It was another full and busy day in the Big Brother Over the Top house as the HGs gamed all day long and the first care package was delivered. There’s never a dull moment in the BBOTT house. And for that, we’re grateful.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Friday, October 7, 2016:
10:00 AM BBT – Houseguests get their wake up call.
10:30 AM BBT – Alex and Morgan do a quick talk and agree that Shelby is acting sketchy and they question of they can trust her.
11:30 AM BBT – Houseguests lounging around while on lockdown. General chatter.
12:30 PM BBT – Lounging and chatter continues.
12:50 PM BBT – Shelby and Scott talking game in the London bedroom. Scott says he’s anxious to nominate Kryssie since he’s annoyed with her behavior. Scott says they can control the eviction this week with the four women, Monte, and him working together.
1:00 PM BBT – BB calls the HGs to the backyard for the ACP.
1:04 PM BBT – Kryssie won the first ACP with Save-A-Friend this week. Monte comments that America is randomly choosing winners just to create chaos.
1:25 PM BBT – Neeley and Kryssie discuss what to do with the ACP. Neeley says it needs to benefit their side but she should talk with Alex to make sure it doesn’t make her a target later.
1:25 PM BBT – Whitney tells Alex she’s glad they didn’t get the ACP or else they’d have to use it on Monte and everyone would be mad at them for that.
1:30 PM BBT – Alex speculates America gave the ACP to Kryssie because she’s in the middle. She doesn’t want to target either Justin or Jason this week since that’d leave Justin upset with her.
1:35 PM BBT – Alex expects Shelby to be the 3rd nominee this week and she’ll be voted out.
1:40 PM BBT – Scott told Kryssie she should use the ACP on Jason to keep him safe this week.
1:55 PM BBT – Contradicting her earlier statement, Whitney tells Morgan she hopes Kryssie uses the ACP on Monte since that’d be really good for their side.
2:00 PM BBT – HGs called to the living room for HN Vote announcement. Voting is now open.
2:25 PM BBT – Scott talking with Alex in HOH room and promises her he’ll vote how she wants this week. He comments about their side then changes it to “her side” and says he’s not on anyone’s side right now.
2:55 PM BBT – Morgan, Alex, and Whitney discussing Justin and they say he’s gone crazy in the house and it’s only a matter of time before he snaps. Whitney says she’s scared by him. They think Monte could get attacked. (Ridiculous.)
3:00 PM BBT – Monte arrives in the HoH room. Alex says she’s named their alliance (Monte & the 4 Plastics) as Monty & His Pythons.
3:30 PM BBT – After Monte lefts Alex camtalks that the alliance isn’t real and she’s just egging Monte on.
3:50 PM BBT – Kryssie and Alex are having their talk. Kryssie tells Alex she’s going to use the ACP to protect those on her side.
4:00 PM BBT – Kryssie says she’s considering using the Save on either Jason or Justin. Alex is suggesting there’s pressure to nominate Jason as a trick to try and get Kryssie to use it on him so Danielle and Shane are open for nominations. Alex promises not to put up Justin. (In another conversation Alex said she wanted to keep Justin so he and Monte would go after each other.)
4:10 PM BBT – Kryssie thinks America may nominate Monte or Morgan. Kryssie has implied to Alex that she wants to save Jason but doesn’t want Justin to be the replacement nominee if it comes down to it.
4:20 PM BBT – Alex talks to herself and is pleased that Kryssie is only interested in saving Jason or Justin (and not Shane or Danielle).
4:21 PM BBT – Shane pushing Kryssie to give the save to Danielle.
4:32 PM BBT – Now Danielle also wants Kryssie to give her the save in case it was America who voted to evict her and might nominate her (that would sure backfire on Alex).
5:03 PM BBT – Monte thinks Justin will be voted as a have-not by America. Morgan thinks she will be as well. They all doubt Whitney will be a have-not.
5:10 PM BBT – Monte tells Morgan they need to get Jason or Justin out this week instead because then they can get Shane and Danielle to come back to them.
