Big Brother 25: Veto Ceremony Plans for Week 6

Update: Veto Meeting is over! Get the PoV spoilers here now…

This week of Big Brother 25 has been full of surprises with Cameron in the Head of Household position and no one really knows where his head is at. First, he had the whole house convinced that he was going to be nominating Jag and Blue, which wasn’t his plan in the least. He then puts Izzy and Felicia on the block which shocked the rest of his fellow Big Brother houseguests. This instilled some fear in the Big Brother house as the houseguests came to realize that the downfall to Cameron not having any allies that he trusts in the house is that he isn’t going to share his true intentions with anyone.

The Power of Veto competition was stacked in Izzy and Felicia’s favor with Matt, Jared, and Jag all playing in the competition. Soon after the players were picked, Jared and Matt started to contemplate what they would do if they won the Veto. They both agreed that it was probably better for them to keep the nominations the same in order to not risk anyone else in their alliance. After the competition played out, there was no inclination as to who Cameron’s real target is this week. He convinced Izzy and Felicia that they were both pawns which was step two of his four-step plan. So what are the other two steps?

Based on conversations inside the house between Cameron and Jared, there are two ways that this week could go. They could keep the noms the same and still break out the trio that consists of Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia or Cameron could try to drop a bomb on the house. With Jared holding the Veto this week, we will likely see the noms stay the same, however, Cameron’s alternative plan would be for Jared to use the Veto and then put Cirie on the block this week.

Even though Jared has been having some fun telling the other Big Brother houseguests that he thinks Cameron wants him to use the Veto and he has been trying to stay on Cameron’s good side, I wouldn’t count on any surprises during the Veto Ceremony for Week 6 of Big Brother. Outside of causing a lot of houseguests to worry about what Cameron might do with a renom option available to him, Jared knows that Cameron would likely put Cirie up if given the opportunity and won’t put his mom’s game at risk. Even if he knows he would be able to get her the votes to stay.

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