Big Brother: Reindeer Games – One Week Away!

BB Legends on Reindeer Games - CBS
BB Legends on Reindeer Games – CBS

Final week until the start of Big Brother Reindeer Games on CBS on Monday, December 11th! CBS has released a teaser promo with all old footage. That means this is not new video you’re seeing and not indicative of who will be in the house playing. Watch it below!

Also note the clip from CBS does confirm there will be nine players and says “Big Brother Legends” will be there. I’m still curious if we could get some crossovers from other CBS shows or if it will be purely Big Brother former Houseguests. We know at least one Big Brother 25 HG will be there and I’m guessing Cameron since he was AFP, but you never know. Other than that, eight more players over the previous 24 season (or perhaps an BBOTT appearance??). Should be fun, but weird.

Watch the clip below and keep your countdown to premiere night going. We will be back here covering all six episodes and anything we find in between. Check the Reindeer Games schedule to make sure you don’t miss any shows. Episodes will air Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays over the brief two-week period.

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