s part.
      First day eviction, player getting expelled, stupid “coach’s” (a.k.a. recycling players AGAIN), having 90% of the players be between 21-30 years old, no diversity, everything seems half assed from production. Sucks Willie went down that way, he was my favorite.

  8. what a dummy.Ā  smh he played the game too hard, way too soon.Ā  i knew he wasn’t going to last.Ā  but i didn’t think he’d evict himself just because he wasn’t in control.

  9. Have fun being a big baby back at home… I’m disappointed in Willie. I thought he going to go far.

  10. I know the game is a game of lies and deceit, but it’s a shame that one person had to take the fall for everything that was said – good or bad. Seems as though things got out of hand way too fast and early in this season!Ā  Wonder what is going to happen now???????Ā  Maybe nothing but the show just seems like it is losing it’s ‘luster’ – please go back to the old way of playing this game back about 5 seasons ago…it was way more exciting! I think some of the players are just way too immature!

    • Exactly.
      I mean, if BB has to keep recycling players, then maybe, just maybe, BB’s best days are behind them.
      This season is gonna be trash w/o Willie.
      I have nobody else to root for now :(

  11. Willie knew that being in the house wasn’t going to be easy… If he knows anything about Big Brother he would know that people lie, cheat,Ā back-stabĀ and anything else that will get them to the finals… I never seen a big brother where everyone was sweet and innocent and not lie to get ahead… He is a woose in my book… Yeah, he made things interesting… But geeze, he knew what he was in for… He is a sore looser and didn’t care who he brought down with him… I do wonder what will happen this week with the evictions… Maybe they should have waited to send what ever her name was that got sent home the first night… She may have needed to be put in as a pitch hitter…Ā 

    • I blame his coach

      he was already feeling a bit…..low on the totem pole in terms of getting the tv time and attention he wanted due to the vets

      then brit goes and tells him all this stuff about what is being said about him. that right there, should be HEAVILY highlighted by CBS, showing brit’s extreme bad coaching.

      brit is so out of her league, it more than shows. boogie’s BEST PLAYER was on the block and they got him off and sent home a totally useless player. and brit cant even keep her own under control when they are IN POWER.

    • Ā ..that is the game of BB, you lie, backstab, if people are not prepared for that going into the house, then they should never try out for the show. I get tired of hearing people say, “I am going go play with integrity.”Ā  Well, 98.9% of the time, that does not happen, the only person I can think of who played with the most integrity was Jordan Lloyd, most of the time, it can’t be done.

    • Don’t forget BB sweetheart, Jordan! Did she ever lie? I can’t remember.

  12. Janelle just said Willie threw pork rinds at her and head butted Joe 4 times and was kicked out

  13. fyi, was an interesting interview with russ on rob has a web show(not trying to promote, no connection, just saying it provides some insight) and russ was pretty much saying he felt willie would get another shot back at the game(if he had been eliminated this week)…well, he RUINED that chance. just stupid, I still really felt he could have been back in the game and done some damage at the least before voted out a 2nd time

    its probably for the best though, he just doesnt get it. why did janelle put team brit on slop? dan has 1 member, and boogie is running things, and janelle isnt about to screw her own team with slop, so who is left? oh right, brit’s team.

    its like he forgets that last week a boogie and a dan team member were both up on the block. was team brit supposed to get a free pass in his eyes? I dont get that aspect, just shows a man who lost it

  14. my biggest frustration is now they will probably throw a bone to team jo jo and company because they are now totally screwed

      • The chef is a shit stirring tiddie baby. He is stuffed so far up Booger and Jenelles ass he he cant see daylight!

  15. HATE Willie is gone this show will be so boring, but after they ran around telling one lie after another on him he didn’t have a chance. Britney and Janelles fault he didn’t even want to put Frank up but because of Brit and Janelle’s alliance they insisted. He should’ve played his own game in the beginning. Screw the coach thing sucked didn’t work at all. He was cheated trying to keep Brit happy.

    • Show just got better . Now iĀ  can start watching BBAD again.Couldnt listen to this guy anymore.Way to go Janelle , must have read the Art of War.

      • Not yet. After dark is boring right now! Reality hasn’t set in with these guys yet and all they talk about is Willie. Give it a day or two and they will be trying to figure out who’s going to replace him though.

  16. They (cbs) needs to do some major damage control to keep viewers interested. I dont like the vets in the game I wish they just did all new people. I feel sorry for Willie but I know he did it to himself. But id be embarrassed to go out like that!

    • And Dick poured iced tea on Jen and called her even worse names. That probably wasn’t the breaking point. Ā It was the headbutt that did it.

  17. wonder if russ will still go to the reunion! bet rob is happy he got that interview when he did!

  18. They all must have really been afraid of Willie, since they felt the need to back door him and not let him play for the veto. Janelle sickens me. She is just siding with whoever has the power each week. Frank is a pathetic loser. He led people to believe that Willie was mocking Wil for being gay. Hoping Frank is out next week.

      • Ā Oh and he DID mock Wil…it was all right there.Ā  Not as strongly as it was made to be…but it DID happen.

      • everyone knew that Willie was out the door…it dosen’t take a genius to know that. Also if your not in that house 24/7 YOU have no idea how stressful it is.

  19. surprised and disappointed that Willie gone…but what I’m really disappointed in is that Kara and Jodi are gone by eviction and now we are done to 9 houseguests and 8 after Thursday nights eviction. Will Big Brother bring back one or two evicted hg’s like in a few seasons because right now we lack in number of houseguests for a fully season? This should be an interesting week.

  20. So unless shane wins pov, he is leaving. :(Ā  that sucks!!Ā  I read on another site that Mike and Frank said that if Shane wins POV, then Danielle is going home (Jojo is the weakest of the 3) if Shane doesn’t, he is going home…Thanks Willie!!Ā  Shane gets to go home a week early and more than likely Brit will be down to 1 player b/c of you.Ā  I was rooting for ya and thought to a certain degree the house was on a witchhunt out Ā for you.Ā  Janelle and Brit screwed you in the beginning and Frank and Joe made it worse, but headbutting???Ā  Throwing and Kicking things?Ā  Calling Janelle the “c” word?Ā  That’s uncalled for….

  21. This year is kinda weak.Ā  Dan gets rid of a strong player cause the other two don’t like her (duh) then Willie has a temper tantrum when he knows he will get put on the block not evicted just put on the block cause you can always win power of veto damn man up guy man up!

  22. the big BABY couldnt handle sleeping in the bed he made for himself eh?Ā  WAA WAA WillieĀ  WAA WAAĀ Ā  go home you big fat crybaby! He is nothing but a liar and a bully anyways the house is better off without him.

    • I read it was a head butt followed by a chest bump….then BB told Joe to go into the bathroom then Willie was told to got DR….When he finally did, he called the HG a bunch of (p word) and threw pork rinds at Janelle and called her the c word before entering the DR.Ā  Janelle gave him the finger and and said bye bye!!Ā  Then the all got pizza!!

  23. Big brother please bring back kara. Please do the right thing, she got a raw deal for willie stupid reactions. This is the perfect time to bring her back.

      • Now Jodie got the raw deal..Didn’t even get to stay longer than 5 hours!!!Ā  Bring her back….

