It was quite a dramatic day in the Big Brother 26 house after Tucker shook things up at the veto meeting, which lead to Cedric making a move that wasn’t a part of Tucker’s plan, which in turn flushed out one of the secret powers. And there were some voices raised in the house. Read on for all the details of what went down at the veto meeting and and the dramatic fallout after.
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Read the Sunday Highlights Report before moving on to the latest events.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 5, 2024:
9:30 AM BBT – Houseguests are up starting the day.
9:34 AM BBT – Cedric tells Tucker they don’t have the votes to get Quinn out if Tucker vetoes Angela instea of himself. He tells Tucker to use the veto on himself. Tucker says he’s doign it anyway.
9:48 AM BBT – Cedric tells Quinn, Cam and Brooklyn about the plan Tucker and Kenney have to get Quinn on the block.
10:45 AM BBT – Feeds cut for an early veto ceremony.
12:13 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Everyone is in the living room. Tucker is heated. He used the veto on Angela and Cedric named Makensy as the replacement instead of Quinn as Tucker expected. Makesy then used her power to remove herself from the block (America’s nominee is pending of course).
12:14 PM BBT – Tucker tells Quinn he’s a great player and that’s who he wants out of the way first. Quinn says he doesn’t think great players get called out like this.
12:20 PM BBT – Makesny is annoyed how much better Tucker’s power is than hers. She tells Tucker that America might name Quinn as the replacement. Tucker says they might after all of this. Tucker says he can’t believe Cedric let him do this without telling him he wasn’t going to put Quinn up. He says oh well, at least everyone is playing Big Brother now.
12:25 PM BBT – Angela and Quinn are arguing in the kitchen. Quinn raises his voice, but feeds swtich. We arn’t sure what they were going at it about.
12:30 PM BBT – Tucker tells Kenney, Joseph and Leah that Cedric is his Number One target now.
12:31 PM BBT – Cedric tells Cam, T’Kor and Kimo that he hopes this shows the group who he’s rocking with. He says Tucker pitched this all to him and pretty much said this is what we are going to do. Cedric says he didn’t bring it to The Collective because he didn’t want to do that until he had a chance to talk to Quinn, but he never got that chance. He tells them that Quinn was never a replacement nominee option.
12:33 PM BBT – Cedric tells the other they need to agree that whoever America puts up is just a pawn. He says it would be too unfair to vote that person out.
12:44 PM BBT – Joseph and Rubina think Tucker can win the Arena competiton and agree that if he does they vote Kenney out regardless of who America puts on the block. Rubina asks what if it’s Tucker and Kenney? Joesph says they would need to discuss that.
12:45 PM BBT – Â Tucker tells Cam that to him, Cedric is now a scumbag. Cam tells Tucker that if Quinn does end up as the nominee they won’t vote Quinn out. Tucker says why won’t they since he was in an alliance with everyone.
12:50 PM BBT – Tucker says he’s gonna give it all he has to win the Arena competiton and if he doesn’t do it, that’s on him. He says at least they’ve finally got this game going. Cam tells Tucker that now he feels like Angela was telling the truth about a lot of stuff. Tucker says he feesl awful now for not believing Angela over Quinn.
12:55 PM BBT – Quinn is making his apology rounds. He is telling everyone he’s sorry for not being honest about his power. Joseph tells Quinn he doesn’t care and they have to just stay strong as a group.
1:03 PM BBT – Tucker tells Rubina even though they haven’t officially formed anything he’s always looking out for her. She says she is looking out for him also.
1:12 PM BBT – Rubina asks Tucker why he has been so risky about going up on the block. He tells her that it’s just a game. He says he wants to win but if he loses he loses. He tells Rubina that if he doesn’t win the Arena this week he’s gone. Tucker says he wants to break the first houseguest in curse.
1:13 PM BBT – Cedric tells Kenney that next week’s HOH belongs to Quinn, especially if Tucker is HOH.
1:16 PM BBT – Cedric tells Brooklyn The Collective is still solid and that whoever America nominates is safe. He says Tucker goes home.
1:18 PM BBT – Joseph says if Tucker stays and wins HOH Quinn can use his power and take over the HOH.
1:25 PM BBT – Joseph tells Cedric that Tucker was already a big target and now he’s really messed up. Joseph says if Tucker “is coming after you, then I am coming after him.”
1:34 PM BBT – Angela tells Cedric that move with Tucker to put up Quinn would have been a boss move. She tells him he threw that opportunity away. She tells him he should have stuck with Tucker. Angela says Quinn would have gone home with that power and Cedric would have that on his resume. She tells him he had a golden apple and he threw it away.
1:36 PM BBT – Angela lets Cedric know he needs someone to talk strategy with because he made a big blunder today.
1:50 PM BBT – Quinn tells Rubina he’s sorry he lied to her about the power. Rubina starts to cry and asks Quinn if he was ever real with her. He says yes he was.
2:43 PM BBT – Rubina and T’Kor agree that if it’s Tucker and Kenney on the block, they still vote out Kenney.
2:44 PM BBT – Rubina says she thinks America will do what Tucker wants as the replacement nominee. T’Kor asks who would stay if the nominees are Tucker and Cam. Rubina says she would lean more toward keeping Tucker.
2:45 PM BBT – Tucker tells Quinn he wanted him to be up so they could battle in the Arena. They are good with each other and both ackoweldge it’s just a game. They hug and joke around.
3:28 PM BBT – Joseph tells Tucker he sure made some good TV. Tucker said it was way too boring and says he’s not afraid to play the game like everyone else.
Not using the veto on yourself has never been a good idea. But Tucker was bored and seemed to believe that Cedric was on board, so he went through with it. So will Tucker now be the target or will the houseguests decide to finally send Kenney packing? Or will America’s nominee be more appealing than either of them? As of now, the consensus seems to be whoever America puts up would be too unfair to vote out. Some of these people don’t seem to know what game they’re playing. At any rate, this will prove to be quite a dramatic week, and that is all thanks to Tucker. His decisison might have been a really bad one, but it sure did shake things up.
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