‘Big Brother OTT’ Live Feeds Week 1: Sunday Highlights

It’s time for the Safety Ceremony as the HGs prepare to discover Monte’s two nomination picks for the week plus they’ll soon learn the noms won’t stop there.

6:19 PM BBT – Morgan and Alex trust Monte for now but say they will have to get rid of him eventually. Justin is also onto how much they look alike so they decide not to both be around him at the same time.

6:38 PM BBT – Jason tells Scott he can tell from his talk with Monte that he’s going to be nominated.

7:02 PM BBT – It’s safety ceremony time. Monte is in the HOH ready to get started.

7:07 PM BBT – Monte picks Justin for safety.

7:10 PM BBT – Alex is the next one to get safety.

7:14 PM BBT – Kryssie is safe.

7:18 PM BBT – Shelby is safe. She gets really excited.

7:20 PM BBT – Monte chooses Scott as the final HG for safety. Jason and Danielle are the nominees.

7:21 PM BBT – BB announces that the safety ceremony is now over. Danielle says she feels like crying. Jason goes over to hug Danielle.

7:24 PM BBT – Monte heads down to explain is nominees. He tells them it’s nothing personal and that it’s just part of the game.

7:26 PM BBT – Jason goes to smoke and Danielle goes to lay down. Shane and Justin go to comfort her. Shane explains to Danielle that Jason is clearly the target over her.

7:40 PM BBT – Monte talks to himself how tough that was and says he hates hurting people.

8:02 PM BBT – HGs are called into the living room. Julie comes on the TV (recorded) and tells them about the third nominee that will be coming from America. Monte does not look happy.

8:09 PM BBT – Jason tells Neeley that if Shane is nominated by America then that sends a message directly to Monte.

8:25 PM BBT – Alex is talking about America’s nominee and how one thing can set off Twitter and make them hate a HG all season. She uses Corey’s goat story as an example.

8:32 PM BBT – Monte tells Danielle that he likes her and explains that Jason is the target, not her.

10:00 PM BBT – Waking hours are over and Shelby is done for the day. She was struggling to stay awake all day it seemed.

10:15 PM BBT – The sisters check in and discuss their efforts to keep things hidden. They’ve even planned what color clothes to wear and having Morgan put on more make up to hide it. They worry Justin may be catching on.

10:25 PM BBT – Kryssie asks Shane if he knew Danielle was going up. Shane denies it. (Shane did know.)

10:45 PM BBT – Morgan asks to sleep upstairs because of CB’s snoring. Monte agrees. They talk about one of them needs to win HoH next round.

11:20 PM BBT – Cornbread had joined the HoH group talking and he’s once again railing against Shelby saying he doesn’t like her voice and can’t get along with her. (He seems to have a frequent problem with Shelby.)

11:35 PM BBT – Kryssie and Danielle talking game. Danielle doesn’t want to do an all-girls alliance like Neeley suggested and won’t be in any alliances. Kryssie talks about looking forward to Monte getting his dues.

11:50 PM BBT – Danielle talks about how wonderful and ideal she thinks Shane is for her. She also wants to make sure both she and Jason can stay this week.

12:15 AM BBT – Jason talks with Scott about the situation and how Monte can’t get past the fact that Jason is a Vet and what that means in the game. Scott says he’s nervous to go out on a limb for Jason.

1:30 AM BBT – HGs start to gather for a late night hot tub session.

2:00 AM BBT – Justin says he wouldn’t use the Veto on Jason if he wins it but suggests he’d save Danielle.

2:15 AM BBT – Kryssie working on Danielle and Shane that they should try and keep Jason this week if they can.

2:30 AM BBT – Late night Jamboree meeting minus Shelby. Jason thinks the Jamboree is done and gone.

The nominations are set and Jason is on the Block with Danielle. Now we’ve got the viewer vote for the 3rd nominee going on until 9AM PT today then it’ll be time for the Veto comp. I’m very interested to see what sort of Veto comp they manage to have if it’s going to be limited production interaction like the HoH comp.

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    • I had a hard time too. I finally found it. I just did search CBS voting because when I would go to CBS.com it would take me to the home page and there was nothing to click on to vote.

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