Wednesday’s Big Brother premiere episode was hit by the Multiverse Scramble twist and put the cart before the horse with nominations being set before a Head of Household was even crowned. Now we’ve got to backfill the results and get us an HOH to go along with these four nominations. Yep, everything is wacky so far but I guess that’s the whole idea of this twist!
The competition took place today inside the Big Brother 25 house without the usual Thursday night audience but the Live Feeds are back and we’ve got your BB25 results!
Read on for the spoilers and see who will be… well they sure won’t be naming the noms in the week ahead since that’s already done, but I suppose at least they’ll be safe if there’s a renom. Speaking of, maybe the Veto will be forced this round so they can knock things down to just three nominees? We’ll just have to see how that plays out.
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Don’t forget to sign up for the Big Brother Live Feeds right now so you don’t miss anything else this season. Anything you want to watch from our Highlights report is always available using the rewind feature to pick any day, time, and camera to watch it again. Enjoy!
Big Brother 25 Week 1 HoH Comp:
- Reilly is the new Head of Household
Update: HGs discussed that Reilly will save two of the four nominees to leave us with the regular two-count on the Block this week.
Now since Noms are already set we don’t fully know what will happen next, though we still have the Veto comp ahead and we don’t even know how that’ll play out this round either. It’s possible Reilly will have to pick two of the noms to keep out of the four? Dunno yet. Between the twists and the first week chaos this is going to be an interest round!
Stay close by and we’ll keep you updated all weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.