Big Brother 26 Twist: JANKIE’s Double Veto

Double Veto on Big Brother

The JANKIE twist has arrived on Big Brother 26 and turns out there’s more to AINSLEY’s “Junior Assistant” than just a weeklong carnival in the backyard. He also brought with him an extra Power of Veto medallion and we’re still trying to catch up on just what this means for Week 9 of Big Brother.

Here’s what we know so far. On Saturday when the Feeds returned from the Veto competition we saw Leah wearing her medallion but it was different. This medallion wasn’t golden and had a J (for JANKIE) across it instead. Many of us just figured it was a variant for the week. Then we heard HGs mention something about Angela having one, but it was a quick reference and wasn’t mentioned again.

Sure enough, it turns out Angela won the Golden Power of Veto, her first Veto comp win of the season (despite already having been saved three times with someone else’s Veto). Angela had taken her medallion and set it over by one of the carnival games. Meanwhile Leah was flaunting her medallion around which is consistent if you remember she wore her last medallion victory around for a couple of days, on and off.

So what’s the difference with these Vetoes, the Golden and the JANKIE? Here’s what we know so far. Double Vetoes aren’t something new, just the first time for this season. One of those Vetoes would have to be played first and the order of these is what you’d expect. JANKIE-Veto goes first and then the Golden (real) one goes second. That way the true POV holder gets to react and respond accordingly.

Leah and Chelsie on BB26 - CBS
Leah and Chelsie on BB26 – CBS

We heard the HGs mention that whoever is saved from the first Veto can not be renom’d by the second Veto. That makes sense and should be expected. But something that sounded odd was HGs speculating about a possible game (carnival game, given the theme) might be required for Leah’s Veto use. I’m thinking that idea is speculation, but we’ll hear more on Wednesday’s episode.

Update Leah just now mentioned to Kimo something again about a game she’ll have to play to “unlock” her JANKIE Veto. Okay, so I guess that part is real.

Really we should get everything we need to know about these two Power of Vetoes in the Wednesday episode but we’ve got the Veto Meeting this Monday days before the show. So whatever happens will work out well before we know for certain all the details.

Will these Vetoes be used? I’m not so confident. Leah started her one-on-one talks Sunday afternoon and we’ll see. She surprised a lot of people when she saved Angela two weeks ago, so Leah isn’t entirely opposed to making waves, but I’m not so sure she feels the need when these were her Noms in the first place. And it’s unfortunate because her and Angela could have coordinated to do a sweep of the Block and started fresh with the two of them controlling all the power this week. Ah well.

Update 2: Oh wow! We’re hearing discussions on the Feeds. Angela is promising Kimo she’ll save him with her Veto and Leah is laying the ground work to Cam that she has concerns about Chelsie and Makensy. Something could be happening here!

What do you think of this 2x PoV twist? Might we see it in play this week or will it slip past as the first week we don’t see a Veto used this season?



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