Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 2 Nominations

Big Brother 14 nominations

It’s week two of Big Brother 14 and we’ve got your nomination spoilers thanks to what we’ve seen on the Live Feeds. The Feeds are on and we’re able to listen in and see who has been nominated and who is going to compete for the Veto.

Whoa whoa whoa! Something massive happened today. Right after the Coaches Comp returned from Feeds HG Willie blew up in the house and said he was going to get himself evicted. Live Feeds went to Trivia for 4+ hours. When they came back the game had changed. This is big, folks.

Big Brother 14 Week 2 Nominations:

  • JoJo
  • Shane

Willie is gone from the game! He is gone. Shane confirmed that after this week Britney will be down to just one player. More details on Willie Hantz’s removal.

The Power of Veto competition will be held very soon, likely on Saturday, so stay close and keep checking in for those spoilers. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our free email updates to find out as soon as the Veto results are in.

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    • He straight up headbutted Joe! They have been talking about willie for days and days. I’m watching big brother after dark right now and they’re still talking about willie. Ever since willie said what Wil said about “I’m done talking game for 24 hours” they talked about willie behind his back EVERY second. They’re still talkin shit about willie. For them hating this guy, they sure ride the sh*t out of willie’s d*ck. Its laughable

      • Anybody who freaked out like that would get a lot of play in the way of talking about it. They’ll be over him and move on in the game soon enough.

    • He brought his early exit on himself! If he had just accepted Janelle’s decisions after the Coaches Challenge, he’d still be in the house right now!

      • Doesn’t matter that he was HOH the first week! He deserved to go home early this week!

  1. So by the end of week 2, four people have left the house. So the rumor is Kara is in sequester and do you think there gonna put Kara in the house, like how after Neil quit the game then Sharon was back in the game after being evicted?

    • I hope so! I want Kara back in the house! I’m just glad she wasn’t there to see Willie go off!

  2. What a mess this is. If Hantz was expelled, Im wondering what kind of trick does the producer has its sleeve, because this consistent format of bringing back houseguests from seasons past are getting a little tedious and monotonous. 

    • I am getting tired of them bringing people back also … why can’t they just play regular game with 12 to 14 new people each season.  This is getting annoying.


  4. The hanz ego… so disappointing. You did NOT do you family any honor Little Willie… SHAME SHAME SHAME

  5. Not fair the house turned in Willie just after the pov was not played, everyone was all bestirs the that bitch janell flipped once her group was safe, I thought she hated boogie? This game is getting stupid now and BB should not let the house guests treat Willie or anyone for that matter the way they do. Next year when it comes to Canada I hope it’s like it used to be in the beginning not like it is now!!! I’ll miss Willie I liked him as a played before they brutes’d him in the back!

    • Exactly what was wrong about Willie’s treatment? He was an ass
      towards other players so, what did he expect? He knew he was going
      into Big Brother and the back stabbing part is part of it! His problem is
      he wanted it handed to him in a silver platter! Hell, he wussed out when
      things were not going his way instead of manning up and fighting for
      POV to stay in like the best players on Big Brother do! Russell while,
      being a weasel himself on Survivor will be ten times the player Willie
      will ever be! Consider that Russell never got eliminated on Survivor
      this early in the game and even when he knew he would be on the
      block, he fought to stay in the game! I give him credit for that!
      Willie just simply quit! Quitters never win because when you are
      out of it, how can you win?

  6. This show is turning into a huge disappointment.  Why keep bringing back retreads?  This coach stuff is moronic.

  7. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Riding the coattails of someone who’s not even on the show (famous brother) is not an impressive strategy.

  8. They made willie out way worse than he was from the jump, he really didn’t make fun of Wil at all, but Frank turned the entire house against him by making it seem Willie was a homophobe, freakking out like willie did is not cool, but the houseguests actually pushed him to that point, watching showtime 2 really shows these people true colors! They were straight trashing Willie calling him a bully and painted him as a monster! I think the egos on this show are ridiculous, and its sad how dumb some of these houseguests don’t see the fakeness of some of these people. Bottom line… They provoked the hell out of willie

    • Frank used what was there. All he did was say that Willie mocked Wil, which he did. He even said that Willie didn’t use a slur against gays. Plain and simple–Willie overreacted to it all. He could not control himself, which is exactly what he showed in the end result. Dude straight up lost it and gave up in the game before he barely even got started. I’d rather have Willie in the game too, but after all that, he doesn’t deserve it. He just wussed out and quit.