      • Jodi won’t be back. She wasn’t put in sequester so she’s seen too much. Kara has a chance though because she’s still doing sequester. They’ll probably keep her there now. And whoever is evicted next. That or a twist putting a coach in the game…

  24. I know this is going to seem out of left field, but I bet Ian becomes everyone’s entertainment.Ā  he will draw people in.Ā  CBS focused on Willie for an audience – not that Willie is gone CBS will focus more on the other guests.Ā  I think Wil, Ian, and Frank are going to become a team worth watching – the three can make the show real interesting.

    • His brother is Russell. I’m sure he DID make his family proud, they probably all think that way. Probably wondering why it took so long. Lol. Russell was probably confused when Willine wasn’t in charge again this week as HOH, thought it wasn’t fair he wasn’t in charge. Seems to be his attitude.

    • Staged would imply the producers are licking their chops watching all of this unfold, because it will make for good television. Yet I’ll bet you 50 bucks the producers won’t even show the alleged headbutt on national television, if it did in fact happen, during aired episodes away from BBAD, because they don’t want that kind of image for their show. If I see footage of a violent act on Sunday at 8, Wednesday at 8 or Thursday at 9, I’ll be shocked and I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong. (Just don’t expect the 50 bucks).

    • From who? The only one who has enough balls to say or do anything is JoJo. The rest of HGs are p*ssies.

      • From the coaches. As soon as they get over the shock of Willie leaving they’re going to be paranoid about how they will replace him. They are a player short so somebody is getting back in the game, a coach is joining, or someone new altogether. DRAMA.

  25. Willi asshole or not was my favorite player. Now I don’t wanna watch anymore … they sucked the fun out of bb14 by removing willi plus big mouth Joe had it coming…

    • yea totally agree…willie got railroaded made him into a bad guy..they all lied on him….bb just got boring as fuck..check out bbad feeds..they all love each other and shit. fucking pussies

      • So? Ā You really think they are going to talk gameplay after what just happened? Ā Wait until after the POV competition. Ā  Shane and JoJo will then remember they are back on the block, and normal play will resume.

        Don’t know about other people, but my enjoyment of BB and reality tv in general doesn’t hinge on creeps like the Donatos and the Hantzes

  26. im glad this happened, i know willie did other things but my main reason is that he lied to frank, i just wanted him out

  27. also dont frget hes a racist, he said he knock a N (word) poor player, bring jodi and kara back

  28. Haha! Can we start calling Janelle, Pork Rinds, from now on? When the coaches enter the game(CBS has no other option), I hope Janelle is the first to go. Willie is to blame for alot of stuff, but alot of it was brought on him from Brit & Janelle. They threw to many ideas at him. Atleast he went out with a bang. I would headbutt Joe too. The guy is nasty. He doesn’t even wash his hands after going to the bathroom. I hope his customers really love his food with a sprakle of urine and pubs on it.

    • Yes! The thing that annoys me the most is that they threw all these ideas at him ( especially Britney ) and then got mad when he started to get paranoid. I mean I’d get a bit paranoid too if someone told me the person coaching me may have a chance at entering the game, because then it becomes ‘Is the coach telling me this to help me or to possibly help their game in the future?’

  29. i can’t stand watching this game anymore. what’s up with these ‘coaches’? it’s not even big brother anymore, the new cast has little to no say in anything. so disappointing, even the characters aren’t worth watching. i’ll watch a few more episodes and if it doesn’t become fun and interesting, i think I’m done for this season.

  30. i am trying to use the flashback feature but can’t find the correct time to choose.Ā  I know it says 3:35 BBT what does that translate too?

  31. Is it just me or does anyone else think he was hired Ā by The Glass House to cause drama then get kicked out soĀ ratings would drop?Ā 


  33. i really liked willie, i feel like he was one of the only players this season with some actual character…alot of them are very boring. we never see jenn, ashley seems dumb, ian is…awkward, danielle is quiet, and honestly i cant remember the others. willie had the potential to be a good player if he didnt let his anger get in the way. and this whole coaches thing, in my opinion, is so stupid, it’s not even the original game anymore. i think cbs needs to come up with something BESIDES returning players. that has been the “theme” for the past few years now, and its getting boring because the house it automatically split. even if the coaches enter the game, their players will already know what the coach’s state of minds are, so its just stupid. anyway, i liked willie and i’m upset he blew it. i’m anxious to see how cbs will fix this season, cause so far it seems to be going down the drain.

  34. In my opinion this whole season so far has been pretty lame. I don’t watch any of the live feeds, but from what I’ve seen on the televised show is that there isn’t really that many house guests that have actually been playing the game that good. I believe that it’s something with the coaches that’s making the game feel this way. I feel like a lot of players are just doing what their coaches are telling them to do, which is why I think they should let the coaches start playing the game solo like the other house guests. Unless I’m missing something that is seen on live feeds, I feel as if players like Ian, Jenn, JoJo, Wil, Ashley, Joe and Danielle really haven’t done anything. I don’t know though, this is just my opinion based on from what I’ve seen I could easily be proven wrong.

  35. Just because Willie mimicked Wil’s voice doesn’t mean he was making fun of him because he is gay. Frank knew exactly what he was doing. As for Joe what was his goodbye message to Kara all about?

    • Ya I didn’t really understand Joe’s meesage either. I was thinking to myself like, ” Joe have you actually done anything in the game yet?”. He’s just been annoying in the house so far by using all the food and having an annoying loud voice.

    • lol i agree.. joe was saying about how you have to fight in the house and crap…meanwhile what exactly has he done thats so fantastic? lol…

    • Ā Joe thinks that Kara is a dumb blonde. I don’t remember exactly what he said but it involved something like going back to Malibu beach.

  36. This season sucks! They should have never done the coach thing — most of these people are idiots and can’t think for themselves without their coach’s puppeting them. Every last one of them is doing exactly what they were blaming Willie for doing, in one form or another — some are just better at it or not getting caught! Willie made some mistakes obviously, but for it just being a “game” these people made him into the “villian” he left as…

  37. Luckily we’ve only had a few truly dishonorable players over the years. Justin, who threatened Krista with a knife in season 2. Shannon, who used Hardy’s toothbrush to clean the toilet. Jen, who broke food restrictions. Chima. And now Willie. He could have just quit rather than assaulting people. Worse still when someone like Jodi got eliminated in the first few hours of the show. I was enjoying the coaches angle moreso than the last 2 seasons. I wonder how they are going to fill in the gap in players.

    • Not going to include Dick in that list of dishonourable players? I think there’s a case that he should’ve been thrown out, and I don’t mean for pouring a drink over her head, but burning her wrist with his cigarette was intentional.

      • Ā Jen lost it & was invading Dick’s personal space. Everything is legal specially if someone is in your face. IMO it was Jen’s fault for being such a female dog. Oh after this I think they should give a chance to Jodi, since her eviction was so unfair.

      • @yahoo-CT5OGYSRLRIRER67HKOUJ5M2VY:disqusĀ That doesn’t give Dick an excuse to use his cigarette to burn her wrist, or to blow smoke directly in her face when some people have worse reactions than most to that and it’s a question of her health, for all Dick knew he could’ve caused her actual harm. (I realize it’s unlikely, but not impossible. I have a cousin who can’t handle it at all, if she inhales cigarette smoke she goes into an uncontrollable coughing fit that lasts a while, once she even had to go to the ER because it conflicted with her asthma).

        Everything is certainly not legal, in that case. Being a b*tch is bound to happen in the house, you have to handle it and control yourself.

        Jodi was dealt a rough hand, but she still had a poor performance in the competition that sent her home. Everyone was at the same risk, fail in the first competiton of the year, on debut night, and you could be sent home, and everyone (except Jenn, but her team bailed her out) performed better than Jodi.

