Will this finally be the week we see one of the BBAI Upgrade powers put into action? The Big Brother 26 Houseguests faced off in the Veto competition on Saturday and after late night conversations it sounds like we may finally see an opportunity for America’s Veto to come into play.
Cedric took over HOH from Chelsie and he has struggled with nominations but it hasn’t been that hard with two of the three options being served up on a silver platter and the third volunteering for duty. Now it’s time for a fourth.
Tucker is going to use his newly won Veto medallion at Monday’s meeting and when he does Cedric seems to have finally been convinced to send Makensy to the Block, satisfying the calls of his allies who want to see her power burned before another week has passed. Another good reason to keep you mouth closed if you have a power/advantage/anything like this. Quinn has tried to keep his quiet but you go either totally silent or run the risk of everyone learning and just knowing that you haven’t told them too.
Cedric definitely looked for renom alternatives but he likely understands that if he resists too much against his allies they’ll start to wonder why he’s prioritizing another HG not in his many alliances. Of course Cedric has the reasonable concern of creating an unnecessary enemy in Makensy with her renom. Heavy is the head that wears the crown!
So what will happen when Makensy goes up is still uncertain. She’s already been campaigning and has to know she’s relatively safe on the Block against Kenney “Send Me Home” Kelley and Angela “CRAZY EYES” Murray, not to mention she’s got a possible out with the Arena battle. It’s entirely possible that Makensy rolls the dice and keeps that get-off-the-Block-free card in her back pocket for the Upgrade’s final round next week.
Now let’s say Makensy does use her Upgrade power, America’s Veto. In that case Makensy will let Big Brother know in the DR and she’ll be removed from the Block and the choice for a renom falls to the viewers, not Cedric for a 5th nomination, much to his relief I’m sure. Viewers will learn about the vote opportunity during Wednesday night’s episode and then the results will be revealed during Thursday’s live show. That’s kinda exciting, right?
America’s options for a renom will be Brooklyn, Cam, Chelsie, Joseph, Kimo, Leah, Quinn, Rubina, or T’kor. Everyone else is safe from nomination, renom, etc. So who would you pick from America’s Veto renom? Cast your vote now in our poll below and let’s see if this opportunity comes to pass!