It’s Big Brother 26 finale day! One of the remaining F3 Houseguests is about to walk out the door to a giant check and confetti falling worth $750,000. One of them will get a nice little runner-up prize. And then don’t forget about the coveted $50K AFP prize that none of these three need to worry about that part.
Chelsie and Makensy have been dominating the season with control on the social side and the comps side of things between the two of them. Makensy has won ten competitions, eleven if she gets R3 tonight, while Chelsie has been pulling all the strings to make everything align just right for her and has plenty of wins too. It’s been an impressive mix between the two. Oh, and then there’s Cam. He sure is a friendly guy, and um, well yeah, he’s real nice too.
So who will win Big Brother 26 tonight? I don’t think it should be close, but it could be! Overnight Cam talked with Chelsie about how he saw the votes lining up so far and it’s not a bad read on the Jury.
Cam suggested things were tied at the moment with 3 votes to Makensy from Quinn, Angela, and Leah. Then 3 votes going to Chelsie with T’kor, Rubina, and Kimo. If that’s an accurate read then it would all come down to the final evicted HG and Cam sure is making a case for Chelsie to send him on a mission there for her to get that fourth vote and lock in the win.
Makensy’s game stands on her comp wins and those have been impressive. She made some terrible, like really bad terrible, moves through the season though and that’s going to cut into things for her when Chelsie presents her case. Chelsie was no slouch on the comps herself, so when she combines that with her carefully laid out presentation of the moves she made and the moves she convinced others to make then I think that will put her over the top.
If it’s Chelsie versus Makensy at the end I’m expecting a 5-2 win for Chelsie. Cam versus Chelsie would be a no-brainer, 7-0 sweep. That same situation should apply for Makensy too if she gets to the end with Cam. Now since we know Cam won’t get to make that choice and Makensy has already sworn her game to Chelsie, I don’t see the latter situation actually getting a chance to happen. Though I’m very very interested to see if Chelsie wins R3 would she cut Makensy as I think she should or if she’ll stick to the F2 plans with her.
So what about America’s Favorite? It’s gotta be Tucker from the votes you’re giving us in our AFP poll. Second place will (and should!) go to Angela. Those two Houseguests kept things lively and entertaining this season. Even if you didn’t “like” Angela she still made an excellent love-to-hate persona for Big Brother 26 and I think it’ll show up in the results. The third spot, that’s interesting. There aren’t any other standouts for me, but your votes in our unofficial poll put Leah in 3rd and Makensy close by in 4th. Either of those seem reasonable but inconsequential.
Now let’s hear your predictions! Who do you think will win Big Brother 26 and who will be America’s Favorite Houseguest at the end of the night?
Be sure to join us back here tonight for the season finale of Big Brother 26 at 9PM ET to find out which of our predictions come true.