Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 9: Thursday Night Highlights

Blue and America on Big Brother 25 - CBS

We’ve got a new HOH and the season is back on for Big Brother 25 after the down week of Zombie Apocalypse that tried its best to wipe out the momentum. Now with a return to power this HOH should be set and ready to make his targets known in the last bid to get out a HG before the Jury is set.

Overnight the HGs reacted to the departure of Jared and that set off a few tears for Blue before she gathered herself and started naming targets of her own. Meanwhile though her allies Jag and Matt are starting to move her down their list, but she isn’t on Cameron’s top two spots just yet.

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Be sure to read the Wednesday Daytime Report before moving to the overnight below.

Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, September 28, 2023:

10:34 PM BBT – Feeds return. No HOH key in sight.

10:45 PM BBT – America and Blue joking with Jag about him putting Blue up because of the memwall pattern showing she’s next.

10:55 PM BBT – Cory mentions to Cameron about going up to Cameron’s HOH room yet again. There’s our new HOH winner.

11:10 PM BBT – Blue is getting a little teary eyed. Bowie, Jag, and Matt give her a big group hug to cheer her up.

11:25 PM BBT – Cameron is moving his bags to upstairs.

11:30 PM BBT – Blue talks with Cirie about feeling sad. Cirie points out how much the audience cheered for Jared when he went out. Blue changes topics to America cheering for Cameron in the comp. She expects America will go to Cameron when Cory is out.

11:45 PM BBT – Blue begins her brain dump to Cirie on everything she has heard recently now that Jared is gone.

11:50 PM BBT – Cirie anticipates Mecole will shift away from Felicia if she is the target. Cirie expects Mecole will go to Blue instead of Cory/America.

12:00 AM BBT – HGs discussing the HOH comp. It was a puzzle, non-athletic.

12:05 AM BBT – America arrives in the Comic room with Cirie and Blue. America is feeling down that she hasn’t won anything. Cirie encourages her that her time will come for one of the comps.

12:15 AM BBT – Cameron is getting his HOH room. The letter is from his mom.

12:30 AM BBT – The HOH celebration is broken up. Matt and Jag stay behind for a Fugitives moment with Cameron. Discussion suggests Matt was in second place. Cameron says he considered throwing it to Matt but thought it’d look bad. Cameron thinks Jared could have done the Zombie challenge but Matt disagrees based on Jared’s other performances.

12:35 AM BBT – Matt anticipates he’ll be pitched for going up along with Jag. Cameron says they have to keep this undercover and can’t reveal to others that they’re working together.

12:40 PM BBT – Cameron says he’s waiting until Friday for his talks. He says Felicia knows she’ll be going on the Block.

12:45 AM BBT – Blue camtalks that she completely trusts Cirie and meanwhile wants to work with Matt and Jag but knows she’ll be the odd one out of that trio eventually. Blue hopes that Cameron will target Cory but expects it’ll be Felicia.

12:55 AM BBT – Matt thinks Blue would take a swing at Cory. Cameron says he likes Blue too but she would come after them if she had to. Jag suggests Bowie could be their 4th instead of Blue.

1:30 AM BBT – Cory and America in bed chatting. Cory expects when the time comes they’ll be nominated together.

2:25 AM BBT – America talks with Mecole. They think Cameron will be direct in his nominations this time.

2:45 AM BBT – HGs are anxious to get some sleep but are waiting on Big Brother to call them to their DRs.

4:05 AM BBT – Blue talks with Matt that her targets are Cameron first then Cory and America. She wants to get it down to her, Matt, Jag, and Cirie.

Cameron going for Felicia and Mecole seems a little weak, but if he thinks Felicia is his biggest threat then that’ll be his plan. We’ll see what happens with Noms getting confirmed on Friday and then the Veto comp on Saturday.

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