      • JENĀ  burned herself cause she was trying to knock the cigarette out of ED’s mouth and then his hand. This issue has been hashed and reshashed time and time again.Ā  Jen was at fault not ED..that is why he did not get reprimanded or ejected. The ice tea incident ED was guilty of but he did not touch her or do anything that would cause her bodily harm. Go back and watch the burning episode… Jen put herself in a position to get hurt.

      • @4971b14920e20c9fab2d432c99d2c809:disqusĀ I have watched it, a few times, and I’ll never buy that there wasn’t intent on Dick’s part. He was annoyed and there was intent, you can even see it momentarily on his face and he pushes it into her wrist. I guess it’s your opinion there was zero intent, but I don’t buy that. Anyway, like you said that’s been re-hashed several times so I won’t go on any further about it. The iced tea and the blowing smoke in her face, there’s no defense for.

      • I’m certainly not condoning Evil Dick. In many ways he acted childish and inappropriate. My main point was that we have been fortunate to see only a handful of players cross that line. To me, the best gameplay comes when it seems the odds are stacked against you. When you aren’t HOH. When you don’t have an immunity idol or diamond veto, and yet you find a way to stay in the game. I wasn’t a Willie fan but I was willing to give him a chance and see how he faired when he didn’t have the power. I’m disappointed by how he handled it.Ā 

    • I read that Willie headbutted Joe ONCE.Ā  Don’t know where 4 times came from.Ā  Head butted and chest butted, which ONLY means (IMO) head to head and chest to chest.Ā  I really dislike Joe.Ā  He’s loud and obnoxious.Ā  I would rather see Willie and all his antics than Joe.Ā  Hope Joe goes home soon.Ā 

  38. I haven’t seen the incident (I don’t have live feeds, I’m not sure if the alleged headbutting is even viewable on live feeds) but I have been reading from more than one place that Joe doesn’t look like he’s been headbutted, let alone four times. If you’re headbutted once, nevermind frice (new word!) it would be clear and the evidence would be all over Joe’s face. Unless Willie headbutted him in the chest or something, or in the upper arm, whatever…but who does that. A headbutt is most often head against head, unless you’re Zinedine Zidane.Ā 

    I already found it hard to believe Willie headbutted Joe four times, and Joe’s face having no damage doesn’t help change my mind. Live feeders can tell me, how does Joe look?

    • He looked pretty skeevy to begin with IMO.Ā  He’s my least favorite house guest.

  39. Willie was not a bully. Just because he’s Russell’s brother they all wanted to think he is like him when he really wasn’t. He wasn’t bullying anyone into doing anything, he was simply trying to get people to vote with him like everyone else….

  40. I’m not hating here but there are millions of other people that deserved Willie’s spot. He got into the show just because he was the brother of the dude from Survivor. What the heck was CBS thinking? Bring Jodi back! We’ve had enough of old players coming back from theĀ  dead. Can’t we have an all new cast?Ā 

    • I haven’t had enough of old players returning, and I think Jodi was the right call for eviction. Sucked for her to only have one chance to prove anything, but she still had that chance and her performance was weak. Given the situation Dan was in, it wouldnt’ve been fair to eliminate Kara or Danielle.

      I do agree with you though about Willie basically spitting on the privilege he was given.

    • I’m tired of people saying this. As much as one million people would’ve loved to be on the show, they won’t ever be. Why? CBS only wants models , or actors. I mean the majority of the people on the season are there due to their looks or because of who they’re related to. That’s simply what BB has become. The majority of the people in the house didnt even know of Big Brther until they got the call from casting.

  41. Brit should have been sent home by the producers as well. She never took on the role of coach that she signed up for. She is simply waiting & hoping to enter the game. That may happen, but it’s no excuse for her behavior to date. Apparently she deserved everything she got from the Brigade.

    • What behaviour of Britney’s has been so negative? Bad gameplay isn’t a reason for the producers to send you home. (I get you may have been kidding with that part, but I don’t know what you refer to when mentioning her behaviour)

    • Your “cousin” should be ashamed for last week inciting a fight over a gay slur that never happened. He used a false homophobic accusation to further himself. Not cool.

      • Maybe I’m missing something. Ā 
        All Frank said when telling Joe was… he mocks the voice. I guess trying to do a WIl voice or gay voice. Joe didn’t say anything about that it was because he was gay. Wil was the main one assuming it was about him being gay. When Brit confronted Willie….she didn’t say anything about him doing it because he is gay. She only said Frank said he was mocking Wil in the voice. And Willie denied he did that. The whole homophobic accusations are blown out of proportion. All Frank was doing was giving Joe an example of how Willie said it. Ā Was something else said on live feeds that I missed?

    • Ā Your cousin is a big puss, I would have done more than head butted him. LOL Willie was the man

  42. I’m just glad Kara wasn’t there to see Willie’s explosion! Imagine how she would feel right now if she did see it!

  43. i knew e was goona do this the secound the power was gone, he was my fav…. the worst part about it is his entire team is in trouble, bb did redo the hoh

  44. Willie shuld have Kept his mouth shut when his coach told him about they MIte be coming in the game. He thought he was Russell and he got fucked he played the game like a bitch and he gt played he wouldn’t listen at noone he believe he was the man just lay back and let people do their own thing. He telling others to play their own game and he listen at janelle dummy dummy.

  45. We are so sorry Willie my grandma and I loved you the best!!! You got badly screwed by fuzzhead Frank!!! We wish Stupid Frank shouldnt have been in the freakin shower!! He derserved that headbutt and more!!!! We know your still a great person,and held your temper really well! We would’ve punched that jerk Frank earilier!!!!! WE LOVE YOU AND RUSSELL!!! SCREW FRANK!!!!!!!!!! YOUR THE BEST TO US!!!!!!

  46. I am so over the Hantz family. I was over them beginning and ending with Russell’s first appearance on Survivor. Then they bring him back, then his nephew and now his brother on BB14. There are deserving people passed over for these immoral losers. Hopefully, this is the last we see of any of them. Never seeing any any of them again will be too soon for me.

  47. The last thing I ever expected was for Willie to be that much of a wuss and basically quit the game because things weren’t going his way. Wow. But you kinda knew he was off kilter when he made his “I’ll knock a ni*** out” comment.Ā 

  48. This will definately created a twist in the game Since BB14 lost a player they’re going to have to put 1 back in!

    • I would like to see them bring back the first houseguest who had to leave right away without actually having been officially evicted!Ā  At least Kara had a fighting chance to stay, she just didn’t seem to fight for herself very much.

      • Kara’s poor self didn’t even have a chance. The enter house was trying to prove something to Willie by voting her out.
        But I agree tht she probably could have done a little more but the thing is that NONE of these people know what strategy or game play is. The majority of them didnt even know about or watch BB until they were scouted; which is why I’m not really expecting much from this season.
        Anywho, if I were to choose between Kara and Jodi, I would chose Jodi being that she had the most unfair eviction to date.

  49. I was pulling for willie, everyone else just sucks. i’m so disappointed that BB14
    Ā brought back old house guess. Ā I probably will not be watching BB anymore, seems like they can’t break away from the old!!!!!

  50. I literally cancelled the series recording on my DVR on hearing this news. I didn’t love Willie but he was really only entertaining one. And Frank was totally exaggerating the Wil “gay mocking” bit. I watched twice and as a gay guy found NOTHING offensive. It sounded like he was imitating his accent if anything. And let’s face it Will talks funny.

