Big Brother 16 Eviction Predictions: Week 11

The Big Brother nomination chairs will be filled by Cody Calafiore and Victoria Rafaeli tonight for the live show, but who will be sent home? My prediction: neither.

Big Brother 16 Week 11 nominees- Cody & Victoria
Big Brother 16 Week 11 nominees- Cody & Victoria – Source: CBS

We’ve been discussing this since the Big Brother Rewind button was revealed and trying to make sense of what is going to happen. I’ve put this out there already today, but just to make it very clear, I do not think either nominee will be sent out to meet with Julie. Nor do I see any of the other three remaining HGs being evicted tonight.

The countdown timer hits at 8:35PM ET which times up nicely with the normal voting time in the live shows. Then you’ve got Dan Gheesling arriving to do an on-stage interview with Julie which could perfectly fit in the space normally held by the evicted HG interview.

Originally I speculated we’d get a Double Eviction style show with all the comps of the week redone right there in the hour, but if they’re not starting the twist until 25 minutes left to go there’s just no way. Instead we’ll get a normal live show just without the eviction part of it. The HoH competition will be held again just like it was last Thursday night when Caleb, Cody, Frankie, and Victoria faced off for the big power.

So Cody and Victoria fans can stand down. I expect you’ll have another week to enjoy both of them in the Big Brother house, but just in case I’m wrong (it happens… frequently) be sure to join us tonight at 8PM ET (7PM CT) as we live recap the show.

The president’s address won’t air until 9PM ET so no overlap to worry about there either.



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  1. Wow Matt you predicted the same thing I have been predicting since last week. I remember last Thursday (might have been the next day Friday) discussing this on one of the threads. When everybody thought after the rewind they would play a weeks worth of comps in one night I said I wasn’t so sure about that. I have been thinking all along all we will get is hoh tonight and have another week of the same. We shall see what happens. Here is what I want to know if it is a rewind will we get the same comps

  2. It is rigged to save Frankie. When they first went into the Rewind Room, first thing out of Frankie’s mouth was “Oh, the rewind button”! He already knew what it was …. but yest none of the other houseguests knew, nor the viewers. Go back and watch. It was scripted! CBS/BB cheated with janelle and now they are trying to do it with Frankie. :)

    • No, that’s not accurate. Frankie called it the “Reset” button which it was in BB14. This is the “Rewind” button.

      And COME ON, how does taking complete safety away from Frankie and making him vulnerable to eviction possibly benefit him? That’s completely illogical.

      • PAY ATTENTION Matthew, the rewind button was implemented BEFORE Frankie became HOH because CBS/BB thought he was the next target.

      • “It is rigged to save Frankie,” you claimed. How is this saving Frankie? It’s not.

        “Oh, the rewind button,” you claim he said. He did not say that.

        Rigging implies a method of control on the outcome. Clearly this isn’t rigging. But please, continue.

      • Yes, it is a control measure that CBS/BB uses just like they wanted Team America to throw 2 votes for Amber (which Donny refused to do). BB got caught cheating with Janelle. Do you agree with that … or do you want me to post the video?

      • Pay attention people! Frankie was the NEXT target so CBS/BB implemented the rewind as they thought Frankie would be going home, not after. Then Frankie ends up winning HOH and embarrasses the network … a wasted week that was suppose to protect Frankie. Please, pay attention.

      • They implemented the rewind expecting a big shock out of these amicable and united cast. I’ve been paying attention and it has been f****ng boring

  3. Well, this is about the stupidest twist ever. It should have been utilized when there were more people in the house.

    • It was an attempt to protect Frankie … to erase Frankie’s eviction …. BUT Frankie ends up winning HOH. LMAO! CBS/BB just makes stuff up to rig the show.

  4. Oh…the expression on Frankie’s smug hateful mug was sweet when they started the rewind film. His eyes blazed and he was completely slack jawed! It only lasted for a sec or two, as he drew on his lame acting ability and started psycing his opponants out, dancing around and sqealing. ACK! Praying Frankie doesnt win this HOH comp!! Please Otev, give us some much needed excitement this week….please!!

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