Big Brother 25: Cameron Sets His Hit List Upon Revival

Cameron Hardin as HOH on Big Brother 25 - CBS

Nothing like a second chance at Big Brother and this week’s revived Houseguest Cameron Hardin is not about to squander this opportunity. Just hours after returning from the undead thanks to an oversized zombie ball roll comp he had secured his safety and started working on shoring up his network of allies and setting his targets for the coming weeks.

You’ll remember over the past week how we saw Cameron making lots of deals with various HGs to set things up for his eventual and expected return on Thursday night. So now that he’s back, not only is he taking a second swing at the game he’s even got himself a nice little week of safety thanks to winning Head of Household.

With Cameron being back, safe, and in control who is rising to the top of his lengthy target list?

Flashback to 1:02 AM BBT 9/29 on Cams 3/4 (get your Free Trial now) to find Cameron meeting with his fellow Fugitives, Matt Klotz and Jag Bains.

Cameron talks with Matt and Jag on BB25 - CBS
Cameron talks with Matt and Jag on BB25 – CBS

The Fugitives were going over their worries and Cameron is leading them through who he sees as their real threats and who can be set to the side for now. Blue has been a close ally for Jag and now that Jared is gone you’d think Jag might be looking to pull her close, but surprisingly not.

Cameron highlights how Blue is going to play for Blue and Jag admits she could be moved up on the target list with little impact on their game. The same goes for Mecole as they note that neither are deeply intertwined with enough HGs to rock the boat.

Cameron reveals to Matt and Jag his current rankings of targets:

  1. Felicia
  2. Mecole
  3. Blue
  4. Cory
  5. Cirie
  6. America
  7. Bowie

Okay, so are we really going to sit here and believe that Felicia is Cameron’s top target this week? I feel like we watched this movie already when he pulled a fast one on the HGs and changed his targets from the claims of Blue and Jag to suddenly Izzy and Felicia with his main target on Izzy. So maybe he’s coming back to clean up the loose end of Felicia?

And what’s really going on with Cameron getting so close to Matt and Jag? Remember how he told Cirie he wanted to infiltrate those two then dismantle their pairing from within? Well he’s certainly setting himself up for that with this little getting-closer conversation. So who is Cameron lying to? Cirie or Matt & Jag?

We’ll see what he does with his nominations later on Friday evening and I’ll remain curious on this all the way through Monday’s Veto ceremony with the final noms of Week 9 will be set.

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