Big Brother 25: Ghosts Surprise HGs For Exorcist Themed Veto Comp

Big Brother 25 on CBS

This weekend on Big Brother 25 the Houseguests will be competing for the Power of Veto but it won’t be just any regular ol’ competition. Oh no, there are going to be some demons in this one. Buckle up for, wait wait. Didn’t Scary Week end last week? So, what are we doing here? Anyway, here come the cheap scare thrills.

Last night on the Big Brother Feeds the HGs were treated to some surprise visitors behind the mirrored glass. Feeds cut a little after 10PM BBT and after they returned just before midnight HGs were discussing when and where they saw “ghosts” behind the glass.

Earlier on Friday CBS was running a short commercial (watch it below) showing the tie-in with the upcoming The Exorcist: Believer. So it’s safe to say between that commercial and the surprise guests last night that the Saturday Power of Veto competition will be set to the horror movie’s theme.

Cameron set his nominations on Friday and this will be his target’s last chance at safety. I don’t see any of the other HGs taking the risk to save this week’s target, despite what some of them have been telling her. That also means the other players will be fighting hard to make sure the target stays put on the Block.

The backyard has been free and open which indicates this next comp will be set up on the other stage they’re using. We’ll see it all come together on Tuesday’s episode. Yes, that’s your reminder that Veto episodes for the rest of the Big Brother 25 season have moved over to Tuesday nights at 8/7c. That’s a good opportunity to share that CBS has quietly decided to keep Thursday’s eviction shows back at 9/8c those nights too. Mercy.

Not everyone is too thrilled about the quick return to the Scaryverse (Blue shared her disappointment on that in a little camtalk last night) but for now we’ll await the Veto spoilers and see if it’s a nightmare in the making for Cameron’s plans this week.

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