Big Brother Rewind Brings A Fresh Start To The Week On Big Brother 16 [POLL]

Frankie Grande on Big Brother 16

The Big Brother Rewind clock is counting down to 8:35PM ET, right in the middle of tonight’s live show. When the time hits zero we’ll be knee deep in the show and right around the time when the live voting would normally begin. That tells me we’ll either see the results nullified or the voting just skipped.

All five of the Houseguest will head to the backyard and prepare for the next Head of Household competition, but not everyone can compete. Yes, Frankie can compete. No, Derrick can not.

Since Frankie’s reign as HoH is erased through the twist he can not be considered the outgoing HoH, but Derrick would as he’d be the last HoH on the books with his Double Eviction win last week.

That means we’ll see Caleb, Cody, Frankie, and Victoria face off to win HoH. One of those four players will win the power to set the nominations and the week will begin again. Who do you most hope to see win the Head of Household competition tonight? Vote in our poll & share your thoughts.

Frankie leads the pack with the most HoH wins and has won the past three straight competitions. Can he keep that momentum going and secure his safety without the Veto? We’ll find out tonight at 8PM ET!



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    • Cody has proven to be not much more of a player than Victoria, he had the opportunity to make some type of move but choose the easy way, Vic might not be the greatest competition player, but I believe had she had the chance to shake this house up she would have. I hate this paying it safe and voting with the house crap, just hope they’ll bring in a few players that are able to play their own game next year, never mind this group play.

    • Final 4 position? Is that the position where Cody places his head in Victoria’s lap and she runs her fingers through his hair??? It seems to me that’s the only ‘position’ he craves since Christine’s eviction.

  1. Anyone, except Cody because he’s just TALK TALK TALK and done nothing. He’s playing save all summer long and he’s not gonna make any big move.

    • Hopefully by now Cody realizes nobody wants to take him to the finals and will go on the attack. Surely he realizes it’s time to stop talking and actually do something if he wants to win.

  2. Pleeeeeeze send Frankie home! I know the show is almost over but I cannot stand to watch this tip toeing princess any longer.

  3. With Frankie winning so many comps this season, he is likely to win either HOH or Veto in the rewind. I voted for Cody because I do believe he would put up Frankie and Victoria and if Frankie doesn’t win, he will be gone. Derrick won’t get rid of Victoria over Frankie and Cody will do what Derrick tells him, so Caleb’s vote wouldn’t matter.

  4. Either Cody or Victoria (although its more likely that Derrick will win over Vic and he can’t even compete).

    If either of them win and Frankie doesn’t win veto, he’s gone. Cody will put up Frankie/Victoria, and vic would do whatever derrick says.

  5. Since it’s a rewind, it would be hilarious to have the exact competition for HOH again. Which, I might add, was clearly going to be won by Frankie. I mean – you have to balance on a beam and walk back and forth? Oh, the dancer won? What a surprise.

    • Maybe this time they can team up and let Cody and Frankie compete for HOH while Beast Mode Cowboy and Victoria pelt Frankie with their seeds.
      Wishful thinking, I guess…

  6. Matt I’m so confused! Was so looking forward to a night like a DE where they do HOH and Veto and eviction all in one. Even went back and watched the end of last weeks show and Julie said join us next Wed for a live eviction. Don’t think I can make it thru another week of Frankie as HOH. PLEASE somebody else win HOH.

    • I thought it would be too, but the timer hits zero at 8:35PM ET tonight which is the standard time for a regular eviction show’s live voting to take place. If they wait that late in the show to apply the twist then 25 mins is not enough time to redo HoH, Noms, Veto comp & ceremony, & a live eviction.

      • I don’t understand why you don’t think there’s enough time Matt. When there is a DE the second HOH doesn’t take place until halfway thru the show. I think when the clock resets we will see a quick HOH, live nominations, commercial then POV, ceremony, then live eviction.

      • I think you’re right!! I know that it would be quick if they started over at 8:30 p.m. ET!

