Big Brother Live Feed Early Bird Sale Starts June 17th – Details

Update 2: The early bird sale is now available. Details on the discount here.

Update: RealNetworks has announced a slight delay on the launch of the early bird sale. Instead of Wednesday we’ll be able to get the deal starting Friday, June 17th at 9AM ET.

The Big Brother countdown is on. 30 days until the Big Brother 13 premiere on July 7th, but before that arrives we can now officially confirm the return of the Big Brother Live Feed Early Bird sale.

RealNetworks has just passed along word that starting Wednesday, June 15th Friday, June 17th you’ll be able to sign up for the uncensored Big Brother live feed through this site and get the entire season pass for $29.99. If you wait until the show starts then you’ll end up paying $45 for the entire season.

I’m still expecting more details from Real on the mobile feed apps. So far it sounds like Android 2.2 and up support is a go , but and iOS4 (Apple) is still uncertain now confirmed. I’ll keep you updated with any more news I hear on that.

Grab our free Big Brother updates via email, Facebook, and Twitter and I’ll send you the live feed discount link as soon as the sale starts next week.

Update: To answer a question in the comments below, Yes! You’ll still get the free monthly music downloads with the Early Bird special. So $30 for 3-months of Big Brother Live Feed will also give you $30 of free mp3s.

Update 2: Real confirms that iPhone/iPad/iPod using iOS4 and above along with Android 2.2 and above will support the live feeds this season!



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  1. what exactly is the early bird special? what do you get see from june 15th to july 7th?

    • The early bird special for the live feed is the sale price itself. Instead of paying $15/month you’ll get the feeds for $10/month and be covered for the entire BB13 season.

      Until the new season starts you’ll be able to go back and watch all of the recent seasons along with preseason interviews Real/SuperPass will do with the new HouseGuests.

      So starting next Wednesday, if you sign up before the season starts you’ll get the cheap price. If you wait until 7/7 then you’ll pay 50% more each month for the same content.

      • The Live Feeds only run on the Internet (viewed via your computer or mobile device).

        There will be Big Brother After Dark and that runs 3 hours each night starting at midnight PT but is only shown on Showtime 2 (SHO2).

        The Live Feeds won’t be available on any television channels. Sorry.

  2. I have always said there are 2 different BB shows, the show that CBS gives us on tv and what we see on the Feeds, which is the real show cause u see what really happens…..

    So happy they have the special again for the whole season…. :-)

    • I definitely agree. It’s like two completely different Big Brother worlds sometimes. It’s funny to talk with someone who only watches the show and not the feeds because you can tell they missed out on so much.

      Yep, I was relieved to hear the season pass sale would be back.

    • Hey, BG! I’m with you – bring on the new hampsters!! Just hope we don’t have a Brigade alliance again this season – what a snooze-fest that was last season!!

      • Hey Roxie, I agree that last season was one of the worst so let’s hope the new HGs are there to play hard and entertain us.

  3. Will we meet the new HGs by the15th & see what the house looks like this year?????

    • Sorry, not that early. The Live Feeds just go on sale w/ the discount on the 15th. It’ll be a few more weeks after that before we meet the new HGs. The house photos should come out just before we see the HGs.

      • Y cant’t they show us the damn house already?!?!!! They can’t STILL be working on it!!!!

      • @Jaime…Julie ususlly gives us a tour and walks us through the house with all the changes about 1 week before the premiere on the Early Show….

        but dont worry im sure Matt will post that video as soon as it comes out.. :-)

  4. Hello, I’ve only been watching big brother for about 2 years, and the live feed just last month of last years big brother. I can’t wait for the new season and just wanted to ask everyone who is their favorite house guest and their favorite season of all time. Thanks, Luke

    • @Luke…welcome aboard….so ur a newbie, im a old school BB fan..seen every season…

      my fav season was BB6 with the most famous alliance the SOV 4 with the famous Janelle who holds many records in her 2 seasons, Howie the Jedi, Kaysar and James….also this was the year CBS changed the house to the one we have now, the 2 story house….

      and ofcourse my all time fav is Janelle, she was just awesome with her famous fights with the Nerd Herd…..

      but since ur a newbie, let me say that i LOVED the Bridgade from BB12….they were the greatest alliance EVER cause they dominated the whole season, they controlled who went home every week and they did what no other alliance had ever done, they went to the Final 3 together….. :-)

  5. Season 2 is my favorite. And no one can beat Dr. Will in gameplay and entertainment. He was an original.

  6. @Luke. My favorite houseguest would be BB10 Keesha. My favorite season is BB11 because it was an amazing cast alot of different personality’s and alot of drama.

    • Yes! The live feeds will work perfectly on a Mac.

      Now that the feeds are delivered through a website (similar to visiting YouTube) you’ll be able to use them anywhere that supports a browser and Flash.

