‘Big Brother 25’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Last Night? Week 9

Head of Household Results on Big Brother - CBS

One less Zombie around these parts of the Big Brother 25 house and that means it’s finally time to find out who won HOH last night! Everyone left in the house was eligible to compete for the new HOH even though Cory was the outgoing HOH thanks to a whole week in between.

Cameron is back and he’s got some potential allies but I think how his week goes is really going to depend on these results. Who will have the power and who will want to use that position to build their numbers as we enter the second half of the season? Let’s check the results on the winner.

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 9 HoH Comp:

  • Cameron is the new Head of Household
Cameron is the new HOH on Big Brother - CBS
Cameron is the new HOH on Big Brother – CBS

Wowza, he has done it again for the third time by taking over the Head of Household room and just as before, Cameron was in need of that safety. This also marks the point that should guarantee Cameron making it to at least Jury this season.

Now the big decision here: who will Cameron target? He had spent last week positioning himself with as many HGs as he could. Now that he’s back and in control he will have to show his cards a little bit. I don’t expect he’ll target America & Cory and it won’t be Bowie. Will he break or keep his promise to Cirie about trying to infiltrate Jag and Matt to split them up?

Big Brother 25 Week 9 Nominations & Veto:

Nominations are coming up on Friday then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a busy weekend so download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.

Who do you want to see heading to the Block this week?



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