      • Frank did elude to Willie using homophobic slurs to Joe, though. When he was describing the incident he said that “Willie was making fun of Wil, I guess cause he’s gay.” Frank and Joe went on a nonstop smear campaign against Willie after that and he eventually just lost it. 

    • Provoked or not…..he was out of line.  once you put ur hands on someone it’s GAME OVER… obviously, the punt is intended.  He made himself out to be a punk.

      The mental part of this game must be very difficult.  If you ask me it’s the BIGGEST part of it.  All he did is prove that he is a looser.  He couldn’t take the pressure.

      He should have proved them wrong if it bothered him that much to be called a bully.  All he did was prove them right!

      • SORRY !!!  your wrong…maybe you should watch what is going on…Willie DID NOT mock Wil….

  9. For “hating” willie as much as these idiots do, they sure keep talking about him constantly, its pathetic. Quit riding willie’s d*ck bitches. Bunch of lying phonies on this season. Its not worth watching this garbage.

    • Just stop watching Big Brother, dude.  Talking behind peoples’ backs happens EVERY DAMN SEASON.  Gossip and snark is par for the course here.  I watch this show for the strategy and the gameplay, and the first week of this season gave us more of that than the past two seasons combined.

      • So true! Anyone who watched the show knows that Willie talked behind people’s backs as much or more than anyone else. He just flipped and flopped and tried to play too much game too early. That will always get you in trouble on BB.

    • Russell would never make it in the BB house.  You have to realize he was on an island where he could go and regroup.  It was a terrible person who EVERYONE HATED, AND had he been in
      BB house he would have acted just like his brother, Willie.  I am sooooooo glad Willie is gone.

  10. So, what happens to the nominations now? Everyone else should be
    safe because they already sent a house guest (Willie) home this week.
    Or put another player in. They should have a list of applicants to Big
    Brother. Just pick the next one on the list and let him or her play! The
    week has barely gone by and lots of time to insert one more player.
    Let it be a new player who wanted to be on Big Brother.

    • Scratch that. I guess it is between JoJo and Shane and it looks
      like Brittney’s team is going to be decimated this week. Frank
      should nominate Joe if anyone gets off thru POV.

  11. Its ridiculous that the producers are bringing back past players.  The house guests didn’t have a chance to play their own game.  The were doomed in groups.  Brittney came in as a coach and just verbally knocked Willie down over and over again.  Even after he continuously apologized for his actions, she continued to bash him.  Cam you imagine a real sports coach doing that to their players?  She is a terrible coach and deserves to lose.  The guests can’t play their own game.  BB14 is terrible this year.  Really stupid way to play the game.

  12. fruit loops……………… willie quit because he could not control the other houseguest …….he is the worst player they have ever had,

  13. Although I don’t condone violence in any way, the fact is that Joe provoked Willie into attacking him. Joe walked around the house for 2 days bragging that he was going to get Willie kicked out of the house by picking a fight with him. After the coach’s competition, Joe supposedly screamed at Willie and when they came inside, Willie was begging the DR to let him in because he was about to punch Joe. Needless to say, the DR never let him in, Joe instigated the situation further and the fight ensued. Willie was wrong, but so was Joe and I feel as if Joe should have been removed from the game, as well for instigating the entire thing.

  14. Willie physically head-butted Joe. In Big Brother, that’s considered physical assault resulting in Expulsion.

  15. Don’t anybody besides me wanna blame Britt just a little for the way Willie went off on Frank? She’s the one after all that went up and told him that Frank had told people he was mocking Wil. She’s also the one that put the thought in his head about the coaches coming into the game. Now she’s acting like such the victim. If somebody had told me that someone was telling lies on me, I’d probably have a problem with it too.

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Competition Results | Big Brother 14
  2. Big Brother 14 Episode 5: Week 2 Nomination Show Tonight | Big Brother 14
  3. Big Brother 14 Episode 5 Recap: Willie Is Expelled | Big Brother 14

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