    I think Franks “bullying” speech against Willie (as well as other players charges of bullying) were absurd and reckless as REAL acts of bullying are serious but this wasn’t by any means. CBS should have edited that as it cheapens a serious issue.

    • I agree. Janelle just said on BBAD that Wil was upset that Shane won POV and that he had his panties in a wad….its that a “gay” slur? Just sayin….

  51. I hate this coaches angle. I hate mike boogie. He’s so not entertaining even though he’s convinced he is. And I wonder how much CBS is paying the coaches ( besides the prize). Supposedly he is quite well off so why would he go back unless he was getting paid. The rest of the houseguests are incredibly dull. They needed Willie to confront them and bring out some personality. Frank and Jo need to go next. Major snooze fest with those two. This sucks because was looking forward to this episode and now over it.

    Just get rid of the coaches. They are not stars, they are not talented, they are obnoxious

  52. I used to like janell but she added fuel to an already huge fire!!! By making britney team have not! Bad move janell !!!!!!!

  53. Willy the most real person that’s been on big brother, wil is a fake ass faggot , Ashley is a dope head, and just ab everyone else is so fucking fake, i love willy, he brings excitement, I’d rather watch him blow up that carrot tops brother frank fart on a chick, everyone talks so much shit ab willy for being disrespectful, what ab that nasty mofo frank for farting on a girl, or boogie (dick wart) saying what he did to that girl on his episode…fuckkkkk youuu hatersssssss

    • Willie was a dumb ass who couldn’t last in the game because he knew he was going home. He was an attention whore just like his brother, and because he didn’t get his way he threw a fit, like a bitch, and got kicked out. HG are better off without him, BB is better without him. He can go back to being no one and bothing, just like his family. He brought nothing to this game. Fucking pathetic.

  54. CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!Ā  With Willie gone, I have noone to root for now.
    IF BY SOME CHANCE he reads this..I cant blame him for being frustrated, I would even want to headbutt Joe, but you have to hold in the temper and be more strategic instead.Ā  Willie had so many things going against him in the game.
    1.Ā  Playing too hard, too fast.
    2.Ā  Being a Hantz brother.
    3.Ā  Playing against a bunch of sheep.
    4.Ā  Being too emotional of a player.

    • It is all on Willie. He cannot change his last name however, he can
      and should be able to control his emotions! He also I am sure has
      watched enough of Big Brother and Survivor to know that it is still
      a social game. Ironic that he hates Mike Boogie with a passion yet,
      if Willie was smart, he would have been observing Mike Boogie and
      learning how to play Big Brother smartly. Last season should have
      taught him not to play too hard too fast in the case of Danielle
      Donato who turned on her alliance too early in the game and lost
      the chance at that $500,000. Past Big Brother seasons are full of
      lessons if the current players take note of them!

  55. Good way to live up to your family name Willie. You wanted to play it differently than Russel and you sure did. He never went this far.

    • Actually, Russell was the better player. He never got booted out this
      early in the game in Survivor! Also, Russell has never given up fighting
      and quitting even when he was the subject of being evicted, he fought
      till the end! That is something Willie never had! The will to fight till
      the end! Will was a quitter. Russell atleast, fought to stay alive till
      the bitter end! He should learn from Will Kirby and Mike Boogie who
      he hates. They are Big Brother’s biggest and best manipulators!

      • Yeah that’s what I meant, Russel never went as far as to resort to violence. He was indeed the better player.

  56. Where does personal responsibility come into play Willie knows he can’t go around headbutting and throwing stuff. What he should have done was sucked it up and played until he returned to power and then got his revenge. Willie made for great reality TV, but were any of us surprise that this would happen, not me!

    • A lot of people did not like Rachel in last season. Personally, I did
      but, she never gave up and kept fighting till the end and despite,
      all the odds—-managed to win it! Willie is a quitter though and a
      quitter never wins! Once you quit, you are done!

      • I liked Rachel also!! She could be obnoxious, but she was a fighter. I was rooting for her to win over Porshe. Willie was a walking diaster afterĀ that argument in the backyard, he should have been taped off. Ā 


  57. He’s just as bad or worse than his brother Russell who was on survivor a while back

  58. Well it sure is going to b a whole lot more boring now!!!!! He got railroaded n lost his cool can’t do that…but the things bro.g said by players were not true….worst start to bb n history…boooooo…….

  59. this is BB, there should be lying and cheating if you want to watch a bunch of NICE people watch the glass house

  60. The moment that Frank won HOH the camera showed Willie walk off set;Ā  sign ofĀ  immaturity when things don’t go his way. Everything was fine as long as he was in control.

  61. He should have not only headbutted Joe.. but Boogie and Frank as well! Go big or go home! well… I guess he went home anyway.. ha!

  62. Wiilie is a coward who took the easy way out.
    A real man would have been tough and done what needed to be done even though it was hard to do.
    Willie should have stayed in the house until after nominations and then fought like hell to win the pov.
    And even if he didnt win the pov he should have stayed in the house and acted as a lightning rod for shane and jojo.
    Maybe shane or jojo would be on the block with him but he would be the target and by doing the right thing they would at least be safe this week and might have worked out a deal for next week.
    But since Willie was a chicken and couldnt take the awkwardness of being in the house his 4 year old ass is gone and he has left shane jojo and britney to take the blame for his antics.Ā 

    • I am sorry but Willie leaving just made the show a bore for me. People like Joe are bully’s and the house is like a mob. The coaches coming was the worst thing. They interfered with the game. They should let people just play from go or it’s a no. I was so excited to watch this season because of Willie. He may have started playing very hard and very fast, but , the way they treated him was also very wrong.

      Janie has been a witch this season. It may be because of Joe. He is an instigator and a creepy guy. I am so done with this…the rating were down in part because of the frustrations with the coaches and Joe! No more big brother night get togethers as many of us are getting tired of all this. All the best to you all and it is great to see everyone telling their opinion…how great is it to be able to read the posts.

      who know’s? Maybe this can change in big brother but I hate the mob mentality as well. But, hey it is part of the game. I am sure many would not want to feel like that. I don’t condone the last bit of behavior on willies part but it will be a boring season.

  63. I am soooo tired of the entire Hantz Family…is that all the producers of TV can come up with??? Ā What a waist of everyones time…They are just bullies and arent we suppose to be against bullying???

  64. I’m bummed he’s gone :( Watching him cause tension in the house was hilarious, hopefully we’ll still get some drama from the hg’s that are left..

  65. Willie got just what his arrogant attitude deserved, never was a game player, his stupidity got him evicted, he and his brother are two peas in a pod, pushy, mouthy, dumb luck butt headsĀ 

  66. Lol I hope Joe press charges after the show is done. I’m sorry to say but Willie is a dumbass. Nobody has the right to do that no matter how deserved.

  67. Im sad Willie is gone, however, i feel he did it on purpose because he knew Shane and Jo Jo were being treated badly because of him, as far as him making fun of Wil, I have heard will call him a dumb redneck, its a game people, its a game to use what you can, if that is making fun of someone, being a bully whatever its a game. I hope everyone wakes up and see’s that Joe is a RAT

  68. I knew something like this was going to happen after I saw some of his temper on the patio when he went after Frank about telling everyone that he was making fun of Wil and his voice. I could tell that he didn’t like getting “pushed in a corner” and everyone talking….Willie and his survivor brother Russell needs anger mgmt! lol

  69. i’m just trying to decide if he has “little man” syndrome or if he”s fully evolved yet> did anyone notice if he has all his fingers and toes?

