‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 1: Sunday Highlights

It was nomination day in the Big Brother Over the Top house as the second Safety Ceremony went down, revealing Monte’s target for the week. The HGs also learned of the third nominee that America will be making and panic ensued.

Scott and Shelby on BBOTT

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Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, October 2, 2016:

9:45 AM BBT – Neeley was up earlier and woke Monte. Now he’s downstairs and they’re talking in the kitchen. Monte is wearing his coonskin hat.

10:00 AM BBT – HGs get their wake up call. Time to start the day.

10:30 AM BBT – Monte and CB having a talk about nomination plans. Monte is discussing putting up Danielle. He still wants to target Jason though and thinks it’d even the game out for everyone if he did.

10:50 AM BBT – Shane agrees with Monte’s plan to put up Danielle. The plan is to renom Kryssie if the Veto is played.

11:10 AM BBT – Jason talks with Shelby and tells her he knows the signs for when you’re in trouble and he’s getting that sense.

11:30 AM BBT – Jason is taking a shower while talking to Morgan offering to work with them. Morgan says he should talk with Alex too.

1:00 PM BBT – Danielle and Jason talking together about the game. Jason thinks he could be useful as a pawn if he stays in the game, but if he goes then everyone else moves up the target list. Danielle is a little nervous though Shane keeps telling her not to worry.

1:10 PM BBT – Neeley talks with Shane about working with him but she’s nervous about his showmance status with Danielle and the liability that creates. Shane suggests he won’t risk his game for Danielle.

1:15 PM BBT – Alex and Scott agree that they’d rather Danielle go than Jason because they like him better. They wonder about the stories they’re being told about Jason not liking other HGs and making deals. Scott says ultimately he’s here to play so if Jason goes then that’s okay too.

1:30 PM BBT – Alex tells Scott they could scheme together and share ideas.

2:30 PM BBT – Jason again working on Monte to keep him and use him to his advantage for America’s Votes so they can control that power. Jason says even if he ends up a nominee then Monte can try to help keep him safe and Jason will be loyal to him for that.

2:45 PM BBT – Monte talks with CB that he really likes Jason so this makes it hard to target him this week.

3:30 PM BBT – Monte with Whitney discussing putting Danielle up and that she’ll be a good pawn.

4:15 PM BBT – Morgan questions if Justin is putting on an act with his behavior. Whitney and Shelby agree they’re suspicious of him. Morgan says Justin changed his voice earlier and she picked up on the difference.

4:40 PM BBT – Kryssie and Neeley talk game and how they are getting annoyed with Danielle. They expect Alex, Morgan, and Whitney to follow the power so things could really change next week with the HoH.

4:45 PM BBT – Justin discusses having no idea about Big Brother and being a complete recruit though he did try out for Masterchef but was rejected since he has a restaurant.

5:55 PM BBT – Monte checks in with Shane and confirms his plans to put up Danielle with Jason. Shane says it’s okay with him. Monte expresses concern over Shelby or Kryssie have a strong reaction if he nom’d either of them instead. Shane says he will say he didn’t know Danielle was going up and will make sure she knows she’s not the target.

6:04 PM BBT – Shane says if he wins HOH next he will nominate Kryssie. Monte throws Justin’s name out there.

6:05 PM BBT – Monte asks Shane if he were to win veto would he save Danielle. Shane says no since they’re voting Jason out.

Feed Highlights continue on the next page…



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    • I had a hard time too. I finally found it. I just did search CBS voting because when I would go to CBS.com it would take me to the home page and there was nothing to click on to vote.

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