      • Did I say DE? I said when there is a DE they have time so with a rewind why wouldn’t they have time for 1 eviction. And if you read my other comments I stated I COULD be wrong. The only one that knows for sure about anything is production. The rest is just a guessing game!

    • He’s like a little kid in a man’s body. I’ve never seen a grown man like to lie there and be petted like he does. Christine, Frankie, Victoria – he soaks it up. He reminds me of a little poodle waiting for someone to cuddle him. I like a man who is affectionate, but he’s the receiver, never the giver. Maybe he was the baby in his family. Get a shot of testosterone, Cody and get the cojones to tell Frankie to quit leaping on you and rubbing your belly. It’s not a pretty sight.

  7. I really want Frankie to go, but if he does, the rest of the game will continue to be boring. Frankie will leave. Then if Caleb becomes next HoH, Victoria will go home, and if Cody/Derrick/Victoria(hahayeahright) win next week, Caleb will probably go home. The only way this will be exciting is if Caleb has the balls to vote out Derrick or Cody at some point, but it doesn’t look like it.

    • I feel ya. My hate for Frankie so strong, but at the same time, it’s the only emotion I feel about BB16 at this point (except for a slight desire to see Derrick win). It’s a lame season when the only thing you can really do is root for someone to lose.

    • I think he has a vision of dozens of TV interviews, well-paid public appearances, getting up on stage with his sister to thunderous applause, more gigs on Broadway and tons, yes tons, of adoration from we, his loving followers.

      • I thought Caleb said he was joining Survivor right after he left the BB house…he’ll be a week late, but then he doesn’t know there’s an extra week to play BB than he anticipated. Joke will definitely be on him. Frankie wouldn’t last a day on Survivor, seeing as he breaks out in a rash if his skin isn’t moisturized daily.

      • I’ll be sure not to watch the season after this one then! Thanks for the heads up! :-)

    • Are you trying to ruin my night, Mark? lol First I found out there was not even going to be an eviction tonight. Now you are doubting my girl, Miss Vic. I’m in such despair.

    • It depends on where you live. BB comes on at 8 PM ET and the President’s speech comes on at 9 PM ET.

      If it’s like past prime time speeches, the networks just resume showing the line-up afterwards.

      • I haven’t watched BB UK, so I don’t know. LOL

        From what I’ve watched so far all of the HGs do the nominating. Australia votes out of 6 HGs for eviction, which is similar to BB US season 1. There is a series of competitions that gives the winner a night in a private room and extra power that week. From what I’ve surmised, the 2nd half of the season is more about HGs voting to evict, like BB US. I think it’s a combination. There are also missions to win food and luxury or scraps for a family meal. There is a ton of laughter and silliness. I’m loving it!

        ETA: They got a dog for the majority of the season.

      • I just looked to see where I am in the season. I’ve watched only 25 episodes out of 87! Long way to go. LOL

      • When I order this season I was thinking of ordering all of Australia’s seasons. I watched BB Canada this year for the first time so I’m going to order both of those seasons.

  8. I’ve finally reached that point where I don’t care what happened. This season has been SO boring and predictable. Big Brother Australia bows the US version away.

      • Oops, that’s what I get for sleeping in late, the body is here but the brain’s a little behind. Thanks redroses, you’re the brightest flower in the bunch.

      • Surely you know by now that in my opinion Caleb is a pitiful excuse for a human being..and I use bookoodles of sarcasm. So I agree with you wholeheartedly,GMaG.

      • Didn’t look at who posted the remark – If I’d seen it was you, I would have known better! Maybe I can be the first winner of ‘The Victoria Cluelessness Award’? :)

      • That’s hilarious! It’s kind of hard to read the intent of people through this here screen. I’ve missed a few sarcastic remarks myself. When we actually do disagree, we will have fun with it!

