Big Brother 26 Episode 28 Recap: Things Get ‘Jankie’

After weeks of one of the best twists in years, Big Brother 26 got back to its terrible and embarrassing roots this week by introducing the players to cringeworthy Jankie World.

Sunday night’s episode picks up after Quinnโ€™s eviction and Ainsley informing the houseguests that she is leaving them with a new robot to take care of them.ย 

Leah lets us know that she feels targeted and is tired of being on the outside of everything. And Angela is also unhappy because she voted out Kimo for the second week in a row. And everyone is over Angela. Chelsie even calls her a broken record.ย 

Itโ€™s time to meet the new AI bot holding down the fort while Ainsely is off doing whatever AI robots do. His name is Jankie. And he lets them know that they are going to be heading to Jackie World in the backyard. Thereโ€™s going to be ice cream, pizza, games, dancing โ€ฆ What he didnโ€™t tell them at first is that they have to live there for a week. As in sleeping in the backyard.ย 

And of course Jankie World is all sorts of silly and embarrassing things that have kept this show as far away from the Emmys as possible for the past 26 years.

Now itโ€™s time for the HOH competition. Itโ€™s an endurance competiton. All they have to do is hold a giant marshmallow on a stick and not drop the marshmallow. The last person standing will be the new Head of Household.ย 

Tโ€™Kor is out after 28 minutes.ย  Kimo is out after 1:10. Makensy drops her marshmallow after 2 hours and 28 minutes. After five hours Rubina drops.ย 

Only Angela, Cam and Leah remain. Leah, Angela and Cam agree that they wonโ€™t put each other up no matter who wins. And at the 8-hour mark, the three of them still remain.ย 

Angela decides to drop at the 9:43 mark. She tells Cam and Leah she wants one of them to have it. And since she made the deal with them she trusts them.ย 

Cam and Leah decide to try to make it harder for them so they do one leg up. And after 9:55 Cam drops. Leah is the new Head of Household.ย 

So what is Leah going to do? Surely she will seek a little revenge for Quinn going home and her also being a considered target last week. Right? Well, youโ€™d think, but maybe all the sugar and sleep deprevation from Jankie Wolrd got to her because she decides to nominate Rubina and Kimo instead to Chelsie and Makensy, who are fully responsible for Quinn going home.



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