Big Brother 25 Premiere Watch Party [Photos]

While we were watching the Big Brother 25 premiere from our couches, past houseguests and other reality TV stars were in New York City club watching together.

Big Brother 23 houseguest Azah hosted the event, as part of her House Chops Big Brother Summer events. The sold-out event featured BB24 winner Taylor Hale and more than 25 other guests from Big Brother, Survivor and Netflix’s Love is Blind. And thanks to the Instagram accounts of BB24 HGs Indy, Joseph, Brittany, Ameerah, Turner and Monte, we’ve got a photo gallery of the event to share with you below. And of course, for more photos, check out those Instagram accounts.

Azah’s House Chops Big Brother events are set to go on through November 9. The next event is set for Aug. 10 ย in Detroit. Then Sept. 14 in Washington DC, Oct. 5 in Atlanta and Nov. 9 in Los Angeles for the BB25 finale part. You can check ticket details on her Instagram @wonderfulworldofaz.

Big Brother 25 Premiere Watch Party Photo Gallery

SOURCES: @wonderfulworldofaz, @indysantosofficial, @britt.hoopes, @turnurr, @abdinjoseph, @ameerous, @taylord_fit_



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