5:13 PM BBT – Danielle and Kryssie are talking about the idea that Monte might not like Jason because Jason is gay. Monte made a comment about Jason staring at him when his pants were undone. Talk turns to Kryssie using the save on Jason because they know that side will just keep coming for him.
6:48 PM BBT – Justin and Kryssie discuss Shane and Danielle. They agree that they don’t really matter to Shane and Danielle and they’d turn on them if they had to. Neither trust Shane and Danielle.
7:30 PM BBT – Live Diary Room sessions start. Read our Live DR Highlights.
9:07 PM BBT – Kryssie and Alex talking. Kryssie tells her it’s most beneficial to use the safety on Jason. Kryssie says at least that takes the heat off Alex being expected to nominate Jason. Kryssie tells Alex about why she thinks Monte dislikes Jason. Alex says that isn’t cool.
9:20 PM BBT – Alex and Kryssie talk about working together later when the numbers get lower.
10:05 PM BBT – Scott realizes his miscounted and forgot America would vote this week. (Earlier he said there were 8 votes and there could be a tie breaker so he wasn’t worried about going up.)
10:15 PM BBT – The girls alliance discuss Kryssie’s claims as to why Monte doesn’t like Jason. They don’t believe it (of course they don’t).
10:35 PM BBT – Monte tells the ladies that Kryssie is upset because she looks like a football player while Morgan looks like a Barbie doll.
11:20 PM BBT – Danielle pushing hard for Kryssie to save her with the ACP but Kryssie says she’s leaning toward saving Jason. Danielle and Kryssie discuss what Alex has told them and realize she’s giving different stories. Danielle is confident she’ll go up on the Block while Alex doesn’t really want to target Jason.
11:55 PM BBT – Kryssie talks with Justin about the ACP and he agrees that she should give it to Jason since he (Justin) expects to perform well in the Veto comp.
12:25 AM BBT – Shane is working on Kryssie for her to save him with the ACP and warns if she doesn’t then he’ll go up. Kryssie says no matter how she uses the power someone else from their group will go up.
1:30 AM BBT – Scott is caught in the middle as he tells Shane he will vote him out if that’s what the Plastics want because he’s already promised them his vote this week. Kryssie says they won’t be able to trust Scott anymore.
1:35 AM BBT – Kryssie warns Scott the Plastics are using him for a vote and this move against America’s own moves will upset the voters. Scott gets upset and says he’s not trying to piss off the viewers and didn’t say he didn’t care about them or their votes.
3:15 AM BBT – Jason says he’ll try to pressure Whitney’s vote by telling her Monte doesn’t like Jason because he’s gay.
4:00 AM BBT – Jason camtalks asking viewers not to nominate Monte because he wants to do it himself and he has a speech in mind for the occasion.
4:15 AM BBT – Kryssie, Danielle, Shane, and Jason still hanging out in the backyard. Jason says things will get heated if their side wins HoH suggesting Janelle’s key-snatching moment won’t have anything on what he’ll do.
4:20 AM BBT – Backyard group hopes the other side goes on Slop to get them worn down for the competitions. Jason says HN is a mental deprivation than physical hunger to make them slow and sluggish.
4:30 AM BBT – Shane and Danielle head off to bed leaving Kryssie and Jason to keep their late night talks going.
Alex has her plans and nothing changed during the day even after Kryssie was awarded the ACP power this week. She appears set to use it on Jason while Alex is ready to move forward on getting Shane and Danielle to the Block. Those nominations kick off Saturday night but not before the first Have-Nots are announced. Voting for HN continues at the moment.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Gonna be interesting how the nominations will go this week.
Vote out Danielle.
I don’t know why America likes Jason so much. Watching the live feeds he’s just as bad and sometimes worse then the other houseguests . He has a very fowl mouth. All you mainly see him do is smoke like a chimney and trash talk people. Give the newbies a chance.
I agree. Watching him, Danielle and Krissie late last night they were so nasty. They never talk game. All they do is talk crap about everyone.
Yeah, agreed. I don’t really like Jason, but I like Kryssie. She’s sweet.
