Big Brother 26 Winner: Finale Results – Who Won? & America’s Favorite Revealed

Julie Chen Moonves hosts BB26 - CBS
Julie Chen Moonves hosts BB26 – CBS

Welcome to the Big Brother 26 finale event with a two-hour live show and our coverage starting right here at 9PM ET with all the results and winner announcement by the end of the night. After 90 days of Big Brother it’s time to find out who will be the winner of BB26!

Three Houseguests remain with Cam, Chelsie, and Makensy as one of these finalists will become the newest winner of Big Brother and $750,000 richer. That’s not all though because we’re anxious to find out who you have voted to become the latest America’s Favorite Houseguest for a $50,000 prize reward. Lots of questions waiting to be answered so let’s see what happens next on Big Brother 26!

Thanks to the Live Feeds we’ve already learned the spoilers on who won Round 1 and Round 2 but now we get to see it play out.

Big Brother 26 Finale โ€“ Final HOH Round 1:

This round is always an endurance and we already saw the start of this one. HGs were holding on to overhead handles while they floated around the backyard. Remember this was the whole conclusion to AINSLEY where HGs are trying to defeat the AI enemy with Derrick’s help.

Final HOH Round 1 on Big Brother 26 - CBS
Final HOH Round 1 on Big Brother 26 – CBS

Makensy dropped at 26 minutes and Cam fell at 37 minutes. Geez, these HGs are not built like they used to be! Congrats to Chelsie!

  • Winner of Round 1: Chelsie

Big Brother 26 Finale โ€“ Final HOH Round 2:

Now on to the second round which is usually a combination of both physical and mental. These are always my favorite of the Final HOH in part because they’re often so elaborate and grueling too! This time around it’s purely physical with no details about the season whatsoever.

Cam and Makensy in Round 2 HOH - CBS
Cam and Makensy in Round 2 HOH – CBS

Cam and Makensy had to run pieces through a puzzle to release them and then run cables around to complete enough connections before flipping the switch to dunk Ainsley and permanently knock her out of existence. Makensy is fast and knocks this out well ahead of Cam, but if you’ve been watching this season then that’s no surprise. She makes the connections and Ainsley’s power source falls into the pool below. Ainsley wasn’t happy about that one!

  • Winner of Round 2: Makensy

The winners from both of the first two rounds will now head to the third and final round. The winner here will get to decide who she wants to face in front of the Jury. It’s the last decision either HG gets to make in the game and this has time and time again been a make or break move for so many former Houseguests and near winners who instead took home second place. Don’t screw it up, HGs!

Big Brother 26 Finale โ€“ Jury Round Table:

Big Brother 26 Jury Round Table - CBS
Big Brother 26 Jury Round Table – CBS

“But First,” we need to hear from the Jury at the Round Table! The first six Jurors are already in place and have been brought over from the Jury House. They’re about to be reunited with Rubina who was just voted out on Thursday night. So this will be a surprise for them, but really I don’t think they’ll be shocked with this one. Once all back together we’ll hear them chat and discuss who they want to win, but remember these are heavily edited to often mislead us on the votes ahead.

Big Brother 26 Finale – Final HOH Round 3

Makensy and Chelsie will have to listen to three statements from each Juror’s AI prototype and then decide which of the three is false. One point for each time they get it right. Most points wins! These are hard questions!

Chelsie and Makensy in Round 3 - CBS
Chelsie and Makensy in Round 3 – CBS
  • Round 1: Both get a point
  • Round 2: Both get a point
  • Round 3: Both get a point
  • Round 4: Both get a point
  • Round 5: Both get a point
  • Round 6: Makensy gets a point
  • Winner of Round 3: Makensy

Makensy wins it on that last question when Chelsie swapped out her answer and it cost her. Now we find out who Makensy wants to take to the F2!

Big Brother 26 Finale โ€“ Final Eviction:

The winner of R3 now gets to make the choice of who she wants to sit next to for the Jury’s votes. No pressure, no pressure!

Makensy chooses between Cam and Chelsie - CBS
Makensy chooses between Cam and Chelsie – CBS
  • Final Evicted HG: Cam

Our Final 2 is set with Makensy and Chelsie! The vote is coming up after the pre-jury and jury reunions on the front stage. Stick around for the results tonight!

The Q&A session was brutal for Makensy. This Jury knows Chelsie was running Makensy like a puppet, but Makensy doesn’t seem to realize this still. This should be a landslide against Makensy, but maybe not unanimous.

Jurors vote on Big Brother 26 - CBS
Jurors vote on Big Brother 26 – CBS

Winner of Big Brother 26 โ€“ Jury Votes:

We’re back down to seven votes from the seven Jurors this season, so that of course means we need four votes at a minimum for the winner to be crowned. It’s time for the Jurors to approach the podium, give their one-liner, and drop in their key.

  • Quinn voted for: Chelsie
  • T’kor voted for: Chelsie
  • Leah voted for: Chelsie
  • Angela voted for: Chelsie
  • That’s enough votes!
  • Kimo voted for: Chelsie
  • Rubina voted for: Chelsie
  • Cam voted for: Chelsie

And the winner of Big Brother is… CHELSIE BAHAM!

Votes for Chelsie Baham - CBS
Votes for Chelsie Baham – CBS

Amazing! Julie reveals the last three votes were also for Chelsie which means she got everything single vote tonight. She deserved it! Thrilled for her with an impressive victory. Yep, Makensy got Cody’d, didn’t she?

Big Brother 26 Finale โ€“ Americaโ€™s Favorite HG:

You’ve been voting all weekend for the AFP crown. Now it’s time to find out which favorite HG gets the $50,000 bonus cash prize.

  • America’s Favorite Houseguest is… TUCKER!
Tucker wins AFP on BB26 - CBS
Tucker wins AFP on BB26 – CBS

Julie shared that never before has a pre-Jury evictee won AFP and I’m not surprised. That’s super hard to pull off when viewers can forget about you, but they did not forget about Tucker at all. Rounding out the top 3 for AFP was Angela and Quinn. Quinn? I’m a little surprised since he was on the receiving end of viewers voting against him earlier this season, but okay!

And before the night could finish out we get a surprising reveal… JANKIE is back! He returns to life and says when AINSLEY was destroyed he was rebooted. JANKIE leads all the HGs and the viewers for one last song of the season as the credits roll.

JANKIE returns on Big Brother 26 - CBS
JANKIE returns on Big Brother 26 – CBS

The next season of Big Brother is never far away and neither is our coverage. We will be back and so will Big Brother for season 27! Amazing, right? We’ll be sticking around for some post-season coverage too so make sure you join us in the months between, okay?

Download our Big Brother App, find us on Facebook & Twitter, and join us next season for more!



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