With a little less than four weeks to go, CBS is hitting us with another reminder: Big Brother is back! The latest commercial from CBS promises we’ll get the “craziest twists” yet with Big Brother 13 so take off your “back to basics” hat and put on your “Jessie in a box” hat. It’s going to be a crazy summer!
“Big” Reminder: Starting Wednesday, June 15th Friday, June 17th at 9AM ET you’ll be able to lock-in your season pass to the Big Brother live feeds for only $29.99. That’s effectively a free month of feeds when you save $5/month for 3 months. Instead of paying $15/month you’ll only pay $9.99/month. It’s like they’re giving it away!
I’ll send you the discount code link on Wednesday Friday when the sale goes live if you get our free email alerts, join us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.
Update: CBS released another BB13 commercial (watch below). This time it calls out “Crash My Party.” Could be something, but probably nothing. Marketing and production aren’t always in lock step during these preseason commercials, so I wouldn’t read too much in to it. Still fun to watch though!
wow! I am so excited! I wonder what this seasons twist will be.. Hmmmmm..
It should be awesome. They always think up stuff I would have never imagined.
Let’s hear some ideas from everyone out there for what twists you’d want to see.
a cool twist would be if there were two big brother seasons playing in two different houses and when each house gets to the final 5 they both unite into 1 house
Love that idea! How fun!
lol that might be alot to handle but idk
Heh, yeah. Considering how much production is required for one house it would be incredible to have two of them. Fun idea though!
Am I the only one thinking about unlucky 13? Maybe the twist will revolve around that!
@maymay. I agree! I heard alot of people say that “13” is a unlucky number.. The theme of this season will for sure be the number 13.. But as for the twist?? Hmmm idk Big Brother will come up with something we will never think of
first three players out return at week six
bring MIKEE in as a new player in week six
bring mikee in at week six
Yay!! Can’t wait sooo excited, love when you post new stuff love hearing more bout Big Brother!!(:
cool i hope they brink dick back not jessie make dick the 13th house guest this is bb 13 ppl
Yeah, because of 13 being unlucky they will bring a houseguest back who was really bad!!
I want a new season not the same people. I don’t like the bringing people back for more than a game.
yeah, I don’t like the bringing folks back. They’re gone for a reason… they already had their time…
Twists are cool but that Pandora’s box was just stupid.
Maybe they should have a paid secret HG whose sole purpose is to be get all the others riled up against each other.. no more pranks though.
I dunno, BG. That sounds like a secret saboteur to me. Unless you meant one that survives more than a week!! :)
Yeah thats true Matt , but all the Saboteur did was silly pranks not much to get the hg’s really riled up at each other.
Very true, BG. Lets hope they come up with something better than last season’s twist!
No Pandora box, lame. And a BIG no Jesse!!! He is off the chain arrogant. Evel Dick would be fun to see again but he’s won already, why would he come back? Returning players just say jump the shark to me.
Can’t wait to see it again. Once a year isn’t enough in my opinion.
I agree. I’m a little burned out on repeating HGs unless it’s for the purpose of an All-Stars. Survivor is killing me with their continuation of that again next season (yeah, I bet if I had FOUR tries I could win too).
@BG.. Last seasons twist was a TOTAL JOKE, everytime the sab would come on the screen all the houseguest would be excited and happy.. Like wtf? I thought they were supposed to be nervous and paranoid? And the sab message weren’t game changing at all
The only Twist i would love is what everyone wants every year….Cameras in the Jury House !!!! that would be just Awesome !!!…:-)
I definitely agree what the theme has to revolve around the unlucky number, 13. So, I am also guessing only 13 houseguests. The twist, though? I have no idea, I just think a lot of it has to revolve around 13, it is a perfect thing to base this season on.
With all these silly websites, such a great page keeps my iternent hope alive.
Hey Matt, question: I didn’t realize we needed to sign up for the e-mail alerts to get the discount code (so I just signed up now). Since there has been a delay in the special, has the discount code e-mail been pushed back as well? Thanks!
Hi DJ: Yep, the discount code and link (which will auto-populate the code for you) will now go out Friday.
I’ll have all the details posted here on the site as well that morning ahead of the email.
The email updates sign-up isn’t a requirement to get the discount code, just a way to make sure you get the code and the best price. This way you won’t miss it since it’ll be waiting for you in your Inbox. Either way will work though.
I think a fun twist could be all of the house guest are have nots for the entire summer it will make them all go crazy but if they did that they could always bring back the pb&j for the food or not don’t matter. And next year if its possible have a best of the winners and bring back all the big brother winners from past seasons.
But I guess if you did the winners big brother you would have replace adam from bb9 with Ryan or someone from that season
Each houseguest gets to view 1(and only 1) other houseguest diary room for the whole summer. But they’re not allowed to say whos they’re viewing or the penalty is immediate expulsion from the game. Just a suggestion :)
@Cat but that could sway the votes in the game; changes everything in a negative way
Interesting idea, Cat. Do you think the hampsters could really keep their mouths shut and keep what they saw a secret?
@Jamie…Well we could add that the jurors are not allowed to reveal who they viewed. That would give us a chance to find out who the best bullsh** artist is. One of the final two (trying to explain their actions) OR the juror with the most convincing argument without revealing anything.
Will the show finally be in HD?
From what I’ve heard so far: no. The cams inside the house are still SD.
Matt do we have any leaks about the HG’s for this season? I thought we could view pic’s and bios by this time last year? maybe not? can’t wait!!!!!
Nope, no details so far. Last year (and most seasons) we get our first glimpse just days before the season premiere. They’ll have their big debut on CBS’ The Early Show in a few more weeks.
Here is the same video with Julie showing the front of the BB House….
Oh my god….Hope big brother is back!Maybe do something diffrent bb13..How about Julie in the house ,doing the back yard things..like Head of House….or how about Head of household Pairs….two people in the same room and who should be put up…..or well maybe number 13 is not to lucky,,,,I,m so glad it back….
I think it would be cool to bring back all the people that were evicted in week 1 from all the seasons.. Like a second chance ha