Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Felicia And Cameron Discuss Her Impending Nomination

Big Brother 25-Felicia and Cameron discuss her nomination (9/29/23)

Itโ€™s Friday in the Big Brother 25 house, which means that itโ€™s time for a round of Head of Household conversations. Some of the unofficial ones happened last night. Others happened this morning. However, the official ones have just begun. One of Cameronโ€™s first meetings was with Felicia. Currently, Felicia is Cameronโ€™s target for eviction.

Felicia is Cameronโ€™s target because he believes she can influence the houseguests. Therefore, he doesnโ€™t want her in the jury potentially swaying the jury against him winning the game, if he makes it to the finale. Cameron and Felicia eased into their game talks by rehashing old information. However, around 11:13 am BBT, Felicia disclosed that she goes by her gut feelings.

She said her gut tells her that Cameron is putting her on the block. There was immediate silence. Then Cameron explained why he was putting her on the block, without confirming it. He said she is good at persuading people in the house.

Big Brother 25-Felicia and Cameron discuss her nomination (9/29/23)

She objected and said Cirie deserves that title. He ignores this statement and the conversation continues as Felicia tries to explain why she sees Cirie as the one manipulating the game. She also said she sees how the house operates with him. They are his friends when heโ€™s in power, but run from him when he isnโ€™t in power.ย 

They then discuss prior weeks with them both nominating each other. He said her nominating him with Hisam hurt his game. Hisam threw him under the bus, and he’s still trying to fight his way back from stuff Hisam said about him. Felicia responded that she could also say that Cameron nominating her hurt her game. She learned a whole lot from being nominated next to Izzy. Cameron adds that, however, she got a heads-up from him and was able to save her game.ย ย 

Cameron reassured Felicia that nominating her wouldn’t be a personal move. It would only be because sheโ€™s a great player. He told her that he had no backdoor plans.ย  Therefore, heโ€™s giving her a chance to fight for her game. Cameron also questioned Felicia about whether she would vote for him in the end if he made it to the final two. She confirmed that she would give him her vote because he had to fight his way to the end.ย 

Felicia talking to the other houseguests. (9/29/23)-Big Brother 25

The conversation ended with Felicia asking Cameron who he would nominate next to him. He joked and didn’t give her an answer on his other nominee.ย 

Cameron plans to nominate Mecole and Felicia later today. Now Felicia just has to wait for it to happen. She did plea for him to not nominate her, but he seems set on his decision.

Is Felicia the right move for Cameron this week?



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