    • ur comment is uncalled for….babies are born with all types of birth defects such as no fingers and toes…Do u consider those innocent babies not fully evolved?????Ā Ā Ā  Do small brains run in ur family or more likely “no brains???

  70. Willie was a caged animal in that house, just waiting to pounce..there is no way he should have ever been let into that house, been in trouble with the law, violent behavior, asshole, etc etc…CBS better start doing a better job of vetting these players before they come into the BB house, you never want to put your room mates in danger, and this cast, in my opinion with him in the house, was.

  71. Willie deserved to be thrown out for the violence, but SO glad it was Joe he headbutted….

  72. Omg..I never watched survivor so I didn’t see that comming..but, from the commets I did read about his brother I guess I should have..Well ..bye..bye..Willie you deserve to go..This game is all about turning..on you no matter what alliance you THINK you are in..YOUĀ  NEVER put your HANDS ON ANYONE ..OR HEAD BUTT..

  73. His coach shares some of the blame. Brit would cover her head instead of trying to shut him up for his own good.

    • Brittney’s mistake is she blabs too much herself. Like her belief
      that the veterans would be going back into the game—-why would
      you tell even Willie about it when you could end up playing against
      him assuming you are right? Strategically, that is pretty stupid which
      does not surprise me! What Brittney is good at is talking and talking
      and in this game—-that is a big liability!

      • Her biggest mistake is that she blabs to much Unecessarily but when it’s time for her to speak up, she doesn’t.

        All she does is cover her face and watch everything go down & then degrade Willie afterwards, when if she was a true coach, she would have said something when it was happening.

        I was really rooting for her too, mainly because I loved the people she chose but now? Id even know who to root for.

  74. I knew something would happen after that explosion on the patio. I kind of can’t help but feel bad for his team.Ā 
    CBS needs to pay more attention when they’re looking potentialĀ house guests. Sure this guy was related to a big time survivor villain, but this guy is kind of dangerous. Ā 
    Willie is a freaking idiot. I’m glad he’s gone.Ā 

  75. I have been missing out on plenty, so disappointed I missed the Willie drama so I Ā  really don’t know what happened except for what I read. Ā All I know is Willie got backed into the corner he did not want to be in, and with his type of personality, he did not play it right, when he put up Frank he should of known that it would not go the way he Ā wanted, he should of talked to Frank and told him that he was part of the plan to get the other out. Ā Maybe, Frank wouldn’t of gotten so angry and boogie wouldn’t have used it to his advantage, no one would have to worry about voting him off, the house rules there will be no signs of violent behavior. Ā Willie gives off the attitude of “kicking butt” Ā WilliIe , You blew it, Wrong game play. Boogie and Frank played you. Ā I thought you could of won the big brother 14 grand prize.
    Now I hope the house see’s what a snake boogie can truely be. Ā I will Miss you!

    • Willie’s problem is he talked to much. Like when he mouthed off
      about splitting the vote with his other alliance members. They told
      Frank about it and Frank put it together than Willie was not on the
      up and up! In this game, you cannot ignore even subtle signals
      because that is the difference between winning and losing. Mike
      Boogie as much as some hate him, has the smarts to ferret out
      alliances. Like when Mike Boogie talked to Brittney, she was very
      defensive and confirmed what Mike Boogie already knew that she
      and Danielle formed an alliance!

  76. Willie being gone is the best thing which could have happened.Ā  It will now allow for development of the other players.Ā  I also think the players know just how dangerous it is to play with the coaches.Ā  This will make it interesting.Ā  I know people are down on Ian, but I think he will play Boogie just enough to stay in the game while making friends with the right player.Ā  Ian is intentionally building a character for himself.Ā  He knows the game – he knows the cameras are on him.Ā  Ian is the one to watch

  77. Like his brother Russell, his temper did him in! Consider the fact that
    even if nominated, he still has a chance to save himself in the veto
    competition. That is what the best players do! You only have to look
    to past Big Brother seasons to see the best players fight to the end.
    If they get evicted because they failed to win POV, atleast, they tried!
    His brother Russell was way better player than him because atleast,
    he never quit! As the saying goes, a quitter never wins!Ā 

  78. Now they are down one. They definitely have to bring someone back or put a coach in!! The drama is going to be biggggg. They are all calm now but when reality sets in and they realize that kind of twist is coming, it will be good again.

  79. Where did they get these mongrels?Ā  None of them have a spec of class.Ā  BB is a mind game, not a cage fight.

  80. This is precisely why I DON’T bother to get the live feeds. Whenever something really interesting happens, we get fish for four hours.

  81. Loved Willie…i would have done the same thing. Boogie is an idiot…will was the brains behind that dipshit. Too many whiny idiots in that house.

    • Kinda had an ikling he would be. russell and the nephew on survivor…that fam is all sorts of “off”

  82. I really liked him at first but he just played all sorts of wrong. He was good like up until after he made that alliance with Janelle’s team then he just got power crazy, If he would have stopped thought about it for a second instead of flip flopping he would’ve been fine. But now I’m mad because to tell you the truth now it’s Boogie’s game to tell you the truth. Janelle’s maybe but her team isn’t as strong. So if Shane or Jojo lose the POV they should just give the money to Boogie because Dan’s team is over Britney’s team will be over if Shane leave and unless Wil, Joe, and Ashley have been just trying to float and actually have some power to them Janelle team is screwed too.Ā 

  83. I think Willie got a rough deal with Frank repeating what he said about Will and making it into a homo slur.

  84. Sad that Willie lost his cool and got expelled, but happy with his choice to head butt Joe….head butting order should have gone to Joe, Frank then Wil…ok let’s throw in Booger.

  85. Ā I think the lot of you are blind. I really don’t see what Willie was doing wrong up until his last explosion. It wasn’t right of him to hit anyone, but we don’t know the whole story, if you hadn’t realized Joe has been starting a lot of the bs that goes on in the house. If you remember, after Willie “mocked” Wil and Frank came down to tell Joe, Joe seriously didn’t have to throw in the way his team voted and all that, that was a really stupid move on his part- ruined his team. I really don’t get what was so bad on Willies part for “mocking” Wil, I actually didn’t take it as anything, he was just harmlessly saying what he said, not making fun of him in anyway. Just because Wil is gay we all assumed the way Willie said it was making fun of him, come on guys, open your eyes. I also thought it was REALLY childish and lame of Frank and everyone to go tell Wil this, everyone gossiping, like how old are you 3? Willie was looking out for everyone and everyone turned on him for the dumbest reasons. I find people are really ignorant in the house, did no one even notice that when Frank and Willie were fighting, Mike boogie got up yelling at Willie to fuel the flame? He took advantage of the moment to make Willie look worse. Thats how manipulative of a guy Boogie is, I saw through to what he did. So in all, I don’t think Willie was a bad guy at all, everyone was just stupid and didn’t open there eyes really. I think Frank is a really shady guy, same with Joe, they really need to go. Frank was playing the “Good Guy” at the eviction ceremony, so fake. I just believe some of you need to rewatch the episodes, Willie came in the house to cause trouble and he really didn’t seem like he was doing any of it, he only exploded since everyone went against him when he was trying to do a harmless nice thing. He exploded after Janelle won since it was his last hope of staying, anyone would have felt the same way, just a matter of controlling your actions. There was no way of him staying so he probably just wanted to go out with a bang, simple as that. It was right what he did but it’s done.Ā 

    • I totally agree with you are saying….my opinion is that the realĀ  bullies in the house are Janelle and Boogie…..Willie had every right to be as pissed off as he was, he shouldve just conducted himself better……I feel bad for Willie, living with a bunch of kindergarton kids running around telling tales and making everyone hate one person, the person they wanted out in the first place because of who he is.Ā  That to me is ignorant!!!!

