Celebrity Big Brother Schedule – February 2018 Premiere

Julie Chen hosts Celebrity Big Brother

CBS has revealed the Big Brother Celebrity schedule with a February 7, 2018 premiere date hitting their primetime broadcast for a very speedy, two and a half week run of the series. It’s going to go by fast!

Sure enough, CBS is tackling the Olympics with their own series of games with the bright lights, but these ones will be taking place in Burbank under the Big Brother roof! The Winter Olympics are set to premiere on NBC on February 9th while CBS is going to get a headstart on them by a few days. Not surprised.

There will be plenty of BB Celebrity to watch too as we’ll get episodes up to four nights a week including two-hour episodes on Fridays plus the finale. Now all we need is more details on who will be the Celebrity edition cast after these first few rumors have started to circulate!

Big Brother Celebrity Edition Schedule:

  • Wed, Feb 7: 8-9PM – Big Brother Celebrity Premiere
  • Thurs, Feb 8: 8-9PM
  • Fri, Feb 9: 8-10PM – 2-hour Live Eviction
  • Sun, Feb 11: 8-9PM
  • Mon, Feb 12: 8-9PM – Live Eviction
  • Wed, Feb 14: 8-9PM
  • Fri, Feb 16: 8-10PM – 2-hour episode
  • Sun, Feb 18: 8-9PM
  • Mon, Feb 19: 8-9PM
  • Wed, Feb 21: 8-9PM
  • Fri, Feb 23: 8-10PM – 2-hour episode
  • Sat, Feb 24: 8-9PM
  • Sun, Feb 25: 8-10PM – Big Brother Celebrity Finale

Don’t blink or you’ll miss it! The really good news is that yes, there will be Feeds and they’ll be running 24/7 just as we’ve come to expect and enjoy in our regular seasons of Big Brother. And of course, you can be super awesome and support us by using our Live Feeds link for a Free Trial when it’s time.

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calendar per dates provided on @bigbrothernet pic.twitter.com/QvyWz1hyaj

— liquid8d (@liquid8d) January 29, 2018

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While we wait, check out the new Celebrity Big Brother House design! See all the pics here:

Gallery: Celebrity Big Brother House Revealed



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    • I only ever watch the Figure Skating, and I can DVR those to avoid annoying commercial breaks.

  1. With the accelerated run… the feeds might be blacked out a lot if every day has comps and ceremonies going on.

    • Most celebrity BB’s don’t last as long as regular civilian editions of Big Brother. But you get twice the fun and double the paranoia every few days because there’s at least more than one evictions happening with the possibility of doubles in one night.

  2. As expected, it’d be a shorter run which most of the fandom who don’t watch other BB’s have not experienced yet.

    Hopefully, production will double up their efforts on keeping these celebs occupied every single day.

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  3. Do we know for sure if there is going to be a BBAD for the celebrity version? I know they were hinting that there would be one, but I’ve not heard anything else about it.

  4. Two and a half weeks? Thats it? What a joke. It takes two and a half weeks just to get used to the season. It takes me 2 weeks just to feel comfortable getting to know the cast And in 2 weeks its gonna be over? I havent even learned all the names in week 2

  5. ๐Ÿ€โ˜˜โ„ฑแธฏโ…พโ…พโ„“ฮตรฮตโ„ฏรโ„ฎโ„ฎโ˜˜๐Ÿ€ says:

    I didn’t see your message, I’m so sorry!! I just came to check up on you to make sure you were okay.

    Matt, he’s losing his fucking mind!!! OMG, I’m afraid he’s going to do something to really jeopardize his safety. He’s been so afraid for his son but in reality, he’s the one he needs to be concerned with, wow!! Andrew is in no way equipped to be in jail/prison and his dad should be taken to task for endangering him, even though he’s an adult. I don’t get it.

    Jaclin and Stephanie (is that her name?). Interesting duo and Stephanie, boy she’s ready to drop the girl at any given moment, way to have your girl’s back and Jaclin!!! She’s bright but she not, make sense? Why is she having a meltdown with the CO, cussing and fussing. I know she was trying to cover but I think she just made it worse.

