Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 4 Nominations

Nominations today on Big Brother 25

Here are the latest Big Brother 25 spoilers with the nominations in Week 4 following the crazy, nearly 14-hour endurance HOH competition overnight. A new Head of Household is in charge and this time he won’t be hitting the Block himself for a change. I imagine that’s a nice reprieve after a few weeks.

It did not take long for Cameron to set his targets for the week once the HOH competition concluded this morning. When nearly everyone else went on to sleep Cameron sat down in the kitchen and studied the Memwall. He remarked to the camera that he had a new feather in his hat and that name would soon be spoken at the ceremony. Well, there’s only one HG sporting feathers right now.

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Cameron talks with Bowie on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Cameron talks with Bowie on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Bowie joined Cameron in the kitchen and he was running her through some of his plotting and planning. It was funny to hear him tell her how he thinks Cirie is leery of Jared but Felicia is trying to work with him. Either way, that trio is not high on Cameron’s list, but he is running the risk of some collateral damage on this one.

Big Brother 25 Week 4 Nominations:

  • Cameron nominated: Blue & Jag

We’ll have to see what the house decides for a target between then but of course we’ve still got the Veto to decide who ends up as the final noms of the week. Plenty of time left to figure all this out.

Coming up we’ve got the Power of Veto competition on Saturday and then Monday for the Veto Meeting. Sunday at 8/7c we’ll get the next episode with the HOH comp and these nominations.

What do you think of these picks? Were these the right choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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