‘Big Brother 25’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Last Night? Week 5

Head of Household Results on Big Brother - CBS

Another Houseguest was nearly voted out last night on Big Brother until the Power of Invincibility reared up and snatched that victory from Cameron. Oops. Guess he held a button down nearly fourteen hours for nothing. Ah well. Now we need to find out who won HOH last night on Big Brother 25! Let’s catch up on all the results and spoilers as we start a new week in BB25.

Since Jag was pulled back from the brink of eviction (he was going out 10-0 before the Power shut it down) the entire week ends up a do-over which means Cameron can compete this week, but oddly so can Felicia, so not really a do-over but still I get why they’re letting Cameron compete. Just think, he held a button for nearly 14 hours for nothing after all…

So back on the Feeds we waited for several hours after the show ended to discover who had won HOH and here we go with the redo week!

Big Brother 25 Week 5 HoH Comp:

  • Jared is the new Head of Household
Blue and Jared on Big Brother - CBS
Blue and Jared on Big Brother – CBS

Oh my what a shift this could turn out to be after Jared’s showmance was on the Block this past week. Will he go after Cameron for revenge? Ehh, I’d guess he’ll need to ask his mom what she wants him to do first, right?

Let’s keep watching overnight and on Friday to see what Jared discusses behind closed doors. Oh no, speaking of that, I guess Jared will have that HOH room to chill with Blue. We’re going to be seeing even less of those two than we have the past week! And no, production won’t put that on the Feeds when they’re in there. Long ago they would have, but no more.

As for the competition itself, the HGs faced a knock-out style comp and that wouldn’t have taken long. In fact, when Feeds returned the HGs mentioned they were done with the comp hours earlier. Seems production was probably just waiting for the west coast broadcast to conclude. That’s annoying.

Head of Household comp in Week 5 of Big Brother 25 - CBS
Head of Household comp in Week 5 of Big Brother 25 – CBS

Big Brother 25 Week 5 Nominations & Veto:

Nominations are coming up on Friday then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a busy weekend so download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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