Absolute craziness going on today in the Big Brother 26 House as we saw some very unconventional approaches to playing the game and I’m not sure who is making the worse move here as everyone seems to be trying to outdo the next foolish HG.
Tucker won the Veto on Saturday and you may remember he was nominated on Friday after he volunteered for it. So you’d think he used it on himself, right? Nope! This guy used it on Angela and wanted Cedric to renom Quinn so they could get Quinn out this week. But Tucker doesn’t understand that Cedric has The Pentagon with Quinn as a member. D’oh. So instead Cedric stuck with his plan to renom Makensy. Well guess what she did after saying she wouldn’t?
Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 3
- Tucker used the Veto on Angela
- Cedric named Makensy as the renom
- Makensy used her Veto power!
- Tucker, Kenney, and
Makensyare this week’s final noms - America will decide the 3rd nom this week
To his credit, Cedric did warn Tucker not to do this and to use the Veto on himself instead, but Tucker doesn’t want to play on “autopilot” anymore so he’s going for it in a blaze of glory. Now we’ve got Makensy renom’d for the Block and she’s got America’s Veto so she’ll just save herself, right? No! Wait, YES! Makensy kept saying she won’t use it and thinks she’s safe on the Block. But then we heard her tell Tucker after the meeting that she listened to Cedric saying most the HGs wanted her on the Block so she decided to play it.
So there we go. Tucker is out of his mind and Makensy has used her power with America set to name the 3rd nom in a viewer vote. We’re heading into Thursday where who knows what will happen.
We will keep watching to see what happens with Makensy and her Veto power’s renom. That’ll mix things up. The readers here indicate Quinn has nearly a third of the vote to be America’s renom for Thursday. Tucker could get his wish to see Quinn on the Block, but I’m not sure Quinn lacks the support he’d need to stay in the house. What a week of Big Brother!