      • Let me add what Matt said bout the Feeds in a “website”….this is a fact, last year i found out that if u find a family member or good friend and they give u their user & password, u both can watch the Feeds at the same time, in fact 4 of us were all watching the Feeds at the same time…all under the same Login…..

        i know many of u didnt know this, i thought i’ll let u know….:-)

  7. @HoH8.. Your not much of a “Old School” BB fan if you truly think The BooGade was the best alliance EVER.. They were a pretty good alliance but everything fell in their lap, they didn’t have to work or fight for anything which is sad because it was THREE OF THEM and they still sucked

    • Oh Yeah…they sucked themselves to the $500,000 first place finish….

      listen i really studied this alliance while they were in the house…not only they had 4 members but each member had side alliances which was why they dominated the season and made fans like u and many others Bored like hell and hating the season…..

      so if u Loved the BooGade then u loved BB12 if u didnt then u had a sad summer… :-(

  8. Dani from BB 3 & 7 is my fav ’cause of the DR moments. LOL!!!!! Also her fight w/ Lori.

  9. @HoH8.. The whole “side alliance” thing is just a gimmick to make people think the boogade was a strategic alliance, when in reality the boogade was only there for fame and the money.. on the live feeds all enzo, hayden, and lane talked about was being famous after the show and making lots of money. Idk who it was i think it was hayden, but either Lane, Hayden, or Enzo said they only watched TWO SEASONS of big brother.. The only Boogade member that was there to play the game and is a huge fan of the show was Matt.. Big Brother obviously casted the wrong people for BB12 it seemed like only a selected few of them was there for the experience and to actually play the game while the others were there for fame and etc.

  10. Hey Matt! thanks for being here again this yr. my how i have missed bbn and bb and my buddys. can’t wait for cbs to give me my bday present which is bb coming back on. See you soon my friend!

  11. Hey ncnanny…its me..your Ky wildcat. Havent forgotten you. Im set and ready for BB this year. Hope to chat with you and all the gang.

    • @yogi I really really hope its an allstars defiantly be.awesome !! But we can only hope lol

      • The next All Stars BB is scheduled for next year with BB14….the last All Stars was on BB7 so we are due already….

        cant wait to see Evel Dick again, lol…. :-)

    • hey EDF…Dick spells it EVEL, lol…..

      yes BBAD is starting on Premeire night 7/7/11 Thurs at Midnight on SHO2….

      @taylor…the reason the Feeds r not on TV is simple = MONEY….CBS makes alot of money from the Feeders…. :-)

  12. Hey Matt, why don’t they put the live feeds on the tv instead of just showtime?

    • It would be nice if they ran a daytime hour of the feeds on CBS, but there are censorship issues at stake and as HoH8 noted financial benefits to the feeds.

      With Showtime they don’t have to worry about censorship so it’s free game over there.

  13. Can’t wait for the new season. I’m so excited. Thank you BBN for all updates. Here’s hoping for a great season and hearing from all of you at BBN!! Also, this is the best time to get the live feeds for the best price.

  14. Does anyone know if pandora’s box doing to use again this year? I hope so!!!!!!

    • Sorry, I don’t think anyone outside of production will know about the twists until we see them appear in the game. Better to be surprised!

  15. So does the early bird thing not give you the free music downloads again like it has before in the past? It wasn’t mentioned above so I’m not sure but if not, wow, total disappointment :(

    • Yes, it’s absolutely included. You’re still getting the full blown subscription to SuperPass, including the $10 of monthly free mp3 downloads. The only difference is that you get it for $10/month instead of $15/month.

    • For iOS check, go to Settings -> General -> System: Version #.

      For Android version, go to Settings -> About -> Android Version #. Lots of different Android systems out there so that’s just one way to check.

  16. Hi everyone..I looked around some sites and it said the Samsung Epic will work with the superpass mobile. I sunscribed to it and then when I called to check on my order the lady told me my phone wouldn’t work so I had to cancle. Was she correct?

  17. Thanks Matt, That’s the site i looked at. I called them to see how i could get both feeds and she said I had to create 2 accounts. Then she said i might as well cancle the mobile because it won’t work! :)

    • Ugh. That operator was painfully misinformed.

      The mobile access option is an add-on to your existing account. It won’t work on its own. You have to have a SuperPass subscription account first.

      I’ll let our friends at Real know they’ve got some bad information flowing from the operators.

      Thank you for letting us know about it.

  18. I did cancel it…What happened was I signed up for the feeds, clicked on
    add mobile. In my checking account I see they only took out 10.79 for the
    mobile. I called them and that was the info they gave me. So I got just the
    live feeds. This morning I created a new account to order the mobile. It
    said during the process I will be able to choose the did that but
    after it charged me again for computer live feeds! ugh

  19. i SIGNED UP AND PAIDED FOR ( ALREADY TAKEN OUT OF MY ACCOUNT) but have not been able to get on the live feeds. on my home or work computer. PLerase tell me how or what i need to do. so far waise of money.

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