      • Nah, GMaG is OK in my book. But if anyone ever needs a BBN award presenter, I’m sure you would be an excellent one, Joni! :)

  9. I was under the delusion, all week long, that tonight’s episode was going to be similar to the double eviction… the game would “reset,” and everyone would replay all the games during the show. I don’t know why I thought this, but I did. Instead, we’re going to get to watch the entire boring week play out alllllllllllllll over again. I don’t usually complain about the twists in the game, because you’re supposed to expect the unexpected, but this humdrum season is for the birds. Last night’s episode was the most boring I’ve ever seen… excluding the absolutely amazing montage with Victoria’s warrior princess DR session. UGH, I can’t believe we’re going to have to watch the same week AGAIN!

    • I’m with you. They need to ramp it up next year. Of course, there wouldn’t have been so many entertaining posts if it had been a better season.

      • No please – we’re in this mess of a season with yet another cast of models, celebs & actors because BBProduction DOES keep trying to ramp it up! Enough with the gimmicks, the TnA factor, the ‘twists’ and all that – lets get back to 16 everyday people who actually need and deserve to be on this show. I’d like to see some everyday heroes and zeros to cheer for (and as one person pointed out, there are good looking people from everyday life that aren’t models or actors)…

    • You don’t have to watch it at all…but I’m looking forward to seeing how it all pans out, no matter how foolish I’m appearing to others that don’t get into this show (like hubby). Smack me for wanting to end dinner early, which I’ll be eating in celebrating hubby’s birthday today. Oh wait, I won’t have to do that at all. It’s set to record on DVR. Wonderful I can kill two birds with one stone like that, huh?

  10. Definitely pulling for Cody so that Frankie can be evicted and Derrick can keep his hands clean of it if need be, whilst remaining perfect in terms of not being nominated.

    Then Derrick can win the final 4 HOH and finish the season as the first (and likely last) person to never be nominated

  11. I am confused? Someone said earlier in the week that Julie said that everyone would be able to compete in the HOH. Was she mistaken? I was hoping Derrick could compete tonight.

  12. I don’t want Victoria to win she is been to layed back in the game so she does’nt get my vote .the person that should get is Derrick he is never been up at less he has won some cames . I do’nt want Frankie to win either.

  13. At this point in the game I really want a “None Of The Above” option. Frankie, Caleb and Derrick make my blood boil and skin crawl. They all 3 give me the heebie-jeebies. Cody and Victoria just make me sad and sometimes mad. I wouldn’t want to know them in real life.

  14. Frankie, poor Frankie. I think he has a vision of life after BB – dozens of TV interviews, well-paid public appearances, getting up on stage with his sister to thunderous applause, more gigs on Broadway and tons, yes tons, of adoration from we, his loving followers.

    • The applause might not be there, but sadly I really do think that he’ll end up getting more internet traffic and more ”minor celeb” status at the end of this all. I wish the new saying ”Any publicity is good publicity” wasn’t true – sadly our society loves anyone for any reason so long as they’re on tv (look at the Kardashians).

  15. I understand why Derrick cannot play in this HOH and Frankie can but I think it would’ve made more sense to just let everyone play instead as Derrick not being able to play in two HOH competitions back to back is an extreme disadvantage that can extremely affect his game!

  16. So I was right about one thing earlier in the week – “that the clock won’t rewind to zero til 1/2 way into the show!” That’s why I was wondering why Derrick wouldn’t be able to play in HoH comp!

      • I think it would be awesome if Victoria won. Wouldn’t that throw a wrench into Frankie’s world. But I just have this feeling it’s going to be Caleb. Nothing to base it on. Just a feeling. Pretty sure he’d put up V, but not sure who the other one would be.

      • Your feeling is as good as anything anyone else can come up with. I think if Caleb won, he would put up Frankie and Miss Vic. since everyone can play for POV. But your guess is as good as mine.

  17. Caleb for the win! Cody just rubs (pun intended) me the wrong way. Victoria is my 2nd choice (because she’ll be influenced in every decision by the ‘voice of reason’, Derrick)

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