Big Brother: Reindeer Games – Countdown To Series Premiere

Big Brother Reindeer Games on CBS - CBS
Big Brother Reindeer Games on CBS – Ā©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.

We are down to less than two weeks until CBS debuts its new Big Brother spinoff of Reindeer Games with the first episode airing on Monday, December 11th for a two-hour premiere. Much of the six-episode mini-series remains a mystery but with the show this close to its reveal there won’t be much time left for us to figure it out.

According to the Memory Wall flashed in the promo clip Big Brother shared at the BB25 finale (watch below), we’re expecting nine players to compete in this wintry tournament. Not Houseguests, mind you, but rather just visitors. They won’t be staying in the house and that leads to the part of no Live Feeds either. Instead we only get the six episodes, a total of eight hours of runtime, and some cash prizes for the players. Get the full Reindeer Games schedule here for those details.

The participants are expected to be former Big Brother Houseguests as CBS calls out that we’ll be watching BB Legends, but it wouldn’t be impossible for a few series crossovers, right? And while who is playing remains uncertain we still know the three “Santa’s Helpers” will be Tiffany Mitchell (Big Brother 23), Derek Xiao (Big Brother 23), and Jordan Lloyd (Big Brother 13). Julie Chen isn’t hosting but the games will still need a coordinator so watch for those three past HGs on set and in the backyard to help things along.

We will keep you posted when we have more official details from CBS on what is happening, who is playing, and what to expect next. For now, we’re counting down the days until the Reindeer Games premiere on Monday, December 11, 2023!

While we wait, which former Big Brother HGs or maybe other CBS reality series’ players would you enjoy watching compete in some BB style competitions for the new series? Share your picks and we’ll see how many you get right when the Reindeer Games cast is revealed.



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