Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Week 1: Thursday Daytime Highlights

Last night we officially kicked off Big Brother 25 with an interesting twist that put four houseguests on the block with no Head of Household even being named. Today on the Big Brother live feeds, we watched as the houseguests continued to get to know one another. One houseguest is starting to get a little paranoid, Cirie and Jared had a chance to quickly update each other, and then the HOH competition took place.

After the feeds came back up from the HOH comp, there was some speculation as to what could happen next since it was revealed that this week’s HOH has a decision to make. If you haven’t seen the Big Brother live feeds for Thursday, keep reading to get a quick recap of what took place!

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Big Brother 25 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, August 3, 2023:

8:55 AM BBT – Kirsten tells Izzy that the vibes are weird with the people in the room with them. Kirsten tells Izzy that Hisam was talking to Jared last night and trying to calm him down when he was freaking out about being on the block.

9:10 AM BBT – HGs are waking up.

9:20 AM BBT – Izzy and Cirie are talking and Izzy asks her if she thinks that Kirsten, Mecole, and America are a thing. Cirie says she thinks that Kirsten is scrambling and mentions their conversation from earlier and how Kirsten was asking if she should lay low.

9:25 AM BBT – Jag tells Matt and Rielly that he thinks the three of them should mingle with some of the people they haven’t talked to yet just in case they win HOH.

10:00 AM BBT – HGs are making breakfast and having general conversations.

11:05 AM BBT – Cirie quickly fills Jared in on how Kirsten is scrambling becuase she is worried she is doing too much and because she was saying stuff about some of them last night. She tells him that she likes Hisam, but Cameron, Luke and Matt don’t really talk to her. Says that’s okay as long as they talk to him. She thinks Kirsten might know about them being related.

11:10 AM BBT – Cirie and Felicia are chatting about Kirsten and how she is paranoid and how America told Kirsten last night that she can’t pull America out of rooms with other people and make it look like they are working together. Felicia thinks that she is making too many alliances and people are going to catch on.

11:28 AM BBT – After an extended downtime, feeds flip to adoptable animals.

1:52 PM BBT – Feeds return with Reilly wearing the HOH key around her neck.

2:02 PM BBT – Cirie, Izzy and Jared are talking in the bedroom about Reilly winning HOH. Jared thinks he has a good shot of being safe and Cirie suggests that as soon as he has a chance to talk to Reilly, he should.

2:05 PM BBT – Izzy, Cirie and Jared are going over scenarios and trying to figure out who is most likely to come off the block (sounds like Reilly might be able to save two people). Jared thinks that him and Felicia will come down because he doesn’t see Reilly ever talking to Cory or Kirsten.

2:15 PM BBT – Cirie and Kirsten are talking in the storage room, Cirie is asking how her relationship is with Reilly and she tells Cirie that Reilly told her she was good, but doesn’t really know what that means.

2:17 PM BBT – Kirsten tells Cirie that she would never put a man up over a one of the women in the house if she won HOH.

2:26 PM BBT – Jag, Jared, Red, and Matt are all talking in the SR now. Jag confirms that as HOH Reilly can take two of the current noms off the block.

2:43 PM BBT – Jared tells Luke and Matt that he thinks that nominees are tonight and the Veto is likely tomorrow.

2:50 PM BBT – Jared asks Luke and Matt who they are most comfortable outside fo their three. Matt and Luke agree on Jag and Reilly. Jared says he really like Blue and Matt and Luke agree that she is cool. Jared tells them that they have to be careful about Kirsten. They all agree that Cory is not trustworthy.

2:55 PM BBT – Jared tells Matt and Luke that he thinks they should bring in one of the older people. Mentions that either Cirie or Felicia would be loyal. Matt thinks that they could get Cirie in with them. Luke says he is worried that Felicia might be staying on the block.

2:57 PM BBT – Kirsten is telling Hisam that Red is in an alliance with Cory and a few of the other guys. She says that Red has denied being in an alliance, but she doesn’t believe him.

3:00 PM BBT – Kirsten is still talking to Hisam about how worried she is about the alliances that are forming. Hisam tells her that there have been plenty of times where alliances have formed in the beginning that don’t take off. Kirsten says that the social cander in this house is too good for these alliances to not work out.

There you have it folks! We have a new HOH in charge and as HOH, Reilly will be able to take two of the current four nominees off the block. Some of the HGs are speculating that the nomination ceremony could happen today, however, nothing has been confirmed. At this point, it really could be anyone coming off the block at this week’s Nomination Ceremony, but Jared does have a pretty good relationship with some of Reilly’s early allies. Who do you think has the best shot at coming off the block?

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