    • Even though a lot of what you say is true, it’s still all part of the game. When you blow up about something you don’t like, it usually works against you. It’s not intended to be a nice little summer vacation for everyone. They’re playing for $500k and they can go about it any way they want…except for head-butting each other. I’d rather have Willie still in the house, at least to play it out and see how it would have gone. I think he would have had a good chance to win POV and extend his life in the game. It would have been interesting…but now we’ll never know. He cheated his team, BB fans and himself right out of the game. Bummer…


    • im with u Mike….Bring back Jodi and get rid of Boggie janelle and Frank and Joe they are such kissers for 1 cant Stand Boggie and im ashamed to say janelle is from from Minnesota

      • well removing boogie, janelle frank and joe would make the game EXTREMELY boring wouldnt it? not to mention shorten the season by 2 weeks

    • I wish it was possible, but they didn’t sequester her at all. Post-eviction interviews were done, etc. Bummer. Honestly I have a feeling she would have been an interesting HG. Oh well….

    • I’m probably the only one but I disagree completely. It was a tough hand she was dealt, but she was at the same risk as everyone else, and everyone save for Jenn performed better than she did. It’s Big Brother, nobody said it would be easy. Her effort was weak at the worst possible time, she knew she could’ve been sent home, and it didn’t elevate her effort. She doesn’t deserve to come back based off of that, and I don’t even think she would make an interesting player/character, but that’s speculation as I didn’t see enough of her to be able to say.

  87. Those Hantz dudes are some weird fellas. Ā We just saw how psychotic, narcissistic, controlling, delusional, angry, immature and weak Willie is. Ā What kind of punk goes in with all this bravado, raves and jabbers about how great he is and how he’s gonna be the best BB player ever and then quits after one week? Ā Dude has serious issues. Ā 

  88. After frank won hog did Willie pull a Rachel and go hide behind some trees and bushes in the corner? If so then its priceless!

  89. For a man that says he is not his brother…he sure is an a hole like his brother

  90. I think the coaches big twist will be that A. if a coach has his team completely knocked out before jury, he goes in the game, if not, all coaches will go to jury since they basically have seen it from the inside looking in so to speak

  91. I happen to be a Willie fan and I am not saying that I agree with his actions…..however, when you are continually hearing all the false accusations about things you supposedly said and didnt…..and when watching the live feeds you really see more than just watching 3 nights a week.Ā  Yes Willie shouldve conducted himself better however I get where is frustration came from.Ā  He was not the bully, he said ‘Yall need to vote how you want to vote not how your coaches want you to vote, play your own game , not your coaches game’……he was lied to over and over again , yes we all know its BB, But the Janelle and Boogie are the real bullies in the house when it comes to bullying ppl to do what they want.Ā  Yes Willie should have chose another way to handle his anger but the real asses of the whole game is Janelle and Boogie! and what a surprise that is since that is the only way the 2 of them even know how to play!!!

    • What are the coaches supposed to do? Just hug each other and the
      other players and just sing Kumbaya? This is a game and the players
      as well as the coaches have to play it! Lies and back stabbing are
      part of it and there are huge rewards of $100,000 for the coaches
      and $500,000 for the players. Mike Boogie is a master manipulator
      and yes, he is good at what he does! Dan is also a master
      manipulator but, he does it more quietly with finesse. Janelle or
      even Brittney did not force anyone including the other coaches
      force anyone to vote a certain way or act a certain way. Each of
      the players decided to play low key since, we are only at week 2
      and too early in the game to be stirring the pot. The players have
      to play their game because that is the only way they will win. They
      cannot leave the decisions to someone else and even Willie was
      told by Brittney on more than one occasion to zip it but, he will
      not listen! Willie did it to himself and nobody is to blame but, he!

    • WhatĀ I dont understand is how can you leave your baby for 3 months???? I COULD NEVER LEAVE MY CHILD FOR 3 MONTHS WILLINGLY!! The poor babyĀ Ā has to beĀ wondering where her mother went.

      • I wonder if CBS gave some type of concession to Janelle to bring her back? She is always in the DR for long periods of time. Does anyone think her baby may be within arms reach?

    • Nobody can really force you to do what you don’t want to do absent
      a gun to your head or your loved one. That goes double for this
      reality show contestants. Janelle and Boogie say things which would
      favor their game play after all, they are playing for their own $100,000.
      The players have decided that what Janelle and Boogie told them
      makes absolute sense. However, each player should play his own
      game because $500,000 is on the line for you and it is up to you
      to play the best game and win that $500,000! As for lying, Willie
      lied to Frank which is why they had the shouting match outside
      the house! If you do not want to be exposed for your lies, you
      should avoid lying repeatedly and to so many people as people
      talk! The problem with Willie and Brittney is both of them talk too
      much! You have to learn to strategize and observe people instead.
      Mike Boogie is good in manipulation because although he talks,
      what he says is part of his strategy to confirm his suspicions.
      Take the talk with Brittney that Mike Boogie had, Brittney said
      he was trying to intimidate her which was not true. What she
      failed to see is he was fishing to see if Brittney and Janelle joined
      forces which he already suspected and told Dan about. Brittney’s
      actions confirmed to Mike Boogie that she and Janelle were
      indeed allies. Instead, Brittney if she was smart should have played
      it cool and pretended to want to ally with Mike Boogie.

  92. I think they should bring back Kara now, But hey he is just like his brother. Temper Temper Temper.Ā 

  93. Oh for heavens sake. Wil has a sort of falsetto voice. How is it making FUN of Wil if Willie repeats WHAT Wil said in the EXACT MANNER? Frank just blew things way out of proportion to save himself. It’s not fair that Willie was demonized up to that point. Where he might have KO’d himself was repeating what Britney said and burning that bridge too soon. But he was NOT making any gay slurs against Wil. Come off it.

    • Good points. Ultimately Willie is responsible for his own demise, but I think Britney should have been more careful about how she handled that situation with Willie. She practically egged him into the fight. She exaggerated beyond what Frank was even saying about Willie. She got him all fired up about it and then begged him not to do anything to respond. Doh! What was she really thinking? But it’s Britney’s only MO to talk smack about people behind their backs. In a way, Britney got what she deserved.

      • seriously! why did they even bring her back? how was she one of the best players in history? she coasted through her whole season through lane! i mean sure she seems like a good person but wow! she really wasnt memorable at all, they shouldve brought someone like james from bb9 or lane or enzo or anyone better than her. it wouldve been really good if they brought the whole Brigade back and made them the coaches, now THAT would be interesting!Ā 

  94. Provoked or not…..he was out of line.Ā  Once you put ur hands on someone it’s GAME OVER… obviously, the pun is intended. He made himself out to be a punk.

    The mental part of this game must be very difficult. If you ask me it’s the BIGGEST part of it. All he did is prove that he is a looser. He couldn’t take the pressure.

    He should have proved them wrong if it bothered him that much to be called a bully. All he did was prove them right!