    Angele or whatever her name is, she’s the stud!!! I’m very interested in how she deals with all of the adulation. I wonder if her and Lyric will have beef or become allies?

    Talk to you later chica! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/26e9df215ad24d7b4743e300f4e3d996b03dbc8baeb09373ce6c2e93a00353ec.gif

      • I just saw the list this morning… uggghhhh… can’t lie, I’m still going to watch though ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ hopefully they’re the first 2 eliminated!

      • ๐Ÿ’šโ„ฑแธฏโ…พโ…พโ„“ฮตรฮตโ„ฏรโ„ฎโ„ฎ๐Ÿ’š says:

        Where’s the burfday girl?????๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿพ๐ŸŽ†
        Left you a message on the current threat too.

      • Aww… you’re so sweet ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ I must have misspoke (typed really lol) my bday is on finale night, the 25th. But I’ll definitely still toast with you to CBB coming on tonight! ๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿฅ‚

        Oh and a great birthday present I’m going to have… the Friday after my bday (March 2nd) I’m going to have to have surgery ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I’m going to be out of commission for 6 months.. But on the bright side, that will leave me plenty of time to be on all the boards chatting with everyone while I’m in bed ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Silver lining to everything I suppose ๐Ÿ˜Š

      • ๐Ÿ’šโ„ฑแธฏโ…พโ…พโ„“ฮตรฮตโ„ฏรโ„ฎโ„ฎ๐Ÿ’š says:

        Oops, my bad boo. What is going on with you, is this something serious I need to be worried about, your operation?

      • Nothing too serious.. I had an accident back in 2006 where I shattered my heel. I had to get a plate and like 7 screws/pins. After the surgery and all the physical therapy I was pretty much back to normal until like the last 3 years. I had been having a lot of pain and swelling in that foot but I was getting injections every 4-6 months that seem to help with all that until recently. My doctor said since the shots aren’t working anymore the only other option left is surgery. I know it’s going to be a long recovery, but I’m pretty much ready for it.. anything to get rid of ghis damn pain!

      • ๐Ÿ’šโ„ฑแธฏโ…พโ…พโ„“ฮตรฮตโ„ฏรโ„ฎโ„ฎ๐Ÿ’š says:

        I wondered if it was your ankle you were talking about. Keep me in the loop so I can help keep your spirits up if nothing else.

        Just got done watching, have you watched yet? If so, what did you think?

      • Thanks boo! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

        I just got finished watching and I was pleasantly surprised! I really enjoyed it and I’m actually shocked how much I liked Omarosa lol… Blandi on the other hand was her usual drunken obnoxious self! I like Shannon and Ross too.
        What are your thoughts on the first episode? Who do you like so far?

      • ๐Ÿ’šโ„ฑแธฏโ…พโ…พโ„“ฮตรฮตโ„ฏรโ„ฎโ„ฎ๐Ÿ’š says:

        Oh no, seriously with Dumbarosa? She makes me stabby, the hate I feel for her is so intense and I think CBS saved her tonight. They are going to take her as far as they can imo. Skanksville is being her typical bimbo self. I loved that she basically said she is a hooker, truth!! The rest seemed okay, didn’t really care for James but that’s just a first impression and we know how those can change. I kind of like the Hairspray woman, don’t know her name yet and I’m open to the rest of the cast. Kind of don’t like Mark, I think he’s full of himself.

      • I think her name is Marisa? Her and the beauty queen chick were the only 2 I didn’t know.
        Yeah, Mark and James were kinda eh for me, but the rest of the cast seem pretty sane so far. But like you said, that can and I’m sure will change very soon. I just need Brandi to continue to guzzle booze at a rapid pace so she can really start pissing ppl off and they give her ass the boot! Oh and I just love Ross so much, always have, I’m glad they cast him.

  6. Big Brother every day. Can’t wait.

    I just hope the celebrities will be playing really competetive as well. Not just sitting around and not taking the game seriously, you know?

  7. Yayyy this Celebrity BB is going to be so awesome to watch, Thanks BB for keeping the ideas flowing and for entertaining us so much……R

  8. so stupid too have a celebrity season. i will not watch for the first time in many years. just dumb.

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