Big Brother Freakshow: Come One, Come All & See The Freaky Houseguests [PICS]

Big Brother Freakshow on BB16
Big Brother Freakshow on BB16 – Source: CBS

This week’s Power of Veto competition, which won’t matter at all, was the always popular face mash-up competition where HGs had to figure out which of their fellow competitors were squashed together. Sometimes these look easier than other times but I always think I’d do awful at it. Then again I’m not spending my days staring at the Memory Wall like they should be at this stage.

CBS posted all six of the “Freakshow” composite photos for us to take a closer look to pick out their features. Some are definitely easier than others but overall this looked like a tough competition. Do you think you could have solved each one in under a minute to beat Frankie and win the Power of Veto?

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  1. That was pretty tough. Especially when compared to other seasons. I couldn’t even get them after knowing the answers. I still don’t know. As much as I dislike him, Frankie is a comp beast. dang it! That’s why he’s been needing to go.

    • As a person, I don’t like Frankie. Makes me think that her sister isn’t as sweet as TV makes her to be, if heredity can work like that.
      However the guy has justified himself as a player, winning competition after competition. If Victoria gets evicted next. This might be the most deserving final 4 in a long time, if ever.
      On a side note: Can we just say that there’s no such thing as a “First HOH Curse”? I’ve heard multiple times that the houseguest who wins HOH first typically goes out early.
      Which may be the case for Willie Hantz (only because he got expelled, granted it looked bleak for him) but with Frankie AND Caleb in the final 5, McCrae Olson making it 4th in BB16, and Hayden and Rachel winning seasons 12 and 13. It’s fair to say, while being the first HOH does lead you to throwing the first knife, it also leads you to being the guy that gets to negotiate first.

    • *Order – Hair, Eyes/Nose, Nose/Mouth
      Miss Twist – Paola, Zach, Amber
      Old Lady – Joey, Frankie, Christine
      Great Evicto – Cody, Caleb, Jocasta
      Backstabber – Amber, Brittany, Hayden
      Comp Beast – Hayden, Derrick, Victoria
      Slop Swallower – Devin, Donny, Nicole

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