  95. If I remember right, willie was only the second person in BB history to be “expelled”. please correct me if I’m wrong, but I dont think I am. That being said, I am so glad he is gone and it just proves what kind of people the hanns’ really are. At least Russle was smooth about it, Willie was just a dumb azz bully. Good riddens to bad rubish! oh and please forgive my spelling, I never was that good at it. lol

    • Good question. There have been at least three though. Willie, Chima, and Justin in the first season. I can’t remember any others though.Ā 

  96. well hopefully shane wins pov and then reaplace him for danielle and just send dan packing,, that wouldĀ be the smartest play..that way they get rid of dan who they say is so dangerous and still be hope for team brit..they need to stop playing with som much emotion and start targeting the real threats in the house. willie is gone get over it.

  97. Going onto Big~Brother one should already have in their mind that this is just a game !!!!!!! There’s no need to be that Hot ~Headed ……. Good luck to the rest that are still in the game & have fun ……. LUCKIEJO ~

  98. Provoked or not…..he was out of line.Ā  Once you put ur hands on someone it’s GAME OVER… obviously, the pun is intended. He made himself out to be a punk.
    The mental part of this game must be very difficult. If you ask me it’s the BIGGEST part of it. All he did is prove that he is a looser. He couldn’t take the pressure.
    He should have proved them wrong if it bothered him that much to be called a bully. All he did was prove them right!

  99. Is there something wrong the the male Hantz’? Not joking…somethig seriouslt seems up with that DNA…4 that i have seem are NUTS!!!

  100. When I heard another Hantz was going to be on BB14, I wasn’t excited at all. But he grew on me. I think being HOH for what, 12 days was too much. Especially when. It kept going back and forth. I really felt bad about the slur thing he gotta bad rap. And no one for sure knows what really happened for him to get expelled. We know about the pork rinds, and possibly the headbutts. But what did everyone else do? Did Mike cook up a scam to push him to the limit? Now we are stuck with at least two weeks of Frank Mike and Joe. Can not stand them. Go Danielle!

  101. Didn’tĀ  willie’s bro teach him anything? Or was he like most baby brothers…not listening…:)

  102. I’m glad that Jim Crow cracker is gone. Another Rockland production. Bring Lawon back. Holla at cha boy.

  103. It is disappointing, however, this is a game and you have to learn to let things people say and do bounce off and not take you down. Ā Willie has some things to learn from his brother Russell about being the one to get under people’s skin and not let them get under yours. Ā 

  104. I feel bad for Willie. I do not think he should have done what he did, but he was a huge target from the beginning. People were out to get him and he was not able to play a fair or good game. He is a Hantz and he had no chance.

  105. Willie was even a bigger disappointment for his family I am sure because
    it turns out that Russell Hantz his brother reached the finals of Survivor
    Heroes vs Villains which proves his tenacity as a competitor. Of course,
    he did not get any votes as he took one well like player Sandra Diaz-Twine
    who won it and Parvati Shallow who is a very good player too and a
    very good manipulator to boot taking 2nd! And Willie gets himself thrown out at
    week 2? You can just imagine Russell and other family members telling
    him he is a wuss!

  106. I am not very happy to hear/see that Willie is gone.Ā  I thought he was a cool guy and very good with everyone!!Ā  This makes me VERY UPSET!!!!!Ā  Would have loved the show to continue with him and get rid of that pesky Ian!

  107. These HG and coaches need to watch themselves on tape to see how they connived and lied about Willie!!!!

  108. dammit i loved willie this season to be butting heads with janelle she’s america’s sweetheart and thatĀ was not cool but other than that he was the only other player to have a really strong game and actually play agressive and take a stand against the coaches gameĀ in the short time he was there he still gets my vote in the end for being one of my favorites besides he didnt need the money his brother is a billionaire

  109. Sorry but there is no excuse to use the C-Word. Ā That word is just as wrong as the N-Word and the F-word. Ā 

    • @ Stan… Not even in the same LEAgue as the N-word but disgusting none the less.

  110. I figured Mike to go against Dan at some point, but this early? I get it’s tempting to get one coach completely out of the game, but Dan can still be an ally, while Britney and Janelle won’t be. They will still have 3 and 2 players respectively after Danielle and Dan leave. Keep Dan on your side and weaken Britney down to 1, or get Janelle even with Britney at 2 each, so that it’s less work for later in the game. Don’t go after Danielle who isn’t even a threat to you and isn’t a likely candidate to win competitions.Ā 

    Can’t help but get the feeling Mike wants to get the two blondes out all on his own, and it’s times like this I hate his arrogance. Dan’s a great player, keep him around, dummy.

  111. Really? You go on Big Brother to make life long friends or you go on Big Brother to win a hell of a lot of money? Yes people will lie Yes teams will form, Yes name calling will happen. How is this news? It’s how you fight back and handle yourself and position yourself in the game to win that money is how your judged. For me bottom line…. He’s A Quitter!

    • a couple of seasons ago a lady kept ignoring the intercom to put on her mic and to go to the DR and ran her mouth about production over and over so they Ā threw her out, i think it was either season 10 or 11…maybe 12

    • ‘Way back (not sure when) there was some guy who was playing with a knife with one of the women – had her on her back on the kitchen table while running the knife up and down her and laughing.

      He may not have been serious, but it was a bit unnerving…

      That got him expelled….

  112. from the original russelll to the nephew (who was a pain in the butt) and now willie the brother i guess next up is thier own show on the animal channel life with the Hantz or “the bayou kardasians”Ā Ā  really wass hoping willie would have behaved better at least as much of a pain russell could be at times he never went after anyone even after the one lady filled his shoes with sand and put it in the waterĀ 

  113. Ā I don’t think it’s fair to accuse Brittney for failing to control Hantz – is she equipped with psychology, psychiatric tools, I think not.Ā  Hantz’s behavior is Hantz’s – he is/was completely out of control.Ā  I don’t think it’s fair to ask a 5’1 petite woman to try and control a manic bull charging. Furthermore, nor should anyone is the house be subjected or responsible for ‘controlling’ anyone. Brittney tried to calm him, but essentially it is Big Brother’s responsibility for admitting psycho’s to the game – Errmmm..Ā  don’t they have tests they have to pass before admitting them to the game?!Ā  All I can say is thank God he is gone, good riddance.

    • Brittney’s big mistake is pouring gasoline into the fire! She told Willie
      about the possible insertion of the coaches as players and that set
      Willie off! Seriously, why would you even tell him that when if true, you
      will be playing against Willie? It set Willie’s paranoia on steroids and
      then, she tries to tell him to shut up! You let the genie out the bottle
      and expect to stuff him back in? One other mistake is the Janelle
      alliance which Brittney if she was half as smart would have explored
      alliances with Mike Boogie and Dan. Setting up an alliance without
      knowing what the other teams are doing is just plain crazy! Each of
      the other coaches are playing for that $100,000 did Brittney not
      realize that? So, she ends up being betrayed by Janelle and a huge
      target placed on her players backs! Between Janelle and Brittney,
      Janelle was the smarter one. However, Mike Boogie is still ahead of
      them because he is a master manipulator and he knew thru talking
      with Brittney and her defensive answers that Brittney had an alliance
      with Janelle. So much for secrets. Sometimes, you just have to be
      quiet and observe and say okay to proposals put to you. That way,
      you have them guessing.