That was completely rude of Monte to compare Kryssie to a football player. She may not be your ideal girl Monte but she is for someone else, and I doubt she’s jealous of Barbie Morgan -_-
The thing most people are not seeing is how awful the night night crew is to the other HG’s daily. Here is just one of the many exchanges. 3:52 Danielle says Shelby wants to **** Justin cuz no man gives her attention. Jason “she’s a s**t”. Danielle “Maybe you’re (Shelby) a h**ker.” then Danielle stops saying we can’t say this or America will hate us. I get that people liked Jason and were trying to save him but this late night crew of Jason, Danielle, Shane, and Krissie constantly badmouth people and pander to America to do all their work. Why are we rewarding these people? The other side came up with strategy and made alliances, won HoH’s, trying to make big moves to split a showmance like we always ask for, tried to take out a vet which is smart, but we’re just going to destroy all their games? Krissie multiple times last night trying to say Monte went after Jason because he’s G*y is just another example. I’m going to reward people for playing the game. I’m going to support Alex this week by nominating Krissie and then voting out Danielle like she wants. Please support Alex guys, she’s playing a great game!
Absolutely agree with you about Alex. She is one of the best players I’ve seen in some time. At least it looks that way so far, I know it’s still early. And part of the BB world is that you’re together 24/7 and I don’t know many people I could be with that long without being irritated with them and vice versa. Personally I prefer Jason and crew being overt to Monte being self righteous about “protecting” women while treating them like they are unable to think for themselves. But that’s part of the fun too, different house guests appeal to different watchers.
The girls want Monte out. They are keeping him for now so they have the numbers. So it’s either the girls alliance (which I’m going to support) or the mean night crew being Danielle, Jason, Krissie and Shane. (Which I want out)
I agree 100%! Montes side may be the plastics, but Jason’s side is the mean girls!
Monte has no side. And that’s what America needs to realize. Even Alex was talking to America saying she’s not with Monte but they need him for a number right now. America needs to see its either the girls (who are playing the game) or the mean night crew (who are just crap talking).
I think until Monte is in the house, anybody that’s associated with him would be in the voter’s s**t list. It’s tough, but that’s what the Polls are indicating. Alex who’s a smart player/politician, was saying all the right things about Monte in DR. When the ‘have not’ vote arrives, I don’t know how else they’re going to interpret this, but that’s really bad. lol They have no choice, but to ditch him..
I know they need to get rid of him. They need to pull one more person in or America needs to see what’s going on and be patient for 1 or 2 more weeks. They want him gone but need him right now.
I don’t think they see it this way. Even from the reaction to be have-nots. Only Scott think he is have-nots because America hate him. Morgan and Monte don’t seems to see it that way at all.
I wish America would play smart. Alex is very popular so everyone needs to help her out and her group of girls for a couple of weeks. There’s plenty of time yo target Monte.
I 1,000% agree. I sure hope other people see this. I just said in a previous comment they should be called the mean night crew.
So true unfortunately no matter how disgusting Jason gets or what he does his fans will still protect him with the way they vote.
They should be called the mean night crew not the late night crew. All the nasty things Danielle, Krissie and Jason were saying last night made me finally see their true colors. Voting those three as much as I can for have nots and voting either Krissie or Justin to be nominated. They are starting rumors about Monte not liking Jason because he’s gay. Which Monte never said. And by the way I don’t even like Monte. Then Danielle and Jason calling Shelby a slut and a hooker. Then all of a sudden Dani says we have to be careful because America won’t like us. Too late I can’t stand you guys and I hope all of America sees it too. Jason is back to the same nasty person he was on his season. They talk zero game and all crap talk.
Did you notice a little while ago Justin was asking Kissie if a hole tried to convince her to use the ACP on Danielle. Real Class.
That’s who I voted for have-nots, Krissie, Justin and Jason. Well, so much for that.
I know Alex doesn’t like him; but Monte is close to other girls. Wasn’t Morgan defending him when her sister was complaing about him last week.
I would like to see one of the mean girls as the 3rd nom this week to send a message to them; and b/c they will use Jason to slide to the end.