Big Brother 26 Interviews: Tucker Des Lauriers – America’s Favorite Player

Tucker Des Lauriers - BB26 AFP - CBS
Tucker Des Lauriers – BB26 AFP – CBS

Was there ever any doubt that Tucker Des Lauriers would win America’s Favorite Player on Big Brother 26? The season’s most animated Houseguest, and that says a lot considering his competition from Angela Murray, was crowned AFP and awarded $50,000 during Sunday’s season finale thanks to viewer’s votes. Sure, Tucker seemed a little (okay, more than a little) awkward up on stage but that’s a big spotlight to stand in so we’ll cut him plenty of slack.

First up we’ve got Tucker’s interview with Sharon Tharp:

Next, Mike Bloom’s interview with Tucker for Parade:

Dalton Ross with EW has a written interview that’s worth a read too! Check out what Tucker had to say with Dalton about the season and its finale. Here’s a quick excerpt and then you should read the full article too.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Congratulations on winning America’s Favorite Houseguest. You’ve been off the show for a while, so were you surprised?

TUCKER DES LAURIERS: I had no idea. I really thought that Quinn, and Angela, and Leah was talked about, and Chelsie was talked about… I don’t know. I don’t like to count my chickens before they hatch. I was freaking out and trying to remain calm and just still be me under this intense scenario. So yeah, I didn’t really know. I had no idea. And all the polls were saying different things, so it was intense.

What are you going to do with the 50,000?

Well, I definitely owe Rubina a trip, so I’m going to start there and get Ziggy an older brother dog. Those are the only two things I have in mind right now. The rest will come as things come at me. I very much go with the flow. But yeah, I just got to take Rubina on a trip and formally apologize. That’s the first thing on my mind.

Congratulations to Tucker on his AFP win and the $50K prize money! He ended up winning more cash than Makensy did by the end of it and that’s pretty crazy.



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