      • Apples and Oranges — you seem to be missing the point. It seems that
        Willie lost all self control when things started to not go his way. It
        would have not mattered what ‘game play’ was suggested – the point being
        in Fact, that if Brittney would have suggested these same game plans to
        Anyone in the house — it simply would never provoked the insane
        rampaging that ensued. Losing control to the point you areĀ  Name calling
        (Any 4 year can do that!) Headbutting other players (Are You Kidding
        Me?!) I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants.
        I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestan
        I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants.
        I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants.
        I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants. I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants. I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants. I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants.AppappI think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants. I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants. I think it has been
        well documented that there are both anger issues and mental instability
        in the Hantz family with Russel, Brandon and now Willie. Maybe we could
        be spared any further watching of this family on television and if they
        are not in place, these shows need to establish some psychological
        minimums for future contestants.

  114. i love how he says hes not gonna be the villain that his brother was, he had a great way of showing it. what a dumbass

  115. and also, what was he thinking? he was playing WAYYYY too serious for week one, he shouldve just kept frank off the block and put 2 people up who seemed like less of a threat for later in the game, and not had boogie and frank gunnung for him right after. he was playing stupid and more than likely would have gotten himself evicted anyways

    • he could have formed a potentially strong alliance with frank but had to go do and try to pull off a big move right from the get-goĀ 

    • The right move for Willie if he was smart and he isn’t is a 3 person
      alliance with Frank and Shane. Can you imagine how strong that
      alliance could be? Willie’s problem is he hated Mike Boogie and
      did not want to work with him. He should realize that among the
      coaches only Dan and Mike Boogie has won Big Brother. Janelle
      and Brittney his coach has not won Big Brother. Also, he must not
      have been watching Big Brother and missed Chilltown (Will and
      Mike Boogie) manipulating all the other house guests and just
      the two of them! If he used his head instead of his emotion then,
      he could have had a good shot at that $500,000 with two good
      allies and a very good coach in Mike Boogie all on his side!

  116. The Hantz family must be a retarded red necks that have an I.Q.of 0.You can imagine how they act at home.There jaw works faster than there brain.
    The HantzĀ family needs to be blackballed from t.v.The house guests do not need that type of verbalĀ abuse from a low life.They need to go back to there jobs picking fly crap out of pepper.

    • you do not know what you are talking about. you are judging people’s family and you do not know who they are or anything about them. If you do not like the way someone acts on a “reality show” then you shouldn’t watch it.

      just saying.

    • It seems that
      Willie lost all self control when things started to not go his way. It
      would have not mattered what ‘game play’ was suggested – the point being
      in Fact, that if Brittney would have suggested these same game plans to
      Anyone in the house — it simply would never provoked the insane
      rampaging that ensued. Losing control to the point you areĀ  Name calling
      (Any 4 year can do that!) Headbutting other players (Are You Kidding

  117. That just goes to show he was more like his brother then he let on. I knew it wouldn’t be long B4 he was gone, although I thought he’d be voted out.

  118. My question is why wasn’t Janelle and Joe also punished.Ā  CBS Video does not show the headbut tonight but it shows Joe in a combat posture.Ā  Willie has does not have his hands up in a fighting mode.Ā  So while willie lost his cool J oe egged it on and also put up his fist in a fight mode.Ā 

    CBS – Big Brother is losing control of their reality shows and someone is going to get seriously hurt one of these days.Ā 
    Time for CBS to either stop some of this tension building steps and start putting this game in perspective and we wonder why society is breaking down.Ā  Just keep watching CBS Big Brother this B.S.Ā  Janelle is no different.Ā  For a person who is suppose to be an adult she sure does act like a two year old at times.

    • From my seat in the house….Joe did provoke Willie…Joe got in Willie’s face first and he did raise his arms with his fist clinched….But we all gonna see the same event and see it differently….
      So agree to disagree guys I am ready for the backlash..

      And I have decided that IAN looks like a ferrett orĀ weasel….He is simply one creepy dude….

      • I agree flyonthewall but it does take two to tango and to be honest Joe has just as much blame to that altercation as Willie does.Ā  For this to be labeled a fight it does take two or more to be involved.Ā  Hopefully Joe will get his in the End and people will wise up in the big brother house but I doubt it.

    • Duh, the point of the game is to push and manipulate and make others make mistakes that get them evicted. He was a big suck and if he slowed down and worked some angles he could have got out of this one.

  119. I think the blame goes to the Dr wWilly tried repeatly to get them to let him in…. so actually its bbs fault .Willie was pushed and pushed and pushed and the DR let him down why didnt they aire that tonight on the show .

  120. We think that Willy Was mocked by the other players and abandoned by his coach unfairly, for doing the same thing too Will as the other house guest are doing to him!!! Big Brother- what did you send the coaches in to do? Surely not to abandon their own players!!!!!! You have probablY lost some fans.

  121. Pea Brain, like taking candy from a baby, Frank played him and pushed him off the edge with no blood on his hands. Wow

    • he said “that he was the only P**** he see’s”. So he made the situtation worse. Not only that BB producers let it go way to far and should have stepped in a long time before the altercation.

  122. This cast they picked for this season is a HUGE disappointment. What a bunch of Morons! The whole Willie thing was ridiculous!! The guy just played the game. I feeel like I am watching a bunch of rotten middle schoolers. Britiney was one of my favorites, but her behavior to Wille just landed her as the coach I would like to see go first! I will not watch another minute of this show. Where oh where did you find this cast????

  123. Justin Sebik (Season 2) and Scott Weintraub (Season 4) both expelled for violent related offenses and now Willie Hantz has become #3.Ā 

  124. First of all if people were smart in the damn house they wouldnt even say anythingĀ  if willie was mad then why didnt they just leave him alone and brittney is no better she is the one that had the whole house going against him in the first place she herself shouldĀ  be kicked off as well and besides who would want to be around a bunch of wimpy little girls like her anyway come on people

    • Ā Brittney is no better she is the one that started the mess in the first place grow up

  125. I am so furious williie was the only reason I watched the show he was soo sexy and I believe what happened was not Willies fault that there just expelling him because he would have been evicted anyway and the show wanted to add more mystery to the show…..not cool cbs!!

  126. So another Hantz humiliates himself on live TV, making it 3 for 3 now.Ā  Wonder which one of them will turn up on Celebrity Apprentice next, lol.

  127. Willie took the coward’s road out.. Like Ian said; the least dignified exit ever.. haahahhahahah

  128. your show is nothing more then total BSĀ Ā  if you cant show what truelly happened then DONT… You just lost a fan…. What Allison and her idiots did to continue to fuel the situation .. ie Allow the total bulling this is not a show I want to watch .. pretty sad when my teenage grandson points out the constant Bulling against Willie .. SAD SAD SAD AND DISCUSTING .. BYE BYE BB

9 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 14 Willie Hanz Got Kicked Out Of The House Yesterday For Fighting & More | Hollywood Hills
  2. Willie Hantz evicted from Big Brother 14 house after reportedly headbutting Joe Arvin
  3. Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Competition Results | Big Brother 14
  4. Big Brother 14 Live Feeds: Week 2 Saturday Highlights | Big Brother 14
  5. Big Brother 14 Episode 5: Week 2 Nomination Show Tonight | Big Brother 14
  6. Big Brother 14 Episode 5 Recap: Willie Is Expelled | Big Brother 14
  7. Big Brother 14 Episode 6: Week 2 Noms and Veto Show Tonight | Big Brother 14
  8. Willie Hantz Arrested On Drunk Driving Suspicion | Big Brother 14
  9. CBS Confirms Big Brother 15 Premiere Date & Schedule | Big Brother Network

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