Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup – Week 5

Cirie shocked on Big Brother 25 - CBS

Here are all the latest Big Brother spoilers over the weekend so far for Big Brother 25 as the Houseguests were shocked by a surprise canceled eviction vote that kept Jag in the game and sent Cameron back to the danger zone. But with the week wiped out everyone had another shot at winning this next HOH comp.

The BB25 game has gone past that now though with the Nominations Ceremony for Week 5 setting the HGs on the Block and the itty-bitty Veto returned on Saturday with a whip-fast competition that’s set to turn the game upside again. But what would Big Brother 25 be without nonstop vote flips and waffles? Now onto the BB spoilers!

Head of Household comp in Week 5 of Big Brother 25 - CBS
Head of Household comp in Week 5 of Big Brother 25 – CBS

Head of Household:
No fancy endurance competition this week. Instead it was the exciting, fast paced HOH knockout battle. You know the one where two HGs start it off and then the winner goes back to the player pool after picking the next two players to pick. This one is always good for revealing what’s happening and who is truly protecting each other.

We’ll have to see how this plays out tonight, but sounds like Cameron and Red (and maybe Bowie) were repeatedly called on to play until they were eliminated. Then it got to the end and the winner become HOH when his opponent slapped the wrong button and was knocked out on her own.

Read who is the HOH for Week 5 >>

Noms were a no brainer this week. Cameron hasn’t been popular with the other HGs and better to go after him now then let him hang around and get another HOH. The side nom was an easy pick too because the power alliances want this one out too, just not as badly as Cameron.

There wasn’t much debate on the noms and probably not much of a surprise either when the faces appeared on the screen. We’ll see that in tonight’s episode.

Read who was nominated in Week 5 >>

Cameron on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Cameron on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Power of Veto Competition:
It’s the return of the Teeny-tiny Power of Veto! Yep, it’s time for some tweezers and steady hands. This one looks awful to me, but most of them are. The game was on the line for the noms and it’s not an exciting week of Big Brother without some obstacles on the road to crowning a winner.

Yep, one of this week’s noms grabbed that medallion and now a change will have to be made. The HOH isn’t thrilled and the debate continues even now on what to do.

Read who won the Power of Veto in Week 5 >>

Power of Veto Meeting:
The Head of Household isn’t thrilled about this situation and it’s creating some good chaos on the Feeds. Jared isn’t sure who to trust and he’s got some suspicions about what’s happening, but not all of them are correct. Will he send America to the Block as a pawn, Jag as a new target, or Matt as a volunteer?

Discussions have continued on Sunday afternoon after some tears yesterday over this debate. Cirie loves the idea of Matt volunteering, that’s cut and dry, but Jared is exploring taking a second swing at Jag this week and that isn’t getting as much support as he probably expected. We’ll have to keep watching the Live Feeds to see what happens next.

What do you think of this weekendโ€™s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the win? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you donโ€™t have it, then